SSCMS-Sri Sri Centre for Media Studies
This Seminar report gives you all essential information related to greenwashing. Greenwashing is term used for promoting goods and services by use environment friendly labels. To learn more about it, 'Eco World Site.pdf' file is attached with this report.
MEC-Mahendra Engineering College
it explains all four types of values which will using in motors and pump selection terminology,and what are the compenonts they are using and with their specification.<br /> pumps mostly hardware component so handle is easy to do work with selecting value position the working will get easy....
SMU-Sikkim Manipal University
This lecture is a technical terminology specific for the SECURE INTERNET VERIFICATION which is a preliminary topic when you start with the subject. It is very important to get every detail about this topic correctly since this works as the backbone for many of the additional topics in the overall syllabus. To cover the entire topic in just one book and to make it easier to understand a document has been attached for the convenience of students.
SGI-Sobhasaria Group Of Institutions
Verbal Reasoningis a very important in engineering discipline and due to the extensive application and complexity of it, many of us find it a little difficult to understand at first and therefore we need assistance to cover the topic. You can download the attached document which is designed especially and carefully to deal with all the doubts.
MCNUJC-Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication
From this project the HR depatment get the proper tack and they will have a correct record of the employers. The project design in such a way that the the whole project will have a record of employee, leaves, employee time, attendance and many other necessary records. It is very much useful for the HR organization to add new policies and it has whole record of the employee.
DADGITM-Dr Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology and Management
Northern India Engineering College MBA National Seminar 2012
AMSSOI-Andhra Mahila Sabha School of Informatics
An organizational model is a representation of an organization that helps us to understand more clearly and quickly what we are observing in organizations. Burke explains the many ways in which organizational models are useful (in Howard and Associates, 1994):<br /> <ul> <li> Models help to enhance our understanding of organizational behavior.</li> <li> Models help to categorize data about an organization.</li> <li> Models help to interpret data about an organization.</li> </ul> <br /> The models are presented in the chronological order in which they first appeared in the literature. The models reviewed in this section include:<br /> <ol> <li> Force Field Analysis (1951)</li> <li> Leavitt’s Model (1965)</li> <li> Likert System Analysis (1967)</li> <li> Open Systems Theory (1966)</li> <li> Weisbord’s Six-Box Model (1976)</li> <li> Congruence Model for Organization Analysis (1977)</li> <li> McKinsey 7S Framework (1981-82)</li> <li> Tichy’s Technical Political Cultural (TPC) Framework (1983)</li> <li> High-Performance Programming (1984)</li> <li> Diagnosing Individual and Group Behavior (1987)</li> <li> Burke-Litwin Model of Organizational Performance & Change (1992)</li> <li> Falletta’s Organizational Intelligence Model (2008)</li> </ol>
AMSSOI-Andhra Mahila Sabha School of Informatics
<strong>Satir Change Model</strong><br /> <br /> Satir Change Process model, named after Virginia Satir, an American author and psychotherapist. Her model is best represented in the diagram below which describe Performance fluctuations as a result of change.<br /> <br /> The diagram depicts several stages of accepting change. The first stage is known as Status Quo (Gray Zone), a state where everyone is generally comfortable with the way things are. The second stage is a point in time a Foreign Element, trigger or change agent is introduced. What follows is a period of Resistance and Chaos (Red Zone), personified as a result of people being scared of the uncertainties the change has brought about and how their lives will be impacted.<br /> <br /> The level of performance generally drops off and fluctuates more greatly between the Gray and Red Zones. There are various reasons for this – people may reject the change to protect the status quo; are confused with the change and are unsure of what to do; or simply become less competent with the new tools and processes introduced.<br /> <br /> This describes why people by nature resist change. They don’t want to become less useful than they already are.
AMSSOI-Andhra Mahila Sabha School of Informatics
<strong>Resistance To Change</strong><br /> <br /> We all go through one form of transformation or the other, whether it is work or relationship related. In fact, even companies experience occasional organizational change(s) that can affect the life or career of their employees either positively or negatively.<br /> <br /> As mentioned earlier, everyone can and will experience challenges in life, so whether you like it or not you will need to prepare yourself for this, rather than having resistance to change. Keep in mind that life itself is a constant change, there is nothing permanent in life. Just like the fact, that we will all grow old and our appearances change, and there is nothing we can do to stop it from happening.<br /> <br /> What you can do to manage change in your life is to turn it into another opportunity, as resistance to change will not be good for you and for everyone around you, especially if you continue to resist the fact of life. Although, it is the human instinct to resist change, not because we do not understand change or why it happens but because we are afraid to start all over again, if such change does not work out in our favour.<br /> resistance to changes<br /> <br /> Resistance to Change<br /> <br /> Fear is the reason why most individual are resistance to change. If you are in a middle of a difficult and painful transition in your relationship or work life, then all you have to do is to analyze your situation and understand how you feel. Reacting negatively or defensively will not help you at all; rather it could even make things worse.<br /> <br /> We must accept that change is part of life and it is most times good for us. It is pertinent to note, resistance can be healthy especially if you do not react in a negative way. How? It’s because, change actually forces you to think about your life and clarify matters that you may have neglected in the past, as you routinely go about your life. It may even broaden your understanding why there is resistance to change.<br /> <br /> So instead of thinking or finding different ways to resist the change, why don’t you find a way to help reduce the impact of change in your life and who knows it might be a step forward to a better life. Remember, life is too short so do not waste it by struggling to fight change, because you will never win. Go out and conquer your fear, there is nothing to be afraid, change will happen to every one of us in our lifetime.
AMSSOI-Andhra Mahila Sabha School of Informatics
<br /> <strong>Goods and services meaning:</strong><br /> <br /> Goods - things you can touch - “tangible”<br /> <br /> Services - things you can’t touch - but you can see their effect “intangible”“… services are not physical, they are intangible…”<br /> <br /> <strong>Types of goods and Services:</strong><br /> <ul> <li> Consumer Goods</li> <li> Consumer Services</li> <li> Industrial Goods</li> <li> Industrial Services</li> </ul>
NIFFT-National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology
Marketing Management is the MBA 1st year paper of Ranchi University.The paper consists of a total of 75 marks and the time allotted for completion is 3 hours.Both short and long questions are asked in this paper.
CET-College of Engineering Trivandrum
This is the paper of PGDMM in university of kerala.It contain total of 100 marks and 3 hours duration. There are five main questions, out of which all are divided into five sub-questions. Each of the main questions carries five, ten, fifteen, thirty and forty marks respectively.There is no option in first 3 question and in 4th and 5th student must answer 3 questions
ACACS-Abhinav College of Arts Commerce and Science
Marketing Management is the paper of MBA, 1st year in Bharathiar university.The paper consists of a total of 100 marks and the time allotted for its completion is 3 hours. The paper consist of 8 questions out of which 5 must be answered. The paper may or may not have sub-parts.
ICFAI-ICFAI University
Advertising Communication is the paper of the MBA Degree under the discipline of Advertising Communication from the ICFAI University.The questions are divided into two parts. The first one contains objective questions and the second one contains descriptive questions which maybe sub divided. The total mark of the exam is 80 and the total time allotted is 2 and half hours.
JNC-Jyoti Nivas College
Distorted Market Signals <ol> <li> Companies that have deployed Internet are confused by distorted market signals</li> <li> Revenue Side – Sales figures can be unreliable:</li> </ol> <ul> <li> Subsidized sales, such as no sales tax</li> <li> Curiosity shopping</li> <li> Some revenues from online commerce have been received in the form of stock rather than cash</li> </ul> <ol> <li> Cost Side also fuzzy</li> </ol> <ul> <li> Subsidized procurement</li> <li> Understating the need for capital</li> </ul>
JNC-Jyoti Nivas College
Revenue Side – Sales figures can be unreliable:<br /> Subsidized sales, such as no sales tax<br /> Curiosity shopping<br /> Some revenues from online commerce have been received in the form of stock rather than cash
JNC-Jyoti Nivas College
Objectives: <ul> <li> To examine the structure of the magazine and newspaper industries and the role of each medium in the advertising program</li> <li> To analyze the advantages and limitations of magazines and newspapers as advertising media</li> <li> To examine the various types of magazines and newspaper and the value of each</li> <li> To consider future developments in magazines and newspapers and how these trends will influence their use as advertising media</li> </ul>
JNC-Jyoti Nivas College
Sales Organization <ul> <li> An organization is an arrangement or a framework of activities formed with the purpose of achieving certain goals.</li> <li> Development of an organization is not a one-time effort, it is a constant process dependent on the objectives and conditions in the business environment.</li> <li> Sales organization development refers to the formal, coordinating process of communication, authority and responsibility for sales groups and individuals.</li> </ul>
JNC-Jyoti Nivas College
What is Sales?? <ul> <li> Sales refers to the exchange of goods or services for an amount of money or its equivalent in kind</li> <li> The greatest weakness of salespeople throughout the world is that they are product-centered, not people-oriented</li> <li> Always think and talk in terms of customer benefits, but be truthful and logical in your presentation</li> </ul>
JNC-Jyoti Nivas College
<strong>Reliance Retail</strong><br /> Reliance Retail, Ltd. operates retail outlets in India. Its retail outlets offer foods, groceries, apparel and footwear, lifestyle and home improvement products, electronic goods, and farm implements and inputs.
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