BNC-Bihar National College
Lectures Notes & Study Materials Description
SE-Sunstone Eduversity
scope of managerial Economics and its importance in managers day to day life and decision making
SE-Sunstone Eduversity
From basic to detail on how to conduct and analyse the market research
HIMT-Harlal Institute of Management and Technology
Marketing, brand management begins with an analysis on how a brand is currently perceived in the market, proceeds to planning how the brand should be perceived if it is to achieve its objectives and continues with ensuring that the brand is perceived as planned and secures its objectives.
GMIT-GM Institute of Technology
INTERNAL influance on concumer
JU-Jain University
5th semester
ZHCET-Zakir Husain College Of Engineering And Technology
JMI-Jamia Millia Islamia
IBS-ICFAI Business School
There are 2 types of economics: MacroEconomics and Micro Economics.<br />Macro Economics deals in outside forces like inflation, globalisation.<br />Micro economics deals in behavior of individuals.
RIT-Roorkee Institute of Technology
It gives you an idea how conumers decision can be effected.
SSCMS-Sri Sri Centre for Media Studies
This lecture is an introductory lecture for the students regarding the knowledge of Real Time System PDF PPT Seminar . The lecture covers all the doubts and dimensions that may arise during the entire class for the sake of completion and to ensure that the younger minds get all the necessary details correctly. The attached document thoroughly comprises the lecture and its applications.
SSCMS-Sri Sri Centre for Media Studies
All the branches of Engineering are connected to each other in one manner or another; you just<br /> cannot ignore a branch completely. The following topic on Generic Access Network is a similar case since the topic itself is a very important part of a number of engineering Disciplines and most students have to go through at some time in their course duration. The attached document consists of complete syllabus data with great closure.
SSCMS-Sri Sri Centre for Media Studies
When you go through this lecture about Shotcode PPT PDF Seminar , there is a fine need for high concentration due to the high importance of this topic and the level of understanding that you require to get the subject precisely.The subject is very important for all branches of engineering since it is quite closely related to a number of other syllabus topics. A document has been attached that is complete in all means for the help of students.
SSCMS-Sri Sri Centre for Media Studies
With the help of this lecture you can closely understand the deeper knowledge ofSeminar Report On Survey On Smart Card and Mobile Payment This topic serves as the major milestone for the basic knowledge of the entire subject. This lecture is especially designed to assist the eager mind of an engineering scholar to answer all the little details about the topic. To know better about this topic download the following attached document that consists the lecture details.
SSCMS-Sri Sri Centre for Media Studies
This pdf will give you utmost knowledge about Holography. Holography is a technique which enables 3-D images to be made. These images changes as the position and orientation of the viewing system changes. Please download pdf file 'HVD.pdf' attached with it.
SSCMS-Sri Sri Centre for Media Studies
WIth the increase in the petrol prices, this seminar report gives you knowledge about Green Car. Green Car is another name for Eco-Friendly Car. To know more about the topic, download pdf file 'Green_Car_Project' attached with this report to get the best knowledge.
SSCMS-Sri Sri Centre for Media Studies
This lecture explains the working of Library Management System. From creation of user id to maintence and modification of ids and file, it explains all the complex tasks and procedure. For more important, you may like to see the pdf file 'EIJAER1014.pdf" attached with this lecture.
SSCMS-Sri Sri Centre for Media Studies
From this report, you will get to know about Aspect-Oriented-Programming (AOP). It is a programming model that aims to increase modularity by allowing the separation of cross-cutting concerns. For more information, a pdf file 'Aspect Oriented Programming' is attached.
SSCMS-Sri Sri Centre for Media Studies
Fuzzy clustering is a type of Data clustering which functions on 'all-or-nothing principle. This Approach Seminar Report, you will get more knowlege about Fuzzy Clustering. Even a pdf file "CopyFuzzy_19_11' has been attached for you to get familiar with this topic.
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