MCC-Malankara Catholic College
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India
Malankara Syrian Catholic College, Mariagiri, Tamil Nadu, India is owned and managed by the Eparchy of Marthandam of the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church, with the approval of the government of Tamil Nadu, and is affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Key Highlights
- The college is well maintained and well established with the latest development
- The college has design course perfect which make comfortable for the students to study
- Variety of Courses Offered
Course Offered
Contact Details
Contact Person | Malankara Syrian Catholic College |
Contact number | 04651 244155 | | |
Official Website | |
Contact Person | Malankara Syrian Catholic College |
Contact number | 4651 244156 | |
When are the exams and holidays in MCC-Malankara Catholic College, generally ?
Is there ragging in MCC-Malankara Catholic College ? How bad is it ?
Who is the best and the worst teacher in MCC-Malankara Catholic College ? why ?
Does MCC-Malankara Catholic College have good faculty and teaching facilities ?
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