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All Colleges
Colleges in India starting with letter K
K.L.N.C-B.Ed College
K.NBACVPSC-N Bhise Arts Commerce and Vinayakrao Patil Science College
KAAMCH-Kala Ashram Ayurved Medical College and Hospital
KAANMSACSC-Karmveer Abasaheb Alias NM Sonawane Arts Commerce and Science College
KAAQJDC-Kunwar Asif Ali Qaiser Jahan Degree College
KABDCE-Koottalumoodu Arulmigu Bhadreswari Devasthanam College of Education
KABGTCE-Karmaveer Adv Baburao Ganpatrao Thakare College of Engineering Nashik
KAC- Kmmmo Arabic College
KACC - Kheda Arts and Commerce College
KACC-Kankavali Arts And Commerce College
KACC-Kankrej Arts And Commerce College
KACC-Katni Arts and Commerce College
KACDC-Kaleshwara Arts and Commerce Degree College
KACDC-Karnataka Arts and Commerce Degree College
KACD-Karnatak Arts College Dharwad
KACD-Kittel Arts College Dharwad
KACEC-Kesarwani Arts Commerce And Education College
KACE-K C M Army College of Education
KAC-Kendrapara Autonomous college
KAC-Khallikote Autonomous College
KACPESS-Koviloor Andavar College Of Physical Education And Sports Science
KACSC-Kalikadevi Arts Commerce And Science College
KACSC-Kisan Arts Commerce And Science College
KACSC-Kohinoor Arts Commerce And Science College
KACSC-KSS Arts Commerce and Science College
KACSCPGC-KSS Arts Commerce and Science College and PG Centre
KACTT-Kala Ashram College of Teachers Training
KADCC-Karnatak Arts Science and Commerce College
KADC-Kingston Academy Degree College
KADC-Kulbhaskar Ashram Degree College
KADPGC-Kulbhaskar Ashram Degree Post Graduate College
KAGKAC-Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan Arts College
KAHCE-KM Asghar Husain College of Education
KAHE-Karpagam Academy of Higher Education
KAHLDC-KA and HL Degree College
KAHMUWC-Korambayil Ahammed Haji Memorial Unity Womens College
KAIM - Kedarnath Aggarwal Institute Of Management
KA-Kaleswar Academy
KAKPGDC-Kamla Arya Kanya PG Degree College
KAKPSCSC-KAKP Sanshtas Commerce and Science College
KA-Krishna Academy
KA-Krishna Atuomation
KAKRSTC-Kalvithanthai AKR Sourashtra Teachers College
KAKSBRMCC-Katruwar Arts Kabra Science and B R Mantri Commerce College
KAKSPASC- Kai Amdar Kakasaheb Salunkhe Patil Arts And Science College
KALASCC-K A Lokapur Arts Science and Commerce College
KALC - KA.Andhi Law College
Kalinga Institute Of Industrial Technology - KIIT DU
KAMA-Kalanjali Art and Music Academy
KAMC - Karnataka Ayurveda Medical College
KAMCH-Krishna Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital
KAM-Kanpur Anchalik Mahavidyalaya
KAM-Khatra Adibasi Mahavidyalaya
KAM-Kothiwal Arhatia Mahavidyalaya
KAM-Kusaleswar Anchalik Mahavidyalaya
KAOPS-Kayzey Academy of Professional Studies
KAPC-Kamla Amrut Physiotherapy College Gandhinagar
KAPLAN-Kaplan Business School
KAPLC - KA Pandhi Law College
KAPLC - Karmaveer Audumbar Patil Law College
KAPSDCSMI-KAPS Degree College of Science Management and It
KAPTTI-Karimpur Anita Primary Teachers Training Institute
KAPVGMC-KAP Viswanatham Government Medical College
KARDC-Kurli Annapuranamma Ramireddy Degree College
KARE-Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education
KAREO-Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education Online
KARHE-Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Higher Education
KARHE-Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Higher Educationcord found!
KARPC-KAR Polytechnic College
KASBIT-Khadim Ali Shah Bukhari Institute of Technology
KASC - KMCT Arts and Science College
KASC - KSHM Arts and Science College
KASCC-Karnataka Arts Science and Commerce College
KASC-Kaamadhenu Arts And Science College
KASC-Kalasalingam Arts And Science College
KASC-Khidmath Arts And Science College
KASC-Kongu Arts and Science College
KASC-Kongunadu Arts and Science College
KASM-Kaikala Adarsha Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
KASVM-Kunwar Ajay Singh Vidhi Mahavidyalaya
KATM-KANKSA Academy of Technology and Management
KAU-Kerala Agricultural University
KAU-King Abdulaziz University
KAVCBSMC-Kabariya Arts Vaghasiya Commerce Bhagat Science Mahila College
Kaveri Pre-University And First Grade College
KAV-Krishnaguru Adhyatmik Visvavidyalaya
KAWC - Krushnai Arts Women College
KBACC-Kavishree Botadkar Arts and Commerce College
KBACSC - KD Barad Arts and Computer Science College
KBADC-Kashi Bright Angel Degree College
KBAM-KBA Mahavidyalaya
KBBECN-Krishna Bora B Ed College Nagaon
KBBEDC-Kamla Bhubneshwar B Ed College
KBBM-Kamla Bajrang Balika Mahavidyalaya
KBBNC-Kishore Bharati Bhagini Nivedita College
KBCACCSCCSW-K B College of Arts And Commerce and SC College of Science for Women
KBCAC-KB College of Arts and Commerce
KBCC-Khudiram Bose Central College
KBCE-Kamala Baliga College of Education
KBCET-Khaja Bandanawaz College Of Engineering and Technology
KBC-K B College
KBC-Kanoria B Ed College
KBC-Kanpai Bordoloi College
KBC-Karamchand Bhagat College
KBC-Karshak B Ed College
KBC-KB College Bermo
KBC-Kgr B ed College
KBC-Khamargachi BEd College
KBC-Konark Bhagabati College
KBC-Kousika Baba College
KBC-Krishna Ballav College
KBC-Kriteeti BEd College
KBC-Kunja Bihari College
KBCNMU-Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University
KBCR-Karnataka B Ed College Rangampet
KBDAVC-K B D A V College
KBDAVC-Khetra Basi D A V College
KBDCBA-Kumud Ben Durbar College of Business Administration
KBDGACSC-Kai Babasaheb Deshmukh Gorthekar Arts Commerce and Science College
KBEC-Karshak B Ed College
KBEC-Kevlanand B Ed College
KBEC-krishnanagar B Ed College
KBEDC - Kantaba B Ed College
KBEDC- Kalam B Ed College
KBEDC-Kumar B Ed College
KBHIMR-K B H Institute of Management and Research
KBHIMR-Karmaveer Bhausaheb Hiray Institute Of Management And Research
KBHLC-K B H Law College
KBHSSTCCAHS-Kai Bahusaheb Hiray Smarnika Samiti Trusts College Of Computer Applications And Home Science
KBHSSTDBVHCMRC - KBHSS Trusts Dr BV Hiray College of Management and Research Centre
KBHSSTIP-K B H S S Trusts Institute of Pharmacy
KBIMS-Khaja Bandanawaz Institute of Medical Sciences
KBIPER-KB Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
KBITM-KB Institute of Technology and Management
KBJC-KB Jha College
KBJGC-Kusum Bai Jain Girls College
KBJIIT-K B Joshi Institute Of Information Technology
KB-Kala Bhavana
KBKPGC-Kala Bharti Kanya PG College
KBMCE-KBM College of Education
KBMCTE-Kamala Bezbaruah Memorial College Of Teacher Of Education
KBM-Kalpananand Balika Mahavidyalaya
KBMTTC-K B M T T College
KBNC-Kakaraparti Bhavan Narayana College
KBNCPGC-KBN College PG Centre
KBPCE-Karmaveer Bahurao Patil College of Engineering
KBPCE-Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College of Engineering
KBPCE-Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College of Engineering satara
KBPC-K B P College
KBPC-Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College
KBPC-Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College, Vashi
KBPC-Karnataka B Pharmacy College
KBPCN-KB Patel College Of Nursing
KBPEM-Kai Bapusaheb Patil Ekambekar Mahavidyalaya
KBPIMSR-Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Institute of Management Studies and Research
KBPIMSR-KBP Institute Of Management Studies And Research
KBPM-Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Mahavidyalaya
KBPM-Karmaveer Bhauro Patil Mahavidyalya
KBPP-Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil
KBPP-Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic Satara
KBRCA-Kadiri Babu Rao College For Agriculture
KBRCE-KB Reddy College Of Education
KBRCP-K B Raval College Of Pharmacy
KBRDC-Kalaguru Bishnu Rabha Degree College
KBREC-K B R Engineering College
KBRICS-K B Raval Institute Of Computer Studies
KBSCET-Khandesh Bahuuddehiya Sansthas College of Engineering and Technology
KBSCNPSC-K B Sumaria Commerce and Natraj Professional Science College
KBSGBSM-Kaka Bhukhan Singh Gaya Baksh Singh Mahavidyalaya
KBS-Knowledge Business School
KBS-Kohinoor Business School
KBS-Koustuv Business School
KBSM-Khaki Baba Siddharth Mahavidyalaya
KBSM-Kishnu Babu Shivhare Mahavidyalaya
KBSN-Khaja Bandanawaz School Of Nursing
KBTCE-Karmaveer Baburao Thakare College of Engineering
KBTCOE- Karmaveer Baburao Thakare College of Engineering
KBTCOE-Karmaveer Baburao Thakare College of Engineering
KBTI-Khushi Beauty Training Institute
KBU-Khaja Bandanawaz University
KBVM-Kabisurya Baladev Vigyan Mahavidyalaya
KBVSASU-Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit And Ancient Studies University
KBWC-Kamaleshwari Bindeshwari Womens College
KBWC-KB Womens College
KCACS-Kalayatan College of Art and Crafts Sundargarh
KCAD-Khandelwal College Of Architecture And Design
KCAI-Kansas City Art Institute
KCA-Krishna College Of Agriculture
KCAM-KC Adarsh Mahavidyalaya
KCASC-Kaveri College of Arts Science and Commerce
KCASC-Kongunadu College of Arts and Science Coimbatore
KCASC-Kongunadu College of Arts and Science Coimbatoreas
KCASC-Kongunadu College of Arts and Science Coimbatoresa
KCAS-Kamalam College of Arts and Science
KCAS-Karunji College of Arts and Science
KCAS-Kathir College of Arts and Science
KCAS-Kaveripakkam College of Arts and Science
KCAS-Kavithas College of Arts and Science
KCAS-Kaypeeyes College of Arts and Science
KCAS-Kmea College of Arts and Science
KCAS-Kongu College of Arts and Science
KCAS-Kurinji College of Arts and Science
KCASMSB-Kanaka College of Arts Science and Management Studies Bangalore
KCASW-Kamban College Arts and Science for Women
KCASW-Kamban College of Arts and Science for Women
KCASW-King College Of Arts and Science For Women
KCAT-Krishna College Of Agriculture And Technology
KCBCT-Kailash Chandra Bansal College of Technology
KCB-Kamalnath College Bhopal
KCB-Kensington College of Business
KCBNU-Kalptaru College of Bsc Nursing Udaipur
KCBTA-K C B Technical Academy
KCC- Jamshedpur
KCCD-Khalsa College Chawinda Devi
KCCEIT-K C College of Engineering and Information Technology
KCCEJ-KC College of Education Jammu
KCCE-K C College of Engineering
KCCE-K C College of Engineering Thane
KCCE-K C College of Engineering Thanes
KCCE-KC College of Education
KCCE-Kuvempu Centenary College of Education
KCCEMSR-K C College Of Engineering and Management Studies and Research
KCCHM-KC College of Hotel Management
KCCILHE-KCC Institute of Legal and Higher Education
KCCITM-K C C Institute of Technology and Management
KCC-Kakasaheb Chavan College
KCC-Kalinga College of Commerce
KCC-Kannur College of Commerce
KCC-Kantipur City College
KCC-Karim City College
KCC-Karnataka College Of Commerce
KCC-Kishinchand Chellaram College
KCC-Kodaikanal Christian College
KCC-Korba Computer College
KCC-Krishna Chandra College
KCCLC-Kishinchand Chellaram Law College
KCCM-Krupanidhi College of Commerce and Management
KCCMS-K C College of Management Studies
KCCS-Krishna College of Commerce and Science
KCDCC-K C Das Commerce College
KCDCK-Krishna Chaitanya Degree College Kanigiri
KCDC-Krishna Chaitanya Degree College
KCDM-Keshava College of Dance and Music
KCDPGC-Krishna Chaitanya Degree and PG College
KCDSH-Krishnadevaraya College Of Dental Sciences and Hospital
KCE - Kathir College of Education
KCE - Kingston College of Education
KCE - Kithana College of Education
KCE - KSK College OF Education
KCEA-Khalsa College of Education Amritsar
KCEA-Kshatriya College of Engineering Armoor
KCEB-Krishna College of Education Bijnor
KCECEIT-KCE Societys College of Engineering and Information Technology
KCEFCE-KCEF College of Education
KCEIP-KCE Institute of Professionals
KCE-Kaamadhenu College Of Education
KCE-Kabiguru College Of Education
KCE-Kabiguru College Of Education Bishnupur
KCE-Kadariya College of Education
KCE-Kakinada College of Education
KCE-Kalaibharathi College of Education
KCE-Kalaimahal College of Education
KCE-Kalaivani College of Education
KCE-Kaliabor College Of Education
KCE-Kaliammal College Of Education
KCE-Kalikamba College of Education
KCE-Kaliyaganj College of Education
KCE-Kalpataru College of Education
KCE-Kalra College of Education
KCE-Kamala College of Education
KCE-Kamala College of Education
KCE-Kamarajar College of Education
KCE-Kameshwar College of Education
KCE-Kanak College Of Education
KCE-Kanchi College Of Education
KCE-Kandhaswamy College of Education
KCE-Kaniska College of Education
KCE-Karavali College of Education
KCE-Karnajora College Of Education
KCE-Karpagam College of Engineering
KCE-Karunya College of Educaton
KCE-Karur College Of Engineering
KCE-Kashipur College of Education
KCE-Kashmir College of Education
KCE-Kasturbai College of Education
KCE-Kasturi College of Education
KCE-Kathir College of Engineering
KCE-Kaushik College of Engineering
KCE-Kavi College of Education
KCE-Kaviyattu College of Education
KCE-Kawa College of Education
KCE-Kazigram College of Education
KCE-Kenway College of Education
KCE-Keshav College Of Education
KCE-Khalsa College of Education Muktsar
KCE-Khargram College Of Education
KCE-Kings College of Engineering
KCE-Kinkar College Of Education
KCE-Kmm College of Education
KCE-Konark College of Education
KCE-Kongunadu College of Education
KCE-Kopal College For Excellence
KCE-Kottam College of Engineering
KCE-Krishna College of Education
KCE-Krishna College of Engineering
KCE-Kshatriya College Of Education
KCE-Kullu College of Education
KCE-Kumadvathi College of Education
KCE-Kumutha College of Education
KCE-Kurinchi College of Education
KCELC-Karthik Computer Education and Learning Centre
KCEM-Kissan College of Education Meham
KCEN-Kongunadu College of Education Namakkal
KCEP-Kkc College of Education Puttur
KCERAA-Khalsa College of Education Ranjit Avenue Amritsar
KCESCEPE-Khandesh College Education Societys College of Education and Physical Education
KCESIMR-K C Education Societys Institute of Management and Research
KCESIMR-KCESs Institute of Management and Research
KCES-Kausar College of Education Srinagar
KCES-Kongunadu College Of Education Salem
KCESSCE-K C E S S College of Education
KCESSMJC-KCESS Mooljee Jaitha College
KCET-Kamakshi College of Engineering and Technology
KCET-Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology
KCET-KhalsA college Amritsar
KCET-Khalsa College Of Engineering And Technology
KCET-Kishanganj College of Engineering and Technology
KCET-Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology
KCET-Krishnasamy College of Engineering and Technology
KCET-Kurinji College of Engineering and Technology
KCEW-Keins College of Education for Women
KCEW-Krishna College of Education for Women
KCEW-Krishnasamy College of Education for Women
KCEW-Krishnasree College of Education for Women
KCFME-Kanoria Centre For Medical Education
KCGCE-KC Gurukul College of Education
KCGCS - Kalpana Chawla Girls College Sahwa
KCGCT-K C G College of Technology
KCGI-KC Group of Institutions
KCGI-KC Group of Institutions Una
KCGI-KC Group of Institutions Una Campus
KCGMC-Kalpana Chawla Government Medical College
KCGPGCA-Kalpana Chawla Girls PG College Alwar
KCGPW-Kalpana Chawla Government Polytechnic For Women
KCGRPI-KC Group of Research and Professional Institute
KCHM-Karavali College Of Hotel Management
KCHTM-Kohinoor College of Hotel and Tourism Management
KCI-Kadambini Computer Institute
KCI-Kalptaru Computer Indore
KCI-Krishna Computer Institute
KCIPS-KC Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
KCIST-Krishna Chaitanya Institute Of Science And Technology
KCIT-King County Information Technology
KCITS-Krishna Chaitanya Institute of Technology And Sciences
KC-Kakojan College
KC-Kalabari College
KC-Kalamazoo College
KC-Kaliabor College
KC-Kaliachak College
KC-Kalimpong College
KC-Kalindi College
KC-Kalindi College(delhi university)
KC-Kaliyaganj College
KC-Kalna College
KC-Kalpi College
KC-Kalyanpur College
KC-Kamakshyanagar College
KC-Kamala College
KC-Kamaladevi College
KC-Kamaraj College
KC-Kamarbandha College
KC-Kamargaon College
KC-Kampur College
KC-Kamrup College
KC-Kanas College
KC-Kanchrapara College
KC-Kandarpur College
KC-Kankavli College
KC-Kanoria College
KC-Kaptipada College
KC-Karanjia College
KC-Karavali College
KC-Kargil Campus
KC-Karilopatna College
KC-Karimganj College
KC-Karnpura College
KC-Karnpura College
KC-Katahguri College
KC-Katapali College
KC-Kathua Campus
KC-Katras College
KC-Katwa College
KC-Kavyanjali College
KC-Kayakuchi College
KC-Keen College
KC-Kendrapara College
KC-Kenyon College
KC-Kettering College
KC-Keuka College
KC-Keyano College
KC-Keystone College
KC-KGN College
KC-Khagarijan College
KC-Khaira College
KC-Khallikote College
KC-Khalsa College Amritsar
KC-Khalsa College Garhdiwala
KC-Khalsa College Patiala
KC-Khalsa College Patiala
KC-Khandra College
KC-Kharagpur College
KC-Khariar College
KC-Kharupetia College
KC-Khejuri College
KC-Khemundi College
KC-Kherajkhat College
KC-Khoirabari College
KC-Khowang College
KC-Kidderpore College
KC-Kingsley College
KC-Kinjirkela College
KC-Kisan College
KC-Kishorenagar College
KCK-Kaliyaganj College Kaliyagand
KCK-Kamala College Kolhapur
KCK-Katras College Katrasgarh
KCK-Kottureshwara College Kottur
KC-Knox College
KC-Kohima College
KC-Kohinoor College
KC-Koshi College
KC-Kothari College
KC-Kothari College Rajgarh
KC-Kotpad College
KC-Kottureshwara College
KC-Krishak College Dheodha
KC-Krishnath College
KC-Kros College
KC-Kuchaman College
KC-Kuchinda College
KC-Kujang College
KC-Kujanga College
KC-Kulti College
KC-Kumarganj College
KC-Kumbi College
KC-Kureseong College
KC-Kurseong College
KC-Kuyper College
KCLA-Khalsa College of Law Amritsar
KCLCJ-KC Law College Jammu
KCLC-K C Law College
KCLIMT-Khalsa College Lyallpur Institute of Management and Technology
KCL-Kamkus College of Law
KCL-Kempegowda College of Law
KCL-King College London
KCL-Kings College London
KCL-Krishna College of Law
KCL-Krishna College of Law Bijnor
KCMBA-Kishori College of MBA
KCMCE-KCM College of Education
KCMCES-K C Minerva College Of Education Samba
KCM-K C Mohavidyalaya
KCM-Kakasaheb Chavan Mahavidyalaya
KCM-Kalinga College Manada
KCM-Karnataka College of Management
KCM-Korisiddeshwar College Of Management
KCM-Krishna College of Management
KCM-Kunwari Chandrawati Mahavidyalaya
KCMSB-Karnataka College of Management and Science Bangalore
KCMS-Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies
KCMS-Kamala College of Management Studies
KCMST-Khandelwal College of Management Science and Technology
KCMST-Kothari College Of Management Science and Technology
KCMTBS-Khalsa College Mohali Of Technology And Business Studies
KCNCE - KC Narayana College of Education
KCNITCE-KCKCNIT College of Education
KCNITCE-KCNIT College of Education
KCNIT-Kali Charan Nigam Institute of Technology Banda
KCN-K l s College Nawada
KCN-Kalanjali College of Nursing
KCN-Kamala College of Nursing
KCN-Kamineni College of Nursing
KCN-Karnataka College of Nursing
KCN-Karthikeyan College of Nursing
KCN-Karuna College Of Nursing
KCN-Kasturba College Of Nursing
KCN-Kempegowda College of Nursing
KCN-Khalsa College Of Nursing
KCN-Khyati College of Nursing
KCN-Kondagaon College of Nursing
KCN-Kongunadu College Of Nursing
KCN-Koshys College of Nursing
KCN-Koyili College Of Nursing
KCN-Krishnaveni College of Nursing
KCN-Krupanidhi College of Nursing
KCN-Kular College of Nursing
KCNS-Karavali College of Nursing Science
KCOL-Krishna College Of Law
KCOM-Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine
KCPC-K C Polytechnic College
KCPEH-Khalsa College of Physical Education Heir
KCPE-Krishna College of Physical Education
KCPES-Kite College of Professional Engineering Sciences
KCPEY-Kanishka College of Physical Education Yeramaras
KCPGC-K Chandrakala PG College
KCP-K R College of Pharmacy
KCP-Karavali College Of Pharmacy
KCP-Karavali College of Physiotherapy
KCP-Karnataka College of Pharmacy
KCP-Karpagam College of Pharmacy
KCP-Karuna College Of Pharmacy
KCP-Kasturi College of Physiotherapy
KCP-Keshav College of Pharmacy
KCP-Khalsa College Of Pharmacy
KCP-Khammam College of Pharmacy
KCP-Khyati College of Physiotherapy
KCP-Koringa College of Pharmacy
KCP-Kota College Of Pharmacy
KCP-Krishna College Of Pharmacy
KCP-Krupanidhi College of Pharmacy Bangalore
KCP-Krupanidhi College of Physiotherapy
KCP-Kunal College Of Pharmacy
KCPM-Krushna Chandra Pipili Mahavidyalaya
KCPP-K C Polytechnic Pandoga
KCPT-Khalsa College of Pharmacy and Technology
KCPW-Kakatiya College of Physiotherapy Warabgal
KCRI-Khandelwal Computer Research Institute
KCRIPS-K C Reddy Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
KCRPGC-K C Reddy PG College
KCSAC-K C Seth Arts College
KCSAC-KC Sheth Arts College
KCSA-Kandakhai College of Science and Arts
KCSAMW-Krishnasamy College of Science Arts & Management for Women
KCSAMW-Krishnasamy College of Science Arts and Management for Women
KCSCB-Kalandi Charan Sanskrit College Bhadrak
KCSCEW-KCS College of Education Women
KCSCEW-KCS Collge of Education Women
KCSC-Kcri College of Science and Commerce
KCSE-Krishna College of Sports and Education
KCSES-Kalindi College Swati Education Society
KCSI- K C Sharma Institute Mungaoli
KCSIT-Krishna College of Science and Information Technology
KCSKNCAS-K C S Kasi Nadar College of Arts and Science
KCSMCA-KC School of Management and Computer Application
KCSRT-Krishna College of Science and Rural Technology
KCST-Kvvs College of Science and Technology
KCSW-Kumbhalkar College of Social Work
KCTBS-Khalsa College Of Technology And Business Studies
KCTCC-K C T C College
KCTCET-KCT College of Engineering and Technology
KCTCP - KCT College Of Pharmacy
KCTE - KMCT College of Teachers Education
KCTE- Ket College of Teachers Education
KCTEB-Kotturswamy College Of Teacher Education Bellary
KCTEC-K C T Engineering College
KCTE-KPPM College Of Teacher Education
KCT-Kalaivani College of Technology
KCT-King College of Technology
KCTKRSCMS-Kalyani Charitable Trusts K R Sapkal College of Management Studies
KCT-Kumaraguru College of Technology
KCTM-Karrox College of Technology and Management
KCTP-KCT Polytechnic
KCTRGSCP-KCT Ravindra Gambhirrao Sapkal College Of Pharmacy
KCU-Kentucky Christian University
KCU-Khoirabari College Udalguri
KCUMB-Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
KCVAS-Khalsa College of Veterinary and Animal Science
KCWA-Khalsa College for Women Amritsar
KCW-Kasthurba College for Women
KCW-Khalsa College for Women
KDBDC-KDB Degree College
KDBDC-Krishna Devi Balika Degree College
KDBJMDSDSM-Kaushilya Devi Baijnath Jaiswal Mana Devi Sher Bahadur Singh Mahavidyalaya
KDBM-Kamala Devi Bajoria Mahavidyalaya
KDBM-Kaushalya Devi Balika Mahavidyalaya
KDBPITI-KD Bharatesh Private ITI Belgaum
KDBRAC-Kultali Dr BR Ambedkar College
KDC -Kanchan Devi College
KDCAC-Kamla Devi College Of Arts And Commerce
KDCAIP-KDCA Institute Of Pharmacy
KDCCGS-K D College of Commerce and General Studies
KDCCS-Kanchan Devi College of Computer Science
KDCE-K D College of Education
KDCE-Kalawati Devi College of Education
KDCFW-Kva Dav College For Women
KDCH - Kakatiya Degree College Hyderabad
KDC-K D Campus
KDC-Kachna Dhurwa College
KDC-kakatiya Degree College
KDC-Kakatiya Degree College
KDC-Kakatiya Degree College Nalgonda
KDC-Kala Degree College
KDC-Kalawati Degree College
KDC-Kalicharan Degree College
KDC-Kalinga Degree College
KDC-Kalka Dental College
KDC-Kallan Degree College
KDC-Kalpi Degree College
KDC-Kamla Degree College
KDC-Kanchan Degree College
KDC-Kandhamal Degree College
KDC-Kannadambe Degree College
KDC-Kannauj Degree College
KDC-Kannur Dental College
KDC-Kanya Degree College Gayaghat
KDC-Karmayogi Degree College
KDC-Kasturi Devi College
KDC-Katiyari Degree College
KDC-Kaushambi Degree College
KDC-Kaushambi Degree College Kaushambi
KDC-Kaushilya Degree College
KDC-Keerthana Degree College
KDC-Khardiha Degree College
KDC-Kisan Degree College
KDC-Kites Degree College
KDCK-Khunta Degree College Khunta
KDC-Koira Degree College
KDC-Kondaveeti Degree College
KDC-Kooba Degree College
KDC-Kranthi Degree College
KDC-Krishnaveni Degree College
KDC-Krupanidhi Degree College
KDC-Kuppam Degree College
KDC-Kurnool Degree College
KDCP-Kakatiya Degree College Podalakur
KDCRC-Kothiwal Dental College and Research Centre
KDDCH-K D Dental College and Hospital
KDDC-KD Degree College
KDDC-Kopalvani Deaf And Dumb College
KDDM-Karmavir Dadasaheb Deotale Mahavidyalaya
KDES-Kaushalya Devi Educational Society
KDGDC-Krishna Devi Girls Degree College
KDGDPC-KD Gavit Diploma In Pharmacy College
KDGPC-KD Gavit Physiotherapy College
KDKCE-Karmavir Dadasaheb Kannamwar College of Engineering
KDKEC-Karmaveer Dadasaheb Kannamwar Engineering College
KDKMM-Kalli Devi Kanya Mahavidyalaya Mirzapur
KDKP-KDK Polytechnic
KDKPMM-Kailashi Devi Keshav Prasad Mahila Mahavidyalaya
KDKRM-Kapuri Devi Kripa Ram Mahavidyalaya
KDMCE-Kanan Devi Memorial College of Education
KDMGAMCH-KDMGs Ayurved Medical College and Hospital
KDMGSIP-KDMGS Institute of Pharmacy
KDM-Kaushalya Devi Mahavidyalaya
KDM-Khunta Degree Mahavidyalaya
KDMMK-KD Jain Mahila Mahavidyalaya Kishangarh
KDNM-KDN Mahavidyalaya
KDPCPE - KD Pawar College of Physical Education
KDPCP-K D Pawar College Of Pharmacy
KDPGC-Kalika Dham PG College
KDPGC-Kavitha Degree and PG College
KDP-Kilachand Devchand Polytechnic
KDPSMDC-Kr Devendra Pal Singh Memorial Degree College
KDRCST-KD Rungta College of Science and Technology
KDRGP-KDR Government Polytechnic
KDRTSMM-Kabutari Devi Rajeshwar Tripathi Smarak Mahila Mahavidyalaya
KDRTSPGC-Kabutari Devi Rajeshwar Tripathi Smarak PG College
KDSBMDC-KDS Baghel Memorial Degree College
KDSC-K D S College
KDSC-Kamlesh Devi Skill Center
KDSCPS-Kanti Darshan Shaikshanik and Computer Prashikshan Sansthan
KDSCTI-Kanti Darshan Shaikshanik And Computer Training Institute
KDSDJDCH-Kusum Devi Sunderlal Dugar Jain Dental College and Hospital
KDSKC-Kailashi Devi Shravan Kumari College
KDSKM-Kailashi Devi Shravan Kumari Mahavidyalaya
KDSM-Kamala Devi Sangit Mahavidyalaya
KDSM-Karma Devi Smriti Mahavidyalaya
KDSRSJCE-Kamala Devi Sohan Raj Singhvi Jain College of Education
KDSSAC-Kanaba Das Shiksha Samiti Arts College
KDTM-Keshav Dev Tiwari Mahavidyalaya
KEA-KEA Copenhagen School of Design and Technology
KEBFGACC-K E Boards First Grade Arts and Commerce College
KEC- Krishma Education Centre Vill Ner Chowk
KECCE - KEC College of Education
KEC-Kadakia Educational Campus
KEC-Kalka Engineering College
KEC-Kalsar College of Engineering
KEC-Kamareddy Engineering College
KEC-Kamban Engineering College
KEC-Karmayogi Engineering College
KEC-Karnatak Education College
KEC-Karshak Engineering College
KEC-Kathmandu Engineering College
KEC-Katihar Engineering College
KEC-Khallikote Evening College
KEC-Kings Engineering College
KEC-Kingston Engineering College
KEC-Kongu Engineering College
KEC-Krishna Engineering College
KEC-Krishna Engineering College Durg
KEC-Krishna Engineering College Ghaziabad
KEC-Krishnaveni Engineering College
KEC-Krishnaveni Engineering College For women
KEC-Krupajal Engineering College
KEC-Kuppam Engineering College
KEC-Kuriakose Elias College
KECW-Krishnaveni Engineering College For Women
KEDC-Kendrapara Evening Degree College
KEIC-Kumar Educational Institute Cuddalore
KENJDC-KEN Junior and Degree College
KESACC-Kandivali Education Societys Arts And Commerce College
KESACSC-Kalwan Education Societys Arts Commerce and Science College
KESACSC-Krishak Education Societys Arts Commerce and Science College
KESBKSCAMHSCC-Kandivli Education Societys BK Shroff College of Arts and MH Shroff College of Commerce
KESCAC-K E S College of Arts and Commerce
KESCCE-Khar Education Society College of Commerce and Economics
KESCHKHMC-KESCH Keluskar Homoeopathic Medical College
KESCP-KE Society College of Pharmacy
KESKCC- Kaiser Education Society Kaiser College of Commerce
KES-Khalsa Education Society
KES-Khar Education Society
KES-Krupajal Engineering School
KESLSACSWC-Konkan Education Societys Laxmi Shalini Arts Commerce And Science Womens College
KESPIBM-Kamala Education Societys Pratibha Institute of Business Management
KESP-Kasegaon Education Societys Polytechnic
KESPW-K E S Polytechnic For Women
KESRIT-Kasegaon Education Societys Rajarambapu Institute Of Technology
KESSCAC-KES Shroff College of Arts and Commerce
KESVHMCH-KES Vengurla Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital
KET-Kamrup Educational Trust
KETPC-K E T Polytechnic College
KFGACC-Kakal First Grade Arts and Commerce College
KFGC-Kaveri First Grade College
KFGC-Kengeri First Grade College
KFGCK-KMS First Grade College Khanahosahalli
KFGC-Kodlipet First Grade College
KFGC-Kumadvathi First Grade College
KFGC-Kuvempu First Grade College
KFGSC-Kalpataru First Grade Science College
KFM-Kedar Faujdar Mahavidyalaya
KFMSR-karpagam Faculty of Medical Sciences and Research
KFPIBA-KF Patil Institute of Business Administration
KFU-Karnataka Folklore University
KFUPM-King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
KGA-Kusum Gupta And Associate
KGASC-Kirodimal Government Arts and Science College
KGASC-Kunnamangalam Govt Arts And Science College
KGBBLM-Krantiagrani G B Babu Lal Mahavidyalaya
KGBBS-Kamtaprasad Guru Bhasha Bharti Sansthan
KGC - Karnatak Group of Colleges
KGCAC-KG College of Arts and Commerce
KGCA-Kasturba Gandhi College for womens
KGCA-Kasturba Gandhi College of Architecture
KGCAS -KG College of Arts and Science
KGCAS-KG College of Arts and Science
KGCE-Kasthooribha Gandhi College of Education
KGCE-Konkan Gyanpeeth College of Engineering
KGCEW - Kasturba Gandhi College of Education for Women
KGC-Kakatiya Government College
KGC-Kaliganj Government College
KGC-Kamla Group Of Colleges
KGC-Kanya Gurukul College
KGC-Kasturba Gandhi College
KGC-Kasturba Girls College
KGC-Keshiary Government College
KGC-Khalsa Girls College
KGC-Kokrajhar Government College
KGC-Krishnagar Government College
KGC-Kuriakose Gregorios College
KGC-Kushtia Government College
KGC-Kushtia Government College Bangladesh
KGCN-KG College of Nursing
KGCP-KG College of Physiotherapy
KGCW-Kasturba Gandhi College For Women
KGDBLM-Krantiagrani G D Bapu Lad Mahavidyalaya
KGDC-Kalawati Girls Degree College
KGDC-Kalyani Girls Degree College
KGDC-Khalsa Girls Degree College
KGDMACSC-Karmaveer Ganpat Dada More Arts Commerce and Science College
KGDMACSC-Karmveer Ganpat Dada More Arts Commerce and Science College
KGDPGCW-Kasturba Gandhi Degree and PG College for Women
KGEC-Kalyani Government Engineering College
KGEC-Krishna Girls Engineering College
KGEI-KG Engineering Institute
KGFCDSH-KGF College of Dental Sciences and Hospital
KGFFGC-KGF First Grade College
KGFGC-Kodachadri Government First Grade College
KGIHE-Kasturba Gandhi Institue of Higher Education
KGI-Keck Graduate Institute
KGI-Keystone Group Of Institutions
KGI-Kings Group of Institutions
KGI-Krupanidhi Group Of Institutions
KGISE-KGI School of Education
KGISLIIM-KGISL Institute of Information Management
KGISLIT-K G I S L Institute of Technology
KGJCANGBCC-KG Joshi College of Arts and NG Bedekar College of Commerce
KGKCACSC-Konkan Gynapeeths Karjat College of Arts Commerce and Science College
KGKCASC-Konkan Gyanpeeth Karjat College of Arts Science and Commerce
KGKPGDC-K G K P G Degree College
KGMAC-K G Mittal Ayurvedic College
KGMC-King George Medical University
KGM-Kalawati Gorakh Mahavidyalaya
KGM-Krishan Gopal Mahavidyalaya
KGM-Krishna Gopal Mahavidyalaya
KGMU-King George Medical University
KGMU-King George Medical University Lucknow
KGNC-Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
KGNCN-Khwaja Gharib Nawaz College of Nursing
KGNDC-Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz Degree College
KGPC-Kerala Government Polytechnic College
KGP-Karnataka Government Polytechnic
KGP-Kirodimal Government Polytechnic
KGP-Kolaghat Government Polytechnic
KGPRANRCE-KG Prasada Rao ANR College Of Education
KGRCET-KG Reddy College Of Engineering And Technology
KGRDC-KGR Degree College
KGRDCPRI-Konkan Gyanpeeth Rahul Dharkar College of Pharmacy and Research Institute
kGR-KGR Institute of Technology and Management
KGRLCB-KGRL College Bhimavaram
KGRLCP - KGRL College of Pharmacy
KGSBC- K G S B ed College Shahapur
KGSBM-Kazian Global School of Business Management
KGSM-Kashi Gurukul Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
KGSM-KGS Mahavidyalaya
KGSSGMTCM-Kumari G Sudha Shankara Gouda Memorial Theosophical College of Management
KGSSHACSC-KGSS Hemaraddh Arts Commerce Science College
KGTM-Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya
KGTM--Kalipada Ghosh Terai Mahavidyalaya
KGUCCA-Konkan Gyanpeeth Uran College of Commerce and Arts
KGVMM-Kasturba Gandhi Vidnyan Mahila Mahavidyalaya
KGWC-Kasturba Gandhi Womens College
KHASCEC-Karamveer Hire Arts Science and Commerce and Education College
KHASCEC-Karmaveer Hire Arts Science Commerce and Education College
KHCA-Kevalramji Harde College of Agriculture
KHCA-Kewalramji Harde College of Agriculture
KHGDC-KH Government Degree College
KHGSC-Krishnakanta Handique Government Sanskrit College
KHIT-Kallam Haranadhareddy Institute Of Technology
KHMCH-Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College And Hospital
KHMCH-Kharagpur Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital
KHMGPGC-Karamat Husain Muslim Girls PG College
KHMWCSC-K H M W College of Science and Commerce
KHNADC-K Hanumantharaya Nayak Arts Degree College
KHPCBA-KH Patil College of Business Administration
KHRC-Kanoria Hospital and Research Centre
KHRIT-Kallam Haranadha Reddy Institute of Technology
KHSC-Karmashree Hiteswar Saikia College
KHSCL-Kaka Horam Singh College of Law
KHSCM-Kunwar Harpal Singh Chandel Mahavidhalaya
KHSCP-Kunwar Haribansh Singh College of Pharmacy
KHTPC-Kongu Hi Tek Polytechnic College
KIAD-Kalol Institute Of Architecture And Design
KIA-Kumaraguru Institute of Agriculture
KIAMS-Kirloskar Institute Of Advanced Management Studies
KIAMS-Kirloskar Institute Of Advanced Management Studies Bangalore
KIBC-Kumaresh International B Ed College
KICAM-Krishna Institute of Computer Application and Management
KICE-K Indira College of Education
KICE-K.Indira College of Education
KICEM-Kathford International College of Engineering and Management
KICM-Kerala Institute of Co-operative Management
KICSC-Konark Ideal College of Science and Commerce
KICTKA-Kotma Institute Of Computer & Technology Kotma Anuppur
KICT-Kotma Institute Of Computer And Technology
KID-Kalaprabodhinis Institute of Design
KIDS-Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences
KIEHM-Katriya Institute of Excellence in Hotel Management
KIE-Kabiguru Institute of Education
KIE-Krishnarpit Institute of Education
KIEM-Kanad Institute of Engineering and Management
KIEM-Kanad Institute of Engineering and Management Durgapur
KIEM-Krishna Institute of Education and Management
KIETGI-KIET Group of Institutions
KIETJ-Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology Jamnagar
KIET-Kakinada Institute of Engineering and Technology
KIET-Kakinada Institute of Engineering and Technology for women's
KIET-Kalinga Institute Of Engineering And Technology
KIET-KIET Group of Institutions
KIET-Kishan Institute of Engineering and Technology
KIET-Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology
KIETW-Kakinada Institute Of Engineering and Technology For Women
KIGMC-K I G M College
KIHEAT-Kamal Institute Of Higher Education And Advance Technology
KIHMCT-Kukreja Institute Of Hotel Management and Catering Technology
KIHMS-Kailash Institute of Health and Medical Sciences
KIHMT-Khajuraho Institute Of Hotel Management And Tourism
KIIL-Khyati Institute of Integrated Law
KIIMS-Kushagra Institute of Information and Management Science
KIITCE-K I I T College of Engineering
KIITCE-KIIT College of Education
KIIT-Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology
KIIT-Kalinga Institute of Information Technology
KIIT-Kamrah Institute of Information Technology
KIIT-Keerti Institute of Information Technology
KIITM-Kishan Institute of Information Technology Meerut
KIITO-Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Online
KIITP-Kartikey Institute Of IT Patharia
KI-Krishna Infotech
KIL-KCL Institute of Law
KIMCS-Krishna Institute of Management and Computer Science
KIMDS-Kejriwal Institute Of Management And Development Studies
KIMET-Kalinga Institute of Mining Engineering and Technology
KIMIT-Kumar Institute of Management And Information Technology
KIM-Kalol Institute of Management
KIM-Keshav Institute of Management
KIM-Krishna Institute Of Management
KIMR-Kautilya Institute of Management and Research
KIMSCN-Kamineni Institute Of Medical Sciences College Of Nursing
KIMSCN-KIMS College of Nursing
KIMSCP-Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences College of Physiotherapy
KIMSDC-KIMS Degree College
KIMS-Kakatiya Institute And Management Studies
KIMS-Kamala Institute Of Management Studies
KIMS-Kanachur Institute Of Management And Science
KIMS-Kanachur Institute of Medical Sciences
KIMS-Kanpur Institute of Management Studies
KIMS-Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences
KIMS-Karwar Institute of Medical Sciences
KIMS-Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences
KIMSK-Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Karad
KIMS-Kodagu Institute of Medical Sciences
KIMS-Koppal Institute of Medical Sciences
KIMS-Koshys Institute of Management Studies
KIMS-Kousali Institute of Management Studies
KIMS-Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences
KIMS-Kyasa Institute of Management Studies
KIMSRF-Konaseema Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Foundation
KIMSR-Kala Institute Of Management Studies And Research
KIMT-Kalinga Institute Of Management and Technology
KIMT-Krishna Institute of Management and Technology
KIMT-Krishnarpit Institute Management And Technology
KIMT-Krishnarpit Institute of Management And Technology
KIMTW-Khalsa Institute of Management and Technology for Women
KIN-Kamakshi Institute of Nursing
KIN-Keshav Institute Narwar
KIN-Knowledge Institute of Nursing
KINPMS-Kailash Institute of Nursing and Para Medical Sciences
KINPMS-Krishna Institute of Nursing and Para Medical Sciences
Kin-sage Institute
KINS-Kumuda Institute of Nursing Sciences
KIOT-Knowledge Institute of Technology
KIP - Kamdar Institute Of Physiotherapy
KIP-Kalol Institute Of Pharmacy
KIP-Karnal Institute of Polytechnic
KIP-Kashi Institute Of Pharmacy
KIP-Kempegowda Institute of Physiotherapy
KIP-Khyati Institute of Physiotherapy
KIP-Knowledge Institute Of Physiotherapy
KIP-Kottam Institute Of Pharmacy
KIP-Krishnarpit Institute Of Pharmacy
KIPM- College Of Engineering And Technology, GORAKHPUR
KIPMCET-KIPM College Of Engineering And Technology
KIPMCM-KIPM College Of Management
KIPM-Kailash Institute of Pharmacy and Management
KIPMR-King Institute of Preventive Medicine and Research
KIPS-Khandwa Institute Of Professional Studies
KIPSK-Khandwa Institute Of Professional Studies Khandwa
KIPS-KP Institute of Professional Studies
KIRAS-Kalka Institute for Research and Advanced Studies
KISD-Koustuv Institute of Self Domain
KIS-Keshav Institute Shivpuri
KIS-Khyati Institute Of Science
KISS-Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences
KISS-Karve Institute Of Social Service
KIST -krishna chaitanya institution of technology,kakuturu
KIST-Konark Institute of Science and Technology
KIST-Konark Institute of Science and Technology Bhubaneshwar
KIST-Kopal Institute of Science and Technology
KITCE-KIT College of Engineering
KITCE-Kolhapur Institute of Technology College of Engineering
KITCE-Kolhapur Institute of Technology College of Engineering,kolhapur
KITE - Krutika Institute of Technical Education
KITE SOM-Kautilya Institute of Technology & Engineering & School of Management
KITEGI-KITE Group of Institutions
KITE-Karan Institute of Technical Education
KITE-Kautilya Institute of Technology and Engineering
KITE-Kishan Institute of Teachers Education
KITE-Knowledge Institute Of Technology And Engineering
KITE-Kruti Institute Of Teacher Educaation
KITE-Kruti Institute Of Technology and Engineering
KITE-Kruttika Institute Of Technical Education
KITE-Kukreja Institute of Teachers Education
KITEP-Krishna Institute Of Technology And Engineering Pali
KITIMER-KITs Institute Of Management Education and Research
KIT-KalaignarKarunanidhi Institute of Technology
KIT-Kalam Institute of Technology
KIT-Kalasalingam Institute Of Technology
KIT-Kalpataru Institute of Technology
KIT-Kalpi Institute of Technology
KIT-Kamal Institute Of Technology
KIT-Kamath Institute Of Technology
KIT-Kankeshwari Devi Institute of Technology
KIT-Kankeshwaridevi Institute of Technology
KIT-Kanpur Institute of Technology
KIT-Karavali Institute of Technology
KIT-Karavali Institute of Technology Mangalore
KIT-Karpagam Institute of Technology
KIT-Kashi Institute of Technology
KIT-Kasturba Institute of Technology
KITKIM-Karaikudi Institute Of Technology And Karaikudi Institute Of Management
KIT-Kinkar Institute Of Technology
KIT-Kirodimal Institute of Technology
KIT-Kodaikanal Institute of Technology
KIT-Kolhapur Institute of Technology
KIT-Koustuv Institute of Technology
KIT-Krishna institute of technology
KIT-Kumaran Institute of Technology
KITLH-Krishna Insititute of Technology Laksar Haridwar
KITM-Karnal Institute of Technology and Management
KITM-Kotibarsha Institute of Technology And Management
KITM-Kurukshetra Institute of Technology and Management
KITP-Kanpur Institute Of Technology And Pharmacy
KITPS-Kothiwal Institute of Technology And Professional Studies
KITRC-Kalol Institute of Technology And Research Centre
KITS-Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science
KITS-Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science Warangal
KITS-Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science,
KITS-Kakinada Institute of Technological Sciences
KITS-Kakinada Institute of Technology And Science
KITS-Kamala Institute of Technology and Science
KITS-Karunya Institute of Technology and Science
KITS-Kavikulguru Institute of Technology and Science
KITS-Kavikulguru Institute of Technology and Science Ramtek
KITS-Khammam Institute of Technology and Science
KITS-Khammam Institute of Technology and Sciences
KITS-KKR and KSR Institute of Technology and Science
KITS-Kottayam Institute of Technology and Science
KITSO-Karunya Institute of Technology and Science Online
KITSW-Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science
KITSW-Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science for Women
KITSW-Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science Women
KITSW-Kodada Institute of Technology and Science for Women
KITTS-Kerala Institute of Tourism and Travel Studies
KIU-Kampala International University
KIU-Karlshochschule International University
KIV-Khyati Institution of Valuation
KJADSSSCCW-K s Jiglur Arts And Dr Smt S m Sheshgiri Commerce College For Women
KJCE-Kay Jay College of Education
KJC-Kedarnath Jagannath College
KJC-Kristu Jayanti College
KJCL-Kristu Jayanti College of Law
KJCLSM-K s Jain College Of Law Shamli Muzaffarnagar
KJCMT-Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology
KJCOEMR-KJ College of Engineering and Management Research
KJEITCA- KJ Educational Institute Trinity College Of Architecture
KJGDC-Kusumbai Jain Girls Degree College
KJIET-K J Institute of Engineering and Technology
KJIMV-KJ Institute of Management Vadasma
KJIN-K J Institute Of Nursing
KJIP-K J Institute of Physiotherapy
KJM-Kabi Joydeb Mahavidyalaya
KJPCE-Kvvs JP College Of Education
KJPCP-KJ Pandya College Of Physiotherapy
KJRCOP-Kamala Jaya Rao College of Pharmacy
KJRCP-KJR College of Pharmacy
KJSC - KJ Somaiya Campus
KJSCAC-KJ Somaiya College Of Arts And Commerce
KJSCACS-K J Somaiya College of Arts Commerce and Science
KJSCBS-K J Somaiya Centre for Buddhist Studies
KJSCCE-K J Somaiya Comprehensive College of Education
KJSCE-K J Somaiya College of Engineering
KJSCP-KJ Somaiya College of Physiotherapy
KJSCSC-K J Somaiya College of arts And Commerce
KJSCSC-K J Somaiya College of Science And Commerce
KJSDC-KPR and JL Siddhartha Degree College
KJSIEIT-K J Somaiya Institute of Engineering and Information Technology
KJSIM-K J Somaiya Institute of Management
KJSIT- K J Somaiya Insstitute of Technology
KJSMCRC-K J Somaiya Medical College and Research Centre
KJSM-Karnal Jagannath Singh Mahavidyalaya
KJSP-K J Somaiya Polytechnic
KJTETP-K J T E T Polytechnic
KJV-Karnataka Janapada Vishwavidyalaya
KK WCAET- K K Wagh College of Agriculture Engineering and Technology
KKACC-K K Arts and Commerce College
KKACS-Kisanrao Khobragade Arts Commerce Science
KKBEC-Kabi Krittibas B Ed College
KKB-Kalamandira Kalashale Bangalore
KKCAS-Kovai Kalaimagal College of Arts and Science
KKCAS-Kovai Kalamagal College of Arts and Science
KKCCET-K K C College of Engineering and Technology
KKCCN-KKC College of Nursing
KKCE-Kinder Kin College of Education
KKCEM-KK College of Engineering and Management
KKCEM-KK College of Engineering and Management Dhanbad
KKCET-K K College of Engineering and Technology
KKCFA-Kalai Kaviri College of Fine Arts
KKCIPGS-K K C Institute of Post Graduation Studies
KKCIPGS-KKC Institute of PG Studies
KKCITE-KKC Institute of Technology and Engineering
KKCITEW-K K C Institute of Technology and Engineering for Women
KKC-Kakching Khunou College
KKC-Kandaswami Kandars College
KKC-Kaswan Kanya College
KKCP-K K College of Pharmacy
KKDC-Kaviratna Kalidas Degree College
KKDC-KK Das College
KKDPGC-Karm Kshetra Degree PG College
KKECSIMCS-K K E C S Institute of Management and Computer Science
KKGCE-KKG College Of Education
KKHAASMGLCSPHJSC-Karmveer Keshavlalji Harakchandji Abad Arts Shriman Motilalji Giridharilalji Lodha Commerce and Shriman PH Jain Science College
KKHGSC-KK Handique Government Sanskrit College
KKHSOU-Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University
KKICMCK-KK Institute of Commerce Millinium Campus Koppal
KKITI-KK Industrial Training Institute
KKIT-Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology
KKIT-Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technologykkk
KKITM-Kamla Kant Institute Of Technology And Management
KKJGDC-Khun Khun Ji Girls Degree College
KKJGDC-Khun Khun Ji Girls P.G College
KK-Kerala Kalamandalam
KKMCE-KKM College of Education
KKMCJ-K K M College Jamui
KKMCJ-KK Mandal College Jagdishpur
KKMC-K K M College
KKMC-K K M College Jamui
KKMC-K K M College Pakur
KKMCP-K K M College Pakur
KKMII-K K Modi International Institute
KKM-Keshav Kamla Mahavidyalaya
KKM-Khair Kanya Mahavidyalaya
KKMMPCM-K Karunakaran Memorial Model Polytechnic College Mala
KKMSCJ-K K M S College Jhunjhunu
KKPBPGPGC-Kumaon Kesari Pt Badridutt Pandey Government PG College
KKPC-KK Parekh Commerce College
KKPIMS-K K Parekh Institute of Management Studies
KKP-K K Polytechnic
KKRDM-Kaushal Kishor Rambeti Devi Mahavidyalaya
KKRIT-Kottam Karunakara Reddy Institute of Technology
KKRKSRITS-KKR and KSR Institute of Technology And Sciences
KKRNC-Kamala Krishna Royale Nursing College
KKRSCLIS-Kai Kishanrao Ramji Shinde College of Library and Info Science
KKRSDC-Krishna Kumari Rajender Singh Degree College
KKSBEC-Kantilal Khinwasara School and B Ed College
KKSB-Ken Kalashale Sheshadripuram Bangalore
KKSDI-Kanchan Kaya Skill Development Institute
KKSJMSC-KK Shah Jarodwala Maninagar Science College
KKSMCE-KKS Mani College of Education
KKSMPC-K K S Mani Polytechnic College
KKSU-Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University
KKSWC-K K S Womens College
KKSWC-Kamal Kumari Sanskrit Womens College
KKTMGC-KKTM Government College
KKTM-Kodungallur Kunjikuttan Thampuran Memorial
KKTPSM-Kaushal Kishor Tej Pratap Snatak Mahavidyalaya
KKTTC-K K Teachers Training College
KKU-K K University
KKU-King Khalid University
KKVVAM-KK Vigyan and Vyavsaik Adhyayan Mahavidyalaya
KKWACSCSC-KK Wagh Arts Commerce Science and Computer Science College
KKWACSCSC-KK Wagh Arts Commerce Science and Computer Science College Nashik
KKWASCC-K K W Arts Science and Commerce College
KKWCAB-KK Wagh College Of Agricultural Biotechnology
KKWCA-KK Wagh College
KKWCA-KK Wagh College of Agriculture
KKWCA-KK Wagh College of Agriculture, Nashik.
KKWCA-KK Wagh College of Enginerring
KKWCE-KK Wagh College of agriculture and engg nashik
KKWCE-KK Wagh College of Education Nashik
KKWCFA-K K Wagh College of Fine Arts
KKWCFT-KK Wagh College Of Food Technology
KKWCH-KK Wagh College of Horticulture
KKWCPA-K K Wagh College Of Performing Arts
KKWESACE-KK Wagh Education Societys Arts and Commerce College
KKWES-K K Wagh Education Society
KKWIEER- k k Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research
KKWIEER-K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research
KKWP-K K Wagh Polytechnic
KKWP-Karmaveer Kakasaheb Wagh Polytechnic
KKWSSKKWACSCSC-KK Wagh Shikshan Sanstha KK Wagh Arts Commerce Science and Computer Science College
KKWWP-K K Wagh Womens Polytechnic
KKWWP-Karmveer Kakasaheb Wagh Womens Polytechnic
KLA-Kerala Law Academy
KLAMM-K L Adarsh Mahavidyalaya Maudaha
KLBDAVCG-KLB DAV College for Girls
kLBDC-Karma Lal Bihari Degree College
KLBYC-Kishori Lal Bachhalal Yadav College
KLCE-KL College of Education
KLCE-Koneru Lakshmaiah College of Engineering
KLCG-Karnataka Law College Gulbarga
KLCH-K L College of Horticulture
KLC-Kalyan Law College
KLC-Kashmir Law College
KLC-KCEF Law College
KLC-Kempegowda Law College
KLC-Keonjhar Law College
KLC-Khaitanji Kaw College
KLC-Kingston Law College
KLC-Kisan Law College
KLC-Kokrajhar Law College
KLDAVPGCR-Kanahiya Lal DAV PG College Roorkee
KLE CBA-K L E Societys College of Business Administration
KLEAHER-KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research
KLECC - KLE College of Commerce
KLECET-K L E college of Engineering and Technology
KLECET-K L E college of Engineering and Technology, Belgavi
KLECMCARIB-KLE College Of MCA Rls Institute Belgaum
KLECPB-KLE College of Pharmacy Bangalore
KLECP-KLE College of Pharmacy
KLECP-KLE College of Pharmacy belagavi
KLECPN-KLE College of Pharmacy Nipani
KLECSC-KLE College Science and Commerce Mumbai Suburban
KLEDMSSCET-KLE Dr MS Sheshgiri College Of Engineering And Technology
KLEFU-Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation University
KLEFUO-Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation University Online
KLEGHC-KLEs G H College Haveri
KLEIFTADW-KLE Institute of Fashion Technology and Apparel Design for Women
KLEINSB-KLE Institute of Nursing Sciences Belagavi
KLEIPB-KLE Institute of Physiotherapy Belagavi
KLEIPUC-KLE Independent PU College
KLEITH-KLE Institute of Technology Hubli
KLEIT-KLE Institute of Technology
KLELC-K L E Societys Law College
KLESACC-K L E Societys Arts and Commerce College
KLESBBAC-KLE Societys BBA College
KLESBCDC-KLE Societys B Com Degree College
KLESCBA-K L E Societys College of Business Administration
KLESCBA-K L E Societys College of Business Administration RANEBENNUR
KLESCBKP-K L E Societys CB Kolli Polytechnic
KLESCC-KLE Societys Commerce College
KLESCDC-K L E Societys Commerce Degree College
KLESCE-K L E Societys College of Education
KLESCE-KLE Societys College of Education Athani
KLESCE-KLES College of Education
KLESCE-KLESs College of Education
KLESCIMP-K L E Society C I Munavalli Polytechinc
KLESCP-KLE Society College of Pharmacy
KLESGHBCAC-K L Es Societies G H B C A College
KLESGIBBCAC-KLE Societys GI Bagewadi BCA College
KLESGIBBCAC-KLE Societys GI Bagewadi BCA College nippani
KLESIDS-KLE Societys Institute of Dental Sciences
KLESIMSR-KLE Societys Institute of Management Studies and Research
KLESINS-KLE Society Institute of Nursing Sciences
KLESINS-KLE Societys Institute of Nursing Sciences
KLESJTC-KLE Societys Jagadguru Tontadarya College
KLESLC-K L E Society Law College
KLESLC-KLE Society Lingaraj College
KLESNC-KLE S Nijalingappa College
KLESPC-KLE Societys Polytechnic College
KLESP-K L E Society Polytechnic
KLESSNC-KLE Societys S Nijalingappa College
KLESSSMSASCC-KLE Societys Shri Shivayogi Murughendra Swamiji Arts Science and Commerce College
KLETU-KLE Technological University
KLEU-KLE University
KLEVKIDS-KLE VK Institute of Dental Sciences
KLFSCEN-KLE Societys College of Education Nipani
KLITD-KL Institute For The Deaf
KLMCEW-Kandula Lakshumma Memorial College of Engineering for Women
KLMDCW-KL Mehta Dayanand College for Women
KLM-Kishori Lal Mahavidyalaya
KLMM-Kunjbihari Lal Mem Mahavidyalaya
KLMVM-Kishori Lal Mahadeyi Vidhi Mahavidhalaya
KLNC-B.ed College
KLNCE-K L N College of Engineering
KLNCIT-K L N College of Information Technology
KLNMPC-K L Nagaswamy Memorial Polytechnic College
KLPC-Kishan Lal Public College
KLP-K L Polytechnic
KLP-K L Polytechnic Roorkee
KLRCBM-KLR College of Business Management
KLRCET-KLR College of Engineering and Technology
KLRDC-K L R Degree College
KLRDC-KLR Degree College Hyderabad
KLRI-KLR Institutions
KLRJC-KLR Junior College
KLRPC-KLR Pharmacy College
KLSC-K L S College
KLSC-Kanhai Lal Sahu College
KLSCR - K L S College Rania
KLSDC-Kamla Lohtia Sanatan Dharam College
KLSGCC-KLS Gogte College of Commerce
KLSGIT-Karnatak Law Society Gogte Institute of Technology
KLSGIT-KLS Gogte college
KLSGIT-KLS Gogte Institute of Technology
KLSIET-KLS Institute Of Engineering And Technology
KLSIMER-Karnatak Law Societys Institute of Management Education and Research
KLSIMER-KLS Institute of Management Education and Research
KLSMM-Kanohar Lal Sanatkottar Mahila Mahavidyalaya
KLSSVPP-KLS Shri Vasantrao Potdar Polytechnic
KLST- Khwahish Leather Skill Trainers
KLSVDRIT-Karnatak Law Society Vishwanathrao Deshpande Rural Institute of Technology
KLSVDRIT-KLS Vishwanathrao Deshpande Rural Institute of Technology
KLTPDC-Kisan LT Parshikshan Degree College
KLU-K L University
KLU-Kuhne Logistics University
KLVCM-Kanhaiya Lal Vishnu Charan Mahavidyalaya
KMACACS-K M Agrawal College of Arts Commerce and Science
KMAC-K M Arts College
KMBBCET-KMBB College Of Engineering and Technology
KMBDC-Keshav Madhav Baijnath Degree College
KMBEC-KM B Ed College
KMB-Kamlesh Mahavidyalaya Bhind
KMCAC-Kalyani MCA College
KMCE-K M College of Education
KMCE-Kamla Memorial College of Education
KMCE-Kartar Memorial College of Education
KMCE-Kirori Mal College of Education
KMCEK-K M College of Education Krishnagiri
KMCE-KM College of Education
KMCE-KM College of Education
KMCE-KM College of Education Kanpur
KMCET-Khader Memorial College of Engineering and Technology
KMCHCN-KMCH College of Nursing
KMCHcot-KMCH College of Occupational Therapy
KMCHCP-KMCH College of Pharmacy
KMCHCP-KMCH College of Physiotherapy
KMCH-Katuri Medical College and Hospital
KMC-Kakatiya Mahila degree college
KMC-Kakatiya Medical College
KMC-Kamla Memorial College
KMC-Karuna Medical College
KMC-Karuppannan Mariappan College
KMC-Kasturba Medical Col
KMC-Kasturba Medical College
KMC-Kasturba Medical Colleget
KMC-Kathmandu Model College
KMC-Katihar Medical College
KMC-Khadir Mohideen College
KMC-Khetra Mohan College
KMC-Kilenkaba Memorial College
KMC-Kirori Mal College
KMCK-Kha Manipur College Kakching
KMC-KM College
KMC-KMCT Medical College
KMC-Kurnool Medical College Kurnool
KMCL-Keshav Memorial College of Law
KMCM-Kasturba Medical College Mangalore
KMCNA-Katrina Moller College of Nursing Arogyavaram
KMCPGS-Kanchi Mamunivar Centre for PG Studies
KMCP-K M College of Pharmacy
KMCP-Kakasaheb Mhaske College Of Pharmacy
KMCPS-Kanchi Mamunivar Centre For Postgraduate Studies
KMCSH-KMC Speciality Hospitals
KMCTAMC-KMCT Ayurveda Medical College
KMCTCAK-KMCT College of Architecture Kallanthode
KMCTCAM-KMCT College of Architecture Manassery
KMCTCE-K M C T College of Engineering
KMCTCEW-KMCT College Of Engineering for Women
KMCTCPS-KMCT College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
KMCTDC-KMCT Dental College
KMCTE-Kunhathumma Memorial College Of Teacher Education
KMCTPC-KMCT Polytechnic College
KMCUAFU-Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Urdu Arabi Farsi University
KMDCASC-K M D College Of Arts Science And Commerce
KMDCASC-Kirti M Doongursee College of Arts Science And Commerce
KMDC-K M Degree College
KMDC-Kabir Moti Darshan College
KMDC-Kakatiya Mahila Degree College
KMDC-Kanya Mahavidyalaya Degree College
KMDC-Keshav Marwar Degree College
KMDC-Khusro Memorial Degree College
KMDC-Kisan Majdoor Degree College
KMDC-KMD College
KMDPC-Kavitha Memorial Degree and PG College
KMDPGC-Kavitha Memorial Degree and PG College
KMDPGC-Keshav Memorial Degree and PG College
KMEAEC-Kerela Muslim Educational Association Engineering College
KMEAEC-KMEA Engineering College
KMESCE-Konkan Muslim Education Societys College of Education
KMET-Kaniyappa Memorial Educational Trust
KMGCAS-K M G College of Arts and Science
KMGCE - KMG College of Education
KMGCE-KMG College of Education Vellore
KMGGPGC-Km Mayawati Government Girls PG College
KMG-Kanya Mahavidyalaya Guwahati
KMG-Khardiha Mahavidyalaya Ghazipur
KMGMM-Kumari Mayawati Government Mahila Mahavidyalaya
KMGPC-KMG Polytechnic College
KMHGSM-Kum M H Gardi School of Management
KMHMC-Kakasaheb Mhaske Homoeopathic Medical College
KMIC-Kaushal Memorial Institute For Computer
KMICS-Keshav Memorial Institute of Commerce and Science
KMICS-Keshav Memorial Institute of Commerce and Sciences
KMIM-Kirsans Mission Institute of Management
KMIM-Krishna Murthy Institute Of Management
KMIO-Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology
KMIPS-Kanak Manjari Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
KMITE-Krishna Murthy Institute of Technology and Engineering
KMIT-Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology
KMJ-Kanya Mahavidyalaya Jullundur
KMJM-Karamveer Mamasaheb Jagdale Mahavidyalaya
KMJM-Karmaveer Mamasaheb Jagdale Mahavidyalaya
KM-Kala Mahavidyalaya
KM-Kala Mahavidyalya
KM-Kalikadham Mahavidyalaya
KM-Kalinagar Mahavidyalaya
KM-Kalinga Mahavidyalaya
KM-Kalpana Mahavidyalaya
KM-Kalyani Mahavidyalaya
KM-Kamarda Mahavidyalaya
KM-Kamayani Mahavidyalaya
KM-Kanya Mahavidyalaya Kharkhoda
KM-Karmavir Mahavidyalaya
KM-Karmavir Mahavidyalaya
KM-Kaushambi Mahavidyalaya
KM-Kaushlendra Mahavidyalaya
KMKC-K Manoharrao Kamdi College
KMKCP-K M Kundani College of Pharmacy
KM-Keshav Mahavidyalaya
KM-Kesinga Mahavidyalaya
KM-Khalisani Mahavidyalaya
KM-Kharasrota Mahavidyalaya
KM-Kholeshwar Mahavidyalaya
KM-Kisan Mahavidyalaya
KM-Kisan Mahvidyalaya
KM-Kishni Mahavidyalaya
KMK-Kalimati Mahavidyalaya Kalimati
KMK-Kanya Mahavidyalaya Kamrup
KMK-Kanya Mahavidyalaya Kharkhoda
KMK-Kasinath Mohavidyalaya Kaipada
KMK-Kisan Mahvidyalaya Kushinagar
KM-Kotshila Mahavidyalaya
KM-Krishak Mahavidyalaya
KM-Krishak Mahavidyalaya Azamgarh
KM-Krishna Mahavidyalaya Mau
KM-Krishna Mahavidyalaya Moradabad
KM-Krishna Mahavidyalaya Rethare
KM-Krishna Mahavidyalaya Shahjahanpur
KM-Krishna Mahavidyalaya Sujanpur
KM-Kuber Mahavidyalaya
KM-Kunwar Mahavidyalaya
KMLVC-KML Vatsalya College
KMMCAS-KMM College of Arts and Science
KMMCAS-Kumararani Meena Muthiah College of Arts and Science
KMMGWC-Krishna Menon Memorial Government Womens College
KMMIPS-KMM Institute Of Postgraduate Studies
KMMITS-KMM Institute of Technology and Science
KMM-Kalpa Mahila Mahavidyalaya
KMM-Kamla Mahila Mahavidyalaya
KMM-Kanoria Mahila Mahavidyalaya
KMM-Kanya Mahavidyalaya Miraj
KMM-Karmaveer Mahavidyalaya Mul
KMM-Kothari Mahila Mahavidyalaya
KMM-Kranti Mahila Mahavidyalaya
KMM-Kripalu Mahila Mahavidyalaya
KMM-Kusmara Mahila Mahavidhyalaya
KMMM-Kashipur Michael Madhusudan Mahavidyalaya
KMMNSSM-Kreeda Maharshi Meghanath Nageshkar Sharirik Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya
KMNI-Kangleipak Medical and Nursing Institute
KMN-Kanya Mahavidyalaya Niwai
KMOASC-K M O Arts and Science College
KMO-Koduvally Muslim Orphanage
KMPCE-K M Patel College of Education
KMPCE-KMP College of Engineering
KMPC-Kottai Mariyamman Polytechnic College
KMPC-Krishnadevi Maheshwari Pharmacy College
KMPC-Krishnasamy Memorial Polytechnic College
KMPGC-Kavitha Memorial Post Graduation College
KMPIP-KM Patel Institute of Physiotherapy
KMP-Kempegowda Memorial Polytechnic
KMPMVC-Mrs KMPM Vocational College
KMRDJCW-K M R D Jain College For Women
KMRDJCW-Kabli Mal Ramji Das Jain College for women
KMRDJCW-Kabli Mal Ramji Dass Jain College For Women
KMSCITM-KMS College of IT and Management
KMSC-Kalyani Mithila Sanskrit College
KMS-Krishna Mahavidyalaya Shahjahanpur
KMS-Krupajal Management Studies
KMSME-Kunjali Marakkar School of Marine Engineering
KMSM-Kalyani Mithila Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
KMSM-Kunwar Munindra Singh Mahavidyalaya
KMSPM-Kautilya Mahila Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavidyalaya
KMSPMSRMM- KMSP Mandals Sant Rawool Maharal Mahavidyalaya
KMTGGC-KMT Government Girls College
KMTK-Kachiyappa Munivar Tamizhiyal Kalloori
KMTTC-Krishna Mahila Teachers Training College
KMVC-Kanya Maha Vidyalaya College
KMV-Kamalayee Mahavidyalaya Vyahad
KMVVM-Karma Mata Vanijya and Vigyan Mahavidyalaya
KMWC-Kanak Manyatri Womens College
KMWC-Krishna Menon Womens College
KNAC-Krantiveer Navalbhau Arts College
KNADC-Karimi Narayana Appalanaidu Degree College
KNCAC-K N College of Arts and Commerce
KNCAS-King Nandhivarman College of Arts and Science
KNCEW - Kamla Nehru College of Education for Women
KNC-Kabi Nazrul College
KNC-Kamala Nehru College
KNC-Kamala Nehru College University of Delhi
KNC-Kamla Nehru College
KNC-Kamla Nehru College Korba
KNC-Kanyakubj Nursing College
KNC-Karpagam Nursing College
KNC-Kims Nursing College
KNCP-Kamla Nehru College of Pharmacy
KNCS-K Narkhede College of Science
KNCTC-Kaviguru Nobel Centenary Training College
KNCWJ-Kamla Nehru College For Women Jodhpur
KNCWP-Kamla Nehru College For Women Phagwara
KNDC-Kamla Nehru Degree College
KNDC-Kirti Narayan Degree College
KNGACW-K N Government Arts College for Women
KNGACW-Kundaivai Nachiyar Government Arts College for Women
kNGCE-K Nanjappa Gounder College of Education
KNGC-Kamla Nehru Girls College
KNGC-Kunti Naman Group of Colleges
KNGCW-Kundavai Naachiyaar Government College for Women
KNGCW-Kundavai Nachiyar Government College for Women
KNGDMEC-K N G D Modi Engineering College
KNGDM-Kamlesh Narain Girija Devi Mahavidhyalaya
KNGI-Kamla Nehru Group of Institutions
KNGKPGC-Kedar Nath Girdharilal Khatri PG College
KNIBC-Kazi Nazrul Islam BEd College
KNIM-Kazi Nazrul Islam Mahavidyalaya
KNIMT-Kamla Nehru Institute of Management and Technology
KNIPSS-Kamla Nehru Institute of Physical and Social Sciences
KNIPTSH-Kunti Naman Institute of Pharma Technology and Sciences Haridwar
KNIT-Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology
KNIT-Kashi Nath Institute Of Technology
KNITTC-Kabi Nazrul Islam Teachers Training College
KNITTC-Kazi Nazrul Islam Teachers Training College
KNKCHM-KNK College Of Horticulture Mandsaur
KNKSC-KNK Sanskrit College
KNKSC-KNK Sanskrit.College
KNMCE-Kaji Najrul Minority Collge of Education
KNMDC-Konduru Narsiah Memorial Degree College
KNMGASC-KNM Government Arts And Science College
KNMGDC-K N Memorial Government Degree College
KNM-Kabi Nazrul Mahavidyalaya
KNM-Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya
KNM-Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya Bhopal
KNM-Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya Nagpur
KNM-Krishna Naresh Mahavidyalya
KNMMSASNSBSCC-Kapadia NMMS Arts and SNSBS Commerce College
KNMNCW-Kamala Nehru Memorial National College for Women
KNNCL-KN Nagegowda College Of Law
KNNCSN-KNN College and School of Nursing
KNNLC-KN Nagegowda Law College
KNPC-Krantisinh Nana Patil College
KNPCP-Kailash Narayan Patel College of Pharmacy
KNPCS-KNP College Of Science
KNPCST-Kailash Narayan Patidar College of Science and Technology Bhopal
KNPCST-KNP College of Science and Technology
KNPGCG-Kashi Naresh Government Post Graduate College Gyanpur
KNPGC-Kamla Nehru Post Graduate College
KNPI-Krishna Nursing And Paramedical Institute
KNPJC - Kai Nivrutirao Patil Jawalgoankar College
KNP-Kalinga Nagar Polytechnic
KNP-Kamala Nehru Polytechnic
KNPM-Krintisinh Nana Patil Mahavidyalaya
KNPW-Kamala Nehru Polytechnic For Women
KNRCER-Kasireddy Narayan Reddy College of Engineering and Research
KNRUHS-Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences
KNSBLACC-Kheralu Nagarik Sahakari Bank Ltd Arts and Commerce College
KNSIT-K N S Institute of Technology
KNSKEC-K N S K College of Engineering
KNSKPC-Kalaivanar NSK Polytechnic College
KNSMCE-KN Subbaraj Memorial College of Education
KNSM-Kedar Nath Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
KNSMT-Kedar Nath Singh Memorial Trust
KNSWMC-K N S World Management College
KNU-Kazi Nazrul University
KNUST-Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
KNVVSACC-K N V V Sanghals Arts and Commerce College
KNVVSACCK-KNVV Sanghas Arts and Commerce College Kittur
KNWC-Kamala Nehru Womens College
KOC-Kartik Oraon College
KOC-Kartik Oraon College Ratu
KOI-Kings Own Institute
Kolej Poly-Tech Mara
Kolej Poly-Tech Mara Batu Pahat
KOL-Kaplan Open Learning Online
Kongu engineering college - Erode
KORMCE-K O R M College of Engineering
KOSMACC-K O Shah Municipal Arts And Commerce College
kostenloser Casino-Bonus
KPANCB-KPAN College Bankoi
KPARC-Kurukshetra Polytechnic And Research Centre
KPBCN-K Pandyarajah Ballal College Of Nursing
KPBEDCG-Kadva Patel B Ed College Ghaghret
KPBGM-Kumar Parmarth Baba Govind Mahavidyalaya
KPBHCCE-K P B Hinduja College of Commerce and Economics
KPBHCC-KPB Hinduja College of Commerce
KPB-Kanyapur Polytechnic Bardhaman
KPBNCC-KPB Hinduja College of Commerce
KPC- Kamaraj Polytechnic College
KPCBS-K P College Bandhapali Sarangarh
KPCC-Kikabhai Premchand Commerce College
KPCE-Kashmir Paradise College of Education
KPCJ-Kalaniketan Polytechnic College Jabalpur
KPC-Kakatiya PG College
KPC-Kamakhya Pemton College
KPC-Kamaraj Polytechnic College
KPC-Kamatchi Polytechnic College
KPC-Karaikal Polytechnic College
KPC-Karimpur Pannadevi College
KPC-Karmayogi Polytechnic College Shelve
KPC-Karpagam Polytechnic College
KPC-Karthikeya Polytechnic College
KPC-Karur Polytechnic College
KPC-Kems Pratap College
KPC-Kingston Polytechnic College
KPC-Kongu Polytechnic College
KPC-Kongunadu Polytechnic College
KPC-Kota Polytechnic College
KPC-Kumaran Polytechnic College
KPCM - K P College Murliganj
KPCM-K P College Of Management
KPCP-Kamalakshi Pandurangan College of Pharmacy
KPDC-Kunwar Prabha Degree College
KPDDWC-Krushna Priya Devi Degree Womens College
KPDSS-Kavi Puranmal Das Shikshan Sansthan
KPEA-Kunal Professional Educational Academy
KPEA-Kunal Professional Educational Academy Agra
KPECA-KP Engineering College Agra
KPEC-K P Engineering College
KPEC-Kanchi Pallavan Engineering College
KPESGMPLC-K P E S GM Patil Law College
KPES-Kerala Peoples Education Society College
KPES-Kerala Peoples Education Society Collegeiversity
KPGACSC-K P G Arts Commerce and Science College
KPGC - Kamla PG College
KPGCB-Kisan PG College Ballia
KPGCBM-Karuna PG College Of Business Management
KPGC-K P Government College
KPGC-Kalyan PG College
KPGC-Kalyan Post Graduate College
KPGC-Karuna PG College
KPGC-Kingston PG College
KPGC-Kingston Post Graduation College
KPGC-Kisan PG College
KPGC-Kisan PG College Bahraich
KPGC-Kisan PG College Ballia
KPGC-Kisan Post Graduate College
KPGC-Krishak PG College
KPGC-Kutir PG College
KPGCY-Kannada Post Graduate Centre Yadgir
KPGMM-Kanoria P G Mahila Mahavidyalaya
KPI-kaswan private ITI
KPIT-Krishna Pragati Institute of Technology
KPJCSW- Karmaveer Pratisthan Jalna College of Social Work
KPJEC-Kai Parshuram Jadhav Engineering College
KP-Kadwa Polytechnic
KP-Kalna Polytechnic
KP-Kalyan Polytechnic
KP-Kamptee Polytechnic
KP-Kamptee Polytechnic kamptee
KP-Kanchan Polytechnic
KP-Kanyapur Polytechnic
KP-Karavali Polytechnic
KP-Karnataka Polytechnic
KP-Katgara Polytechnic
KP-Khopoli Polytechnic
KP-Kirti Polytechnic
KPLI-Kolkata Police Law Institu
KPLI-Kolkata Police Law Institute
KPMC-KPM College Sultanpur
KPMDPGC-Karanam Padmavathi Memorial Degree and PG College
KPMGGDC-KP Mishra Government Girls Degree College
KPMGWC-Keshav Prasad Mishra Government Womens College
KPM-Kashi Prasad Mahavidyalaya
KPM-Kewla Pati Mahavidyalaya
KPMLC-Kamta Prasad Mishra Law College
KPMM- Kali Prasad Memorial Mahavidyalaya
KPMM-Kali Prasad Mahila Mahavidyalaya
KPMPJM-Kamta Prasad Mathura Prasad Janta Mahavidyalaya
KPNCAS - KP National College of Arts And Science
KPNCAS-K P National College of Arts and Science
KPNCEG-KPN College of Education Gantyada
KPNSBC- Kunwar Pirthi Nath Singh B Ed College
KPPADM-Kabi Prasanna Patasani Anchalika Degree Mohavidyalaya
KPPIT-K P Patil Institute of Technology
KPPMM-KP Patel Mahila Mahavidyalaya
KPPMTTC-Krishna Prasad Pal Memorial Teachers Training College
KPPNMCET-Kamaksha Prasad Pratap Narayan Mishra College of Educationand and Technology
KPRCE-Krishna PR College of Education
KPRIET - KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology
KPRIM-Kommuri Pratap Reddy Institute Of Management
KPRIT-Kommuri Pratap Reddy Institute of Technology
KPRMCN-KPRM College of Nursing
KPRMDC-Komatireddy Pratheek Reddy Memorial Degree College
KPRM-Keshav Prasad Ralhi Mahavidyalaya
KPRPGC-Keshav Prasad Ralhi PG College
KPSC-Kameshwar Prasad Singh College
KPSC-Kishan Pyari Shukla College
KPSDC-KPS Degree College
KPSIP-KPS Institute Of Polytechnic
KPSJS-Kaushal Prashikshan Shekshnik Janhitarth Samiti
KPSM-Kamla Prasad Singh Mahavidyalaya
KPSM-Keshav Prasad Smarak Mahavidyalaya
KPSPGC-Kamla Prasad Singh PG College
KPSPGC-Krishna Pal Singh PG College
KPSPMACC-Kharepatan Panchakroshi Shikshan Prasarak Mandals Arts and Commerce College
KPSPMDWCAC-Katta Panchkroshi Shikshan Prasarak Mandass Dr Waradkar College of Arts & Commerce
KPSSMV-Krishna Pal Singh Smarak Maha Vidyalaya
KPSVM-Kamla Prasad Singh Vidhi Mahavidayalya
KPSVSAMC-Kalmathada Pujya Shri Virupaksha Shivacharya Ayurvedic Medical College
KPSVSVAMC-K P S V Shri Virupaksha Ayurvedic Medical College
KPTBGP-Kai Pujya Trimbakappa Basavantappa Girwalkar Polytechnic
KPTC-KP Training College
KPTDC-Katapali Plus Three Degree College
KPUC-Kenya Polytechnic University College
KPU-Kwantlen Polytechnic University
KPUSS-KP Uchha Siksha Sansthan
KPW-Kasturba Polytechnic for Women
KRAASCC-Karmaveer Ramrao Aher Arts Science and Commerce College
KRA-KR Academy Dewas
KRASCW-KS Raja Arts and Science College for Women
KRBGC-K R B Girls College
KRBM-Kunwar Ram Bharose Mahavidyalaya
kRBRHTTC-KRBR Hedgewar Teachers Training College
KRBRHTTC-KRBR Hedgewar TT College
KRBSM-Kunwar Ram Bharose Singh Mahavidyalaya
KRCAS-KR College of Arts and Science
KRCCH-Kittur Rani Chennamma College Of Horticulture
KRCE-K Ramakrishnan College of Engineering
KRCE-K Ramakrishnan College of Engineeringf
KRCE-Kabiguru Rabindranath College of Education
KRCESCE-KRCE Societys College of Education
KRCESLC-Kittur Rani Channamma Education Societys Law College
KRC-Kai Rasikabai College
KRC-Kamla Rai College
KRC-Kandi Raj College
KRC-Kasturi Ram College
KRCMDC-Kunwar RC Mahila Degree College
KRCN-KR College of Nursing
KRCT-K Ramakrishnan College of Technology
KRDACC-KR Desai Arts and Commerce College
KRDCBE-KRD College of B Ed
KRDCCS-KR Doshi College of Computer Science
KRDC-Kalpnath Rai Degree College
KRDGC-K R Doshi Group of Colleges
KREAU-KREA University
KREDSSHMACW-Karnataka Rural and Education Development Societys Shivasharny Hemraddi Mallamma Arts College for Women
KREI-K R Educational Institute
KRESCEB-K R E Society College of Education Bidar
KRGCEW-KR Gouri Amma College of Engineering for Women
KRGDC-KR Girls Degree College
KRGGPGC-Kamla Raja Girls Government Post Graduate College
KRI-Kasturbagram Rural Institute
KRJDM-Kesai Ram Jhura Devi Mahavidyalaya
KRKGDC-K R K Government Degree College
KRKM-Kandra Radhakanta Kundu Mahavidyalaya
KRKRCE-KRK Reddy College Of Education
KRLBM-KR Laxmi Balika Mahavidyalaya
KRLBM-Kripa Ram Laxmi Balika Mahavidyalaya
KRLC-Kaushalendra Rao Law College
KRMC - K R M college
KRM-Kai Rasika Mahavidyalaya
KRM-Kai Rasika Mahavidyalaya deoni
KRM-Kedarnath Ramswaroop Mahavidyalaya
KRM-Keshav Ram Mahavidyalaya Kota
KRMMACM-KRM Mahila Arts and Commerce Mahavidyalaya
KRMMM-Khorshedbanu R Mewawala Mahila Mahavidyalaya
KRMSAP-K R Mangalam School of Architecture and Planning
KRMU-K R Mangalam University
KRNDC-Krishnawati Ram Naresh Degree College
KRPAM-Kai Ramrao Patil Adhyapak Mahavidyalaya
KRPCE-College of Education
KRPCE-KRP College of Education
KRPGC-Kishori Raman PG College
KRPGC-Kishori Raman Post Graduate College
KRRCE-Katipally Ravinder Reddy College Of Education
KRRGASC-KRR Government Arts and Science College
KRRIIT-KRR Institute of Information Technology
KRRSC-Kiss Raosaheb Rupchand Senior College
KRSCE-KRS College of Engineering
KRSCM-KRS College of Management
KRSCMS-K R Sapkal College of Management Studies
KRSCP-K R S College of Pharmacy
KRSLC-Konijeti Rosaiah Siva Lakshmi College
KRSMCN-Kailkere Rukmini Shetty Memorial College of Nursing
KRSSNC- KRS Sree Narayana College
KRSSSM-Kins Raj Smarak Sikshan Seva Mahavidyala
KRTABHCAMSC-K R T Arts B H Commerce and A M Science College
KRTC-Karmela Rani Training College
KRTC-KR Technical College
KRTM-Karmyogi Ramsurat Tripathi Mahavidyalaya
KRTTC-Kishori Raman Teacher Training College
KRUMWLPPNC-Kai Ramchandra Udangaonkar Maharaj Washims Late Pandurang Patil Nursing College
KRVIAES-Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute for Architecture and Environmental Studies
KRV-Kalpnath Rai Vidyalaya
KSADC-Kakinada Sri Aditya Degree College
KSA-Kalasalingam School of Architecture
KSA-Kongu School of Architecture
KSBC-K S Bhaskar College
KSBC-Kannur Salafi B ed College
KSBDDC-Khajan Singh Bhanti Devi Degree College
KSBDM-Kanchan Singh Bhooli Devi Mahavidyalaya
KSBEC-Kalna Surendranath B Ed College
KSBMKAM-Kleus Shri BMK Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya
KSBM-Kruti School of Business Management
KSC- Kymore Science College
KSCE-Kaliachak Sultana College of Education
KSCE-Karve Society College of Education
KSCE-Keshav Suryamukhi College of Education
KSCE-Kirpal Sagar College of Education
KSCE-KS College of Education
KSCEM-Kunwar Satyavira College Of Engineering And Management
KSCH-Krishna Sai College Hospet
KSC-K S College Morena
KSC-Kalawati Smriti College
KSC-Kamani Science College
KSC-Karnatak Science College
KSC-Karnatak Science College Dharwad
KSC-Kashi Sahu College
KSC-KCG Sanskrit College
KSC-Keene State College
KSC-Kittel Science College
KSC-Kohima Science College
KSC-Kshetramohan Science College
KSC-Kunwar Singh College
KSCN-Kavuri Subbarao College of Nursing
KSCN-Krishnaveni School and College of Nursing
KSCSACC-Kalmath Sri Chanabasava Swamy Arts And Commerce College
KSCSACCW-Kalmath Sri Channabasava Swamy Arts And Commerce College For Women
KSDC-Kargil Shaheed Degree College
KSDC-Keystone Skill Development Centre
KSDC-Krishna Sarada Degree College
KSDSU-Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University
KSDSV-Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya
KSEACWS-Kudal Sangam Education Societies Arts College For Women Shahabad
KSEC-KK Shastri Educational Campus
KSEFCE - Karnataka State Education Federation College of Education
KSE-Keonjhar School of Engineering
KSE-Keystone School of Engineering
KSE-Koustuv School Of Engineering
KSERTCE-KSERT College of Education
KSET-Krishnan Sadanandan Education Trust
KSFGCT-Kalpatharu Science First Grade College Tiptur
KSGCAS-K S G College of Arts and Science
KSGDC-Kamta Singh Girls Degree College
KSGHMPAU-KSGH Music and Performing Arts University
KSGMCN-KSGM College Nirsa
KSHBEDC-Konda Saraswathamma Hanumanthaiah BEd College
KSHMA-KS Hegde Medical Academy
KSHPTTCN-Khawja Shahid Hussain Primary Teachers Training College Nista
KSIE-Kalyan Singh Institute Of Education
KSIET-Khurana Sawant Institute of Engineering and Technology
KSIT-K S Institute of Technology
KSIT-Kammavari Sangha Institute of Technology
KSJIET-K S Jain Institute of Engineering and Technology
KS-Kayzey Society
KSKCAS-Kanchi Shri Krishna College of Arts and Science
KSKCE-KSK College of Education Thanjavur
KSKCET-KSK College of Engineering and Technology
KSKCET-KSK College of Engineering and Technology kumbakonam
KSKDC-Kr Shakoor Khan Degree College
KSKVKU-Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University
KSKWASCC-Karmaveer Shantarmbapu Kondaji Wavare Arts Science and Commerce College
KSLU-Karnataka State Law University
KSLYDC-Kargil Sahid Lalmani Yadav Degree College
KSLYM-Kargil Sahid Lalmani Yadav Mahavidyalaya
KSM - Kesharbai Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya
KSMACC-Kailas Shikshan Mandals Arts and Commerce College
KSMCC-Karnataka Sanghas Manjunatha College of Commerce
KSMCE-KS Maniam College of Education
KSMCEW-KSM College of Education for Women
KSMC-Kamladevi Shikshan Mahavidyalaya Chandrapur
KSMC-Kishori Sinha Mahila College
KSMCL-Kundan Singh Memorial College Of Law
KSM-Kabi Sukanta Mahavidyalaya
KSM-Kalindi Singh Mahavidyalaya
KSM-Kalloomal Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
KSM-Kalyan Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
KSM-Kandula School of Management
KSM-Kanhaiya Smarak Mahavidyalaya
KSM-Kargil Shaheed Mahavidyalay
KSM-Kayam Singh Mahavidyalaya
KSM-Kewala Sunder Mahavidyalaya
KSM-Kiran Singh Mahavidyalaya
KSM-Kiranlata Singh Mahavidyalay
KSM-Krepal Singh Mahavidyalaya
KSM-Krishna Sudama Mahavidyalaya
KSM-Krishnapal Singh Mahavidyalaya
KSM-Krupanidhi School of Management
KSM-Kuber Snatakottar Mahavidyalaya
KSM-Kundan Singh Memorial Mahavidyalaya
KSMPC-K S M Polytechnic College
KSMPGDC-Kundan Singh Memorial Post Graduate Degree College
KSMS-Kingston School of Management And Science
KSMVPMSSM-Kai Sou Malatidevi Vasantrao Patil Mahila Shikshan Shastra Mahavidyalaya
KSNC-K S Nursing College
KSNGDCW-KSN Government Degree College for Women
KSNIT-K S N Institute of Technology
KSNRDC-KSNR Degree College
KSOM-KIIT School of Management
KSOU-Karnataka State Open University
KSPAC-Kamani Science and Prataprai Arts College
KSPACSC-Krushiratan Sharadchandraji Pawar Arts Commerce and Science College
KSPGC-Kumud Singh Post Graduate College
KSPGDC-Kunwar Singh PG Degree College
KSP-Kbpss Sahyadri Polytechnic
KSPMCEW-K S P Mandals College of Education for Womens
KSPMCLIS-KSP Mandals College of Library and Information Science
KSPM-Kamla Shikshak Prashikshak Mahavidhyalay
KSPMLJM-Krishnai Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Laturs Janvikas Mahavidyalaya
KSPSASC- Kunbi Shikshan Prasarak Sansthas Arts and Science College
KSPSM-Kalpana Shikshan Prashikshan Sansthan Mahavidyalaya
KSRBC-K S R Bed College Cumbum
KSRCAS-KS Rangasamy College of Arts and Science
KSRCAS-KSR College of Arts and Science
KSRCASW-KSR College of Arts and Science for Women
KSRCE-K S R College of arts and science
KSRCE-K S R College of Engineering
KSRCE-Krantiveer Sangolli Rayanna College Of Education
KSRCE-KSR College of Education
KSRC-K S R College
KSRCT-K S Rangasamy college of technology
KSRDC-K S R Degree College
KSRDPRU-Karnataka State Rural Development and Panchayat Raj University
KSRIDSRN-KSR Institute of Dental Science and Research Namakkal
KSRIET-K S R Institute For Engineering And Technology
KSRIT-K S Rangasamy Institute Of Technology
KSRKRKCE-KSR and KRK College of Education
KSRMCE-Kandula Srinivasa Reddy Memorial College Of Engineering
KSRMCE-KSRM College of Engineering
KSRMCMS-KSRM College of Management Studies
KSRMDC-KSR Mahila Degree College
KSRPC-KSR Polytechnic college
KSSACC-KSS Arts And Commerce College
KSSACCR-KSS Arts And Commerce College Ron
KSSAC-Kanakadasa Shikshan Samitis Arts College
KSSA-KS School of Architecture
KSSBC - Kles Shri Smss BCA College
KSSBEMEC-KSS B Ed and M Ed College
KSSBM-K S School of Business Management
KSSCE-Kasturi Shikshan Sansthas College of Education
KSSC-KSS College
KSSC-Kukke Sri Subrahmanyeshwara College
KSSCP-Kasturi Shikshan Sansthas College Of Pharmacy
KSSCVA-Kalaprasar Shikshan Sanstha College of Visual Arts
KSSEDPC-Kai Sau Sunitatai Eknathrao Dhakane Polytechnic College
KSSEM-K S School of Engineering and Management
KSSIM-Kasturi Shikshan Sanstha Institute Of Management
KSS-Kashinath Shiksha Sansthan
KSSKJ-Keshari Shikshan Samiti Khokhra Janjgir
KSSM-K S S Mahavidyalaya
KSSMS-Khandela Sah Shiksha Mahavidyalaya Sikar
KSSPGC-KS Saket PG College
KSSPGC-KS Saket Post Graduate College
KSSSCE- Kamdhenu Shikshan Sanstha Sanchalit College of Education
KSSTTI-Kabi Sukanta Secondary Teachers Training Institute
KSSVBACC-Kles S S V B Arts and Commerce College
KSSVCE-KSS Vijayanagar College of Education
KSTC-K S T College
KSTC-Keyi Sahib Training College
KSTC-Kushwaha Somari Triloki College
KSTS-Kannanthanam School of Tourism Studies
KSUBC-K S U B College
KSUBC-Kabi Samrat Upendra Bhanja College
KSUBCTE-Kabi Samrat Upendra Bhanja College of Teacher Education
KSUBCTE-KSUB College of Teacher Education
KSU-Kaduna State University
KSU-Kansas State University
KSU-Karnataka Sanskrit University
KSU-Kennesaw State University
KSU-Kent State University
KSU-Kentucky State University
KSU-King Saud University
KSU-Kwara State University
KSUST-Kebbi State University of Science and Technology
KSVCEM-Kuwar Satya Veer College of Engineering and Management
KSVDC-Kothakota Sri Vidya Degree College
KSV-Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya
KSWASCIM-KS Wani Advanced Study Centre In Marathi
KSWEC-Kumbhalkar Social Work Evening College
KSWIASM-K S Wani Institute of Advanced Studies in Marathi
KSWU-Karnataka State Women University
KSWU-Karnataka State Women University vijayapur
KSWU-Karnataka State Womens University
KSYDPACSC-Kai Shri Y D Patil Arts Commerce Science College Gaganbavada
KTBC-KPM Training BEd College
KTBEC-Kharagpur Tribal B Ed College
KTCC-K T C College
KTCHRC-Kashmir Tibbia College Hospital And Research Centre
KTC-Kalahandi Training College
KTC-Kalsekar Technical Campus
KTC-Khemchand Tarachand College
KTC-Krishna Training Centre
KTC-Kushabhau Thakre College
KTCTCTE-KTCT College of Teacher Education
KTEC-Karnatak Teachers Education College
KTGC-KT Government College
KTGCNS-KTG College of Nursing Sciences
KTGCP-KTG College of Physiotherapy
KTHMC-K T H M College
KTHRPAC-Karmaveer Tatyasaheb Hari Raoji Patil Arts College
KTIBC-Kingway Technical Institute B Ed College
KTI-Kundam Technology Institute
KTKMLC-Kalol Taluka Kelavani Mandal Law College
KTKMSIS-Kalol Taluka Kelavani Mandal Sanchalit Institute of Science
KTNC-Kushabhau Thakre Nursing College
KTNCP-KTN College of Pharmacy
KTPAJV-Kushabhau Thakre Patrakarita Avam Jansanchar Vishwavidyalaya
KTPCBCS-KT Patil College of B Sc Computer Science
KTPCE-K T Patil College of Education
KTPCE-KT Patil College of Engineering
KTPCET-KT Patil College Of Engineering And Technology
KTPC-Karmyogi Tulshiram Pawar College
KTPC-Krishna Teja Pharmacy College
KTPC-KrishnaTeja Pharmacy College
KTPC-KT Patil College
KTPCP-KT Patil College Of Pharmacy
KTRI-Karnataka Theological Research Institute
KTRRTC-Keltron Tool Room Research And Training Centre
KTRWC-K T Reddy Womens College
KTRWC-KTR Womens College
KTSCEWP-Keerai Tamil Selvan College of Education for Women Pudukkottai
KTSCN-Keerrai Thamil Selvan College Of Nursing
KTSGDC-KTS Government Degree College
KTSPMKC-K T S P Manda Kmc College
KTSPMKMCC- Khalapur Taluka Shikshan Prasarak Mandals Khopoli Municipal Council College
KTSVFGCW-K T S V First Grade College For Wowen
KTTC - Khandelwal Teachers Training College
KTTC-Kamarsha Teachers Traning College
KTTC-Katihar Teachers Training College Sirsa
KTTC-Khoj T T College
KTTC-Khoj Teacher Training College
KTTC-Kiran Teachers Training College
KTTC-Kolkata Teachers Training College
KTTC-Kothari Teachers Training College
KTTIHS-Kultikri Teacher Training Institute of Higher Studies
KTTI-Krishnapur Teachers Training Institute
KTTMC-Karuna Teachers Training Mahila College Hanumangarh
KTUVKMSNSDCE-KTUVKM Shri NS Desai College Of Education
KTUVKMSSC-Kheralu Taluka Uttar Vibhag Kelvani Mandal Sanchalit Science College
KTVRKPET-K T V R Knowledge Park for Engineering and Technology
KUCET-K U College of Engineering And Technology
KUCET-KU College Of Engineering And Technology
KUC-Karatina University College
KUC-Kings University College
KUCTE-Kerala University College of Teacher Education
KUCTE-Kerala University College of Teacher Education Anchal
KUCTE-Kerala University College of Teacher Education Kayamkulam
KUD- Karnatak University Dharwad
KUDMPGC-Krishna University Dr Mrar PG Centre
KUDMPGC-Krishna University Dr Mrar PG Centre nuzvidu
KUET-Khulna University of Engineering and Technology
KUFE- Karabuk University Faculty of Engineering
KUFOS-Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies
KUHS-Kerala University of Health Sciences
KU-Kabarak University
KU-Kabul University
KU-Kakatiya University
KU-Kakatiya University dharwad
KU-Kalasalingam University
KU-Kalinga University
KU-Kamdhenu University
KU-Kannada University
KU-Kannur University
KU-Kaplan University
KU-Karachi University
KU-Karnatak University
KU-Karnavati University
KU-Karpagam University
KU-Karunya University
KU-Kashmir University
KU-Kathmandu University
KU-Kaziranga University
KU-Kean University
KU-Keele University
KU-Keiser University
KU-Kenyatta University
KU-Kerala University
KU-Kettering University
KU-Khalifa University
KU-Khallikote University
KU-Kia University
KU-King University
KU-Kings University College
KU-Kingston University
KU-Kolhan University
KU-Korea University
KU-Kota University
KU-Kota Universityko
KU-Krishna University
KU-Kumaun University
KU-Kurukshetra University
KU-Kuvempu University
KU-Kuvempu University, shimoga
KU-Kuwait University
KU-Kyambogo University
KUMVNCAC-Konkan Unnati Mitra Mandals Vasantrao Naik College of Arts and Commerce
KUO-Kurukshetra University Online
KUO-Kuvempu University Online
KUPGC-Karnatak University PG Centre
KUP-Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
KUWC-Kahm Unity Womens College
KVADAVCW-Kumari Vidyavati Anand DAV College for Women
KVAFSU-Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fisheries Sciences University
KVA-Kharagpur Vision Academy
KVASU-Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
KVCASW-Karur Velalar College of Arts and Science for Women
KVCE-Kashmir Valley College of Education
KVCE-Knowledge Valley College of Education
KVCET-Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology
KVCHM-Kapol Vidyanidhi College of Hotel Management
KVC-Kmpm Vocational College
KVCMT-Kapol Vidyanidhi College Of Management And Technology
KVCN-Karpaga Vinayaga College Of Nursing
KVCNP-Karpaga Vinayaga College Of Nursing Pudukkottai
KVCP-Kamalam Viswanathan College of Physiotherapy
KVCT-Kala Vanijya College Thadipauni
KVDC-Kantabanji Vocational Degree College
KVDC-Krishnaveni Degree College
KVGAMC-KVG Ayurveda Medical College
KVGCE-K V G College of Engineering
KVGDCH-KVG Dental College and Hospital
KVGINS-KVG Institute of Nursing Sciences
KVGIT-Khandelwal Vaish Girls Institute of Technology
KVGLC-Kurunji Venkatramana Gowda Law College
KVGMC-KVG Medical College
KVGP-Kurunji Venkatramana Gowda Polytechnic
KVIDS-Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Dental Sciences
KVIDS-Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of medical sciences and research centre
KVIDS-Karpaga Vinyaka Institute Of Dental Sciences
KVIMIS-K V Institute of Management and Information Studies
KVIM-Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Management
KVIMSRC-Karapaga Vinayaga Institute Of Medical Sciences And Research Centre
KVIMSR-Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
KVIN - Kol Valley Institute of Nursing
KVKCP-KVK College of Pharmacy
KV-Kendriya Vidyalaya
KV-Kendriya Vidyalaya Langjing
KV-Kohlan University
KVM - Kisan Veer Mahavidyalaya
KVMASC-KVM Arts and Science College
KVMCEIT-KVM College of Engineering and Information Technology
KVMC-Kishorilal Verma Memorial College
KVMCN-KVM College of Nursing
KVMCP-K V M College Of Pharmacy
KVMCSE-KVM College of Special Education
KVMDSAC- Kabir Vikas Mandal Dasa Sanchalit Arts College
KVMIPS-KVM Institute of Paramedical Sciences
KVMIT-Kala Vidya Mandir Institute Of Technology
KVM-Kala Vigyan Mahavidyalaya
KVM-Kashi Vishwanath Mahavidyalaya
KVM-Kaushambi Vidhi Mahavidyalaya
KVM-Kisan Veer Mahavidyalaya
KVM-Kisan Vidhi Mahavidyalaya
KVMMDPGC-Kanpur Vidya Mandir Mahila Degree PG College
KVMMMK-Kanpur Vidya Mandir Mahila Mahavidyalaya Kanpur
KVMNC-KVM Nursing College
KVMSS-Karam Vidya Mandir Shikshan Sansthan
KVMT-Krishna Vidyapeeth of Management and Technology
KVMTTC-Karm Vidhya Mandir Teachers Training College
KVNNC-Krantiveer Vasantrao Narayanrao Naik College
KVNNIEER-Krantiveer Vasantrao Narayanrao Naik Institute of Engineering Education And Research
KVNNSPSACC-Krantiveer Vasantrao Narayanrao Naik Shikshan Prasarak Sansthas Arts And Commerce College
KVNNSPSACS-Kr Vasantrao Narayanrao Naik Shikshan Prasarak Sansthas Arts Commerce and Science College
KVNNSPSP-K V N Naik S P Sanstha Polytechnic
KVNNSPSP-KVN Naik S P Sansthas Polytechnic
KVPCA-KV Patel College Of Agriculture
KVPCASC-KV Pendharkar College of Arts Science and Commerce
KVPC-K V Pendharkar College
KVPC-Konghu Velalar Polytechnic College
KVPSACC-K V P Societys Arts and Commerce College
KVPSMAHCP-KVPS Maharani Ahilyabai Holkar College Of Pharmacy
KVPSPE-KVPS Institute Of Pharmaceutical Education
KVPSSAM-K V P S S Ayurved Mahavidyalaya
KVPSSIPE-KVPSS Institute of Pharmaceutical Education
KVPSSSPDMASHDCSMASC-KVPSS Smt PDM Arts Smt HD Commerce and SMA Science College
KVPTTI-Kumrai Vivekananda Primary Teachers Training Institute
KVRASCCB-Karmaveer Vyankatrao Randhir Arts Science And Commerce College Boradi
KVRC-KVR College
KVRGCW-KVR Government College for Women
KVRRDCW-KV Ranga Reddy Degree College for Women
KVRRLC-KV Ranga Reddy Law College
KVSC-K V Science College
KVSC-KVSc College
KVSKM-Krishan Vallabh Shravan Kumar Mahavidyalaya
KVSRDC-KV Subba Reddy Degree College
KVSRPGC-KV Subba Reddy PG College
KVSRSCPS-KVSR Siddhartha College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
KVSSSVAC-K V S s Sachidananda Swamiji Veerakantamath Arts College
KVTP-KVT Polytechnic
KVTRAC-K V T R Ayurved College
KVTTCP-Kanku Vijay Teachers Training College Pali
KVVIPRC-K V Virani Institute of Pharmacy and Research Centre
KWCE-Kadambini Women College of Education
KWCE-Kashmir Womens College of Education
KWC-Kadambinipal Womens College
KWC-Kailash Womens College
KWC-Kentucky Wesleyan College
KWCK-Korua Womens College Kendrapara
KWC-Konark Womens College
KWC-Krishnagar Womens College
KWC-Smt Kasturbai Walchand College
KWDC-Kanishka Womens Degree College
KWMSKCE-Kasturba Womens Multipurpose Societys Kasturba College of Education
KWP-KK Wagh Polytechnic
KWTBC-Kanara Welfare Trusts B Ed College
KWTBEC-Kanara Welfare Trust B Ed College
KWU-Kansas Wesleyan University
KWVI-Khazani Womens Vocational Institute
KYDC-Kamlesh Yadav Degree College
KYDSTCP-KYDSCTs College of Pharmacy
KZSSC-K Z S Science College