Kabiguru Institute of Education is a prominent institution dedicated to excellence in teacher education. With a team of experienced and qualified faculty members, we provide a nurturing environment for students to develop teaching skills and pedagogical knowledge. Our institute emphasizes practical training through teaching practice and school internships, ensuring hands-on experience. Kabiguru Institute of Education is committed to producing dedicated and innovative teachers, instilled with values of integrity, empathy, and professionalism, contributing significantly to the enhancement of the education sector and societal progress.

Key Highlights

  • Institute has a team of experienced faculty members, providing personalized attention.
  • Modern infrastructure, well-equipped classrooms, and resourceful library.
  • Promote values of integrity, empathy, and professionalism, preparing teachers.

Course Offered

Contact Details

Admission Cell
Contact PersonAdmission Cell
Contact number9734771513
Email kabiguruinsofedu gmail.com
Official Website https://kabiguruinsofedu.in/

Placement Cell

Contact PersonPlacement Cell
Contact number9153766892
Email kabiguruinsofedu gmail.com


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Kabiguru Institute of Education
Vill+ Post-Bhedia
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