KSR and KRK College of Education in Guntur is a premier educational institution located in the city of Guntur, India. The college has an excellent infrastructure with modern classrooms, laboratories, library facilities, sports grounds and other amenities to provide students with a comprehensive learning experience. The faculty members are highly qualified professionals who have extensive knowledge about their respective fields. They strive to impart quality education to all its students through innovative teaching methods and interactive sessions. With its commitment towards excellence in academics, KSR & KRK College of Education is one of the best institutions for aspiring teachers in the region.
Contact Person | Admission Cell |
Contact number | 8644229000 |
ksr.krkcollegeofeducation gmail.com | |
Official Website | http://ksrkrkedu.org/ |
Contact Person | Placement Cell |
Contact number | 7901229000 |
ksr.krkcollegeofeducation gmail.com |
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