Profile Completeness
Given below is the analysis of completeness of profiles of students of YCMOU-Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University.
To attract recruiters, it is recommended to have your profile more than 60% complete.
To check the status of profiles of a particular batch and for a certain specialization i.e course, filters are available below.
Also, read how to build a strong profile.
Profile Completeness (%) No. of students
0 - 20 % 2545
20 - 40 % 241
40 - 60 % 147
60 - 80 % 59
80 - 100 % 6

Self Assessment Tests Status- yTests Status
Below Pie chart shows how many students of YCMOU-Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University have taken up the tests to analyse and test their own skills and talents on Youth4work platform.
The data can be filtered on the basis of graduation years and specializations i.e courses.
Taking self assessment tests i.e yTests help you get scores on the basis of your performance and also iin getting ranks on the rankboard. Read more about yTests.
Self Assesment Status No. of students
yTest taken 478
yTest not taken 2727

Resume Status
Below is shown how many students of YCMOU-Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University have uploaded their resumes in their Youth4work profiles.
It is proven that Youth4work profiles with resumes are given more priority than those without resumes. So, it is advisable to always upload updated resumes in your profile. Read more on how you can build strong profile and attract recruiters.
Resume Status No. of Resume
CV Uploaded 291
CV Not Uploaded 2914

Location Preference Status
Here is the detailed analysis of job location preferences of the students of YCMOU-Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University.
A youth can mention upto 3 cities where he/she would prefer to work. This way the youths get periodic alerts for job opportunities as per his/her preferred locations. This also helps a college in analyzing students’ preferences and therefore the types of companies which can be considered to invite to campus in placements.
Preferred Job Location No. of students
Pune 28
Mumbai 22
Navi Mumbai 8
Kolhapur 7
Nashik 5
Others 46
Note:- The above analysis is based on Inputs given by students & alumni of YCMOU-Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University registered on Youth4work.

The students & faculty of YCMOU-Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University can be directly contacted by sending emails through Youth4work. Register for Free and connect with them! Existing users can Sign-in and ask questions or give feedbacks on college forums.