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Date | No Of People |
20-Feb | 5 |
27-Feb | 2 |
06-Mar | 3 |
13-Mar | 1 |
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UGSM-U G Smuruti Mahavidyalaya's professional profile and blogs has been visited from locations across the globe.
Date | No Of People |
13-Jan | 1 no of times, visited from Brantford, Ontario, |
30-Jan | 12 no of times, visited from Cupertino, California, |
05-Feb | 12 no of times, visited from San Jose, California, |
19-Feb | 2 no of times, visited from Mountain View, California, |
27-Feb | 1 no of times, visited from , , |
03-Mar | 5 no of times, visited from Cupertino, California, |
13-Mar | 151 no of times, visited from Mountain View, California, |