SKHMC-Sarada Krishna Homeopathic Medical College is a prestigious institution affiliated with Dr. M G R Medical University. Located in Tamil Nadu, India, the college offers quality education and training in the field of homeopathic medicine. The curriculum is designed in accordance with the guidelines set by Dr. M G R Medical University, ensuring students receive a comprehensive understanding of homeopathic principles, diagnosis, and treatment methodologies. With experienced faculty and modern facilities, the college aims to produce skilled and compassionate homeopathic practitioners. The affiliation with Dr. M G R Medical University adds credibility to the institution and enables students to access diverse academic resources and opportunities.

Key Highlights

  • Library
  • Excellent infrastructure facilities
  • online book access system for library

Contact Details

Admission Cell
Contact PersonDr. C.K. MOHAN
Contact number9443379448
Email college skhmc.org
Official Website https://www.skhmc.org/

Placement Cell

Contact Person
Contact number


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  • Sarada Krishna Homeopathic Medical College Photos
  • Sarada Krishna Homeopathic Medical College Photos


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