GC-Government College Panchkula
Kurukshetra University
Panchkula, Haryana, India
GC - Government College Panchkula, was established in the year 1983. The infrastructure of the college is well equipped with fully furnished Library, Multimedia Labs, & Various science laboratories. For the Betterment of the students the institute regularly conducts seminars & extra curriculum activities.
Key Highlights
- Co-curricular activities
- Outstanding infrastructure
- Best quality of higher education
Course Offered
Contact Details
Contact Person | Government College Panchkula |
Contact number | 089010 25535 |
gc1_panchkula@yahoo.com | |
Official Website |
http://gc1panchkula.com |
Contact Person | Government College Panchkula |
Contact number | 089010 25535 |
gc1_panchkula@yahoo.com |
When are the exams and holidays in GC-Government College Panchkula, generally ?
Is there ragging in GC-Government College Panchkula ? How bad is it ?
Who is the best and the worst teacher in GC-Government College Panchkula ? why ?
Does GC-Government College Panchkula have good faculty and teaching facilities ?
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