PSGR Krishnammal College For Women in Coimbatore is a premier educational institution located in the city of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. It also provides students with excellent facilities including well-equipped laboratories for practical learning; modern classrooms equipped with audio-visual aids; library services; sports grounds; hostel accommodation for outstation students; health care centre etc., making it an ideal choice for aspiring female professionals from all over India.
Contact Person | Admission Cell |
Contact number | 4224295959 |
principal | |
Official Website | |
Contact Person | Placement Cell |
Contact number | 4224295959 |
principal |
Management trainee
Management trainee at preludesys india limited To Present
MBA-Master of Business Administration, Marketing
PSGR Krishnammal College For Women's profile had been viewed from 20 locations across the globe, Most recently from Riyadh.