“Nandanpur Teachers’ Training Institute (NTTII)” was established in 2010 by the “Liberalization of Society by Education and Research (L’SER)”, a registered society established under the Societies Registration Act of Govt. of West Bengal to uplift/enrich human values through value added education. The Institute has been offering B.Ed courses with due recognition from NCTE and affiliation to Vidyasagar University. The members of the Society are highly qualified in the diverse field of engineering, science, agriculture and commerce, who felt that there was a dire need of professional educators and hence did their utmost to create an array of professional teachers for future generation by blending sciences, technologies and culture with the conventional curriculum. The aim of the Institute is to give equal opportunities to the underprivileged and backward students to become teachers and also to promote value-based education, sensitizing the students to social responsibility and good citize

Key Highlights

  • Library
  • Laboratory
  • Auditorium

Course Offered

Contact Details

Admission Cell
Contact PersonProf (Dr.) Mintu Halder
Contact number9635758144
Email nandanpurtti10 gmail.com
Official Website http://www.nandanpurtti.org/

Placement Cell

Contact PersonDr. Arup Kr. Bhaumik
Contact number3225251075
Email laser_ngo yahoo.co.in


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Vill - Nandanpore
P.O. Sekendari
District - West Midnapore
Pin- 721146
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