Late Kamta Prasad Shastri Mahavidyalaya was founded in 2003 and is recognized by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) approved by and affiliated to Bundelkhand University.
The mission of the College of Education is to provide quality learning experiences to develop the holistic personality of the teacher-trainees. The college strives to inculcate among the teacher –trainees the desirable values, attitudes, to develop the skills & creative potentialities. It equips the teacher-trainees with fashionable trends in education & develops love, affection & concern towards the society. The college has committed itself to work towards national and international distinction to prepare leaders in education.

Key Highlights

  • Library
  • wifi
  • Healthcare

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Contact Details

Admission Cell
Contact number9451752498
Email sanjaypandey_78 rediffmail.com
Official Website

Placement Cell

Contact Personshreesh tripathi
Contact number5191288521
Email sanjaypandey_78 rediffmail.com


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Late Kamta Prasad Shastri Mahavidyalaya in front of police station allahabad road badausa
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