The Late Babruwan Vitthalrao Kale Manjara Ayurved Medical College and Hospital, or LBVKMAMCH, is a special place where people learn about Ayurveda. It was established in the year 2000-2001. Ayurveda is an ancient Indian way of healing and staying healthy using natural methods. The college teaches students how to use herbs, plants, and lifestyle practices to help people feel better. It also has a hospital where students can practice what they learn and help real patients. LBVKMAMCH is like a school and a hospital combined, working to spread knowledge and care about Ayurveda for the benefit of everyone.

Key Highlights

  • Highly experienced and qualified faculty members .
  • The college emphasizes academic excellence.
  • Offline Education

Course Offered

Contact Details

Admission Cell
Contact PersonAdmission Cell
Contact number9405647469
Email manjaraayurved1 rediffmail.com
Official Website https://mamchlatur.com/

Placement Cell

Contact PersonPlacement Cell
Contact number9175228168
Email manjaraayurved1 rediffmail.com


  • Late Babruwan Vitthalrao Kale Manjara Ayurved Medical College and Hospital Photos
  • Late Babruwan Vitthalrao Kale Manjara Ayurved Medical College and Hospital Photos


Manjara Charitable Trust’s Late. B. V. Kale Ayurved Medical College & Hospital
Latur. Behind Bus Stand
Gandhi Maidan
college address map


Late Babruwan Vitthalrao Kale Manjara Ayurved Medical College and Hospital's profile had been viewed from 1 locations across the globe, Most recently from Mountain View.

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