बारे में

WHET (Westfort Higher Education Trust) is a reputable educational institution located in Kerala, India. It is affiliated with the University of Calicut, a prestigious university known for its academic excellence and diverse range of programs. WHET offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various disciplines, providing students with quality education and opportunities for personal and professional growth. The trust focuses on holistic development, combining theoretical knowledge with practical training, industry exposure, and skill enhancement. With experienced faculty members, modern facilities, and a supportive learning environment, WHET strives to ensure that its programs meet the highest academic standards set by the University of Calicut, equipping students with the necessary skills and knowledge for their future endeavors in academia, research, and professional careers.

खास बातें

  • Library
  • Wi-Fi
  • Training & Placement

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संपर्क विवरण

प्रवेश कक्ष
संपर्क व्यक्तिWestfort Higher Education Trust
संपर्क संख्या04872204343
ईमेल wahethrissur gmail.com
सरकारी वेबसाइट http://wahe.co.in/

प्लेसमेंट सेल

संपर्क व्यक्तिWestfort Higher Education Trust
संपर्क संख्या0487 - 2204 343
ईमेल wahethrissur gmail.com


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  • Westfort Higher Education Trust Photos
  • Westfort Higher Education Trust Photos


Westfort College of Nursing MG Kavu PO
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Westfort Higher Education Trust की प्रोफ़ाइल दुनिया भर में 1 स्थानों से देखी गई थी, हाल ही में Mountain View से।

  • पिछले 30 दिनों में 0 बार देखा गया है


Westfort Higher Education Trust Isunaided - Private Institute Located At Thrissur Inkerala . The Address Of The Institute Is Westfort Higher Education Trust Pottore M.G.Kavu P.O Thrissur Kerala Pin 680 581 ,Thrissur , Pincode680581 . It Operates Under The Parent Organization Westfort Higher Education Trust . The Institute Started Its First Course In 2004. Westfort Higher Education Trust Is Open For Both Men And Women. Westfort Higher Education Trust Is Open For All Sections Of Society. The Head Of The Insititute Is Principal Ramanunny M , Having A Teaching Experience Of 15 Years And Research Experience Of 20 Years. Contact Details: Website: Www.Imttcr.Com Email: Enquiry(at)Imt-Thrissur.In Landline No: 487 - 2204323

Course Details:

Affiliating Body: Calicut University , Calicut Year Started: 2004
Shift: 1st Shift Accreditation Status: NOT ACCREDITED
Course Type: FULL TIME Course Mode: Regular
NRI Approved : NA PIO Approved: NA
Any Foreign Collaboration : NA Name of Foreign University: -
Annual Fees (15-16): ?38500 Course Duration: 3 years
Approved Intake (15-16): 60 Approved Intake (16-17): 60

Faculty Details:

Sr. No Name Gender Email Designation Level Specialization Date of Joining Appointment Type
1 Dr. RAJANI Menon R Female rajanimenon(at)rocketmail.com HEAD OF DEPT PG PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 18-Oct-13 Regular
2 Mr. SHAJU MK Male shajumk(at)gmail.com ASST PROFESSOR PG COMPUTER APPLICATION 02-Nov-05 Regular
3 Mr. SHERON VACKACHAN Male sheronsav(at)gmail.com ASST PROFESSOR PG COMPUTER SCIENCE 01-Jun-15 Regular
4 Mrs. REEMA R K Female reema_ramakrishnan(at)yahoo.com ASST PROFESSOR PG COMPUTER SCIENCE 08-Jan-07 Regular/Approved
5 Mrs. SOUMYA G KRISHNA Female soumyamenon84(at)gmail.com ASST PROFESSOR PG MCA 08-Jun-11 Regular/Approved

Library Facilities:

Reading Hall Capacity: 100
Library Network: yes
No of Multimedia PCs: Y
Reprographic Availability: Y
Working Hours: 8.00 TO 5.30

Library Books:

Sr No. Book Details
Programme: MCA
No of Titles: 740
No of Volumes: 6500
No of National Journals: 17
No of Inter-National Journals: 12

Anti-Ragging Details:

Name of Committee Member: M. narayanankutty
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Committee
Profession: Principal
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 13-Aug-12

Name of Committee Member: REEMA K.R
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Committee
Profession: Lecturer
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 13-Aug-12

Name of Committee Member: SASTHADAS
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Committee
Profession: Student
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 13-Aug-12

Name of Committee Member: SMITHAJOY
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Squad
Profession: Lecturer
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 13-Aug-12

Name of Committee Member: AKHIL M KRISHNAN
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Squad
Profession: Student
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 13-Aug-12

Name of Committee Member: PAREMESWARAN
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Squad
Profession: Secretary
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 13-Aug-12

Name of Committee Member: NASIM P
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Squad
Profession: Student
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 13-Aug-12

Name of Committee Member: M.Ramanunny
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Committee
Profession: Principal
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 11-Nov-15

Name of Committee Member: Rajani Menon
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Committee
Profession: Vice Principal
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 11-Nov-15

Name of Committee Member: Reema K.R
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Committee
Profession: Assistant Professor
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 11-Nov-15

Name of Committee Member: Vinu V.G
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Committee
Profession: Assistant Professor
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 11-Nov-15

Name of Committee Member: Manoj.D.Puthukulangara
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Committee
Profession: Assistant Professor
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 11-Nov-15

Name of Committee Member: Salini B Nair
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Committee
Profession: Assistant Professor
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 11-Nov-15

Name of Committee Member: Sreerag
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Committee
Profession: Student
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 11-Nov-15

Name of Committee Member: Husna Hamsa
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Committee
Profession: Student
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 11-Nov-15

Name of Committee Member: R.Mahesh
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Squad
Profession: Assistant Professor
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 11-Nov-15

Name of Committee Member: Sheron Vackachan
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Squad
Profession: Assistant Professor
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 11-Nov-15

Name of Committee Member: Saudha
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Squad
Profession: Assistant Professor
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 11-Nov-15

Name of Committee Member: Pranav Mohan
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Squad
Profession: Student
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 11-Nov-15

Name of Committee Member: Soney varghese
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Squad
Profession: Student
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 11-Nov-15

Name of Committee Member: Selvakumar.T
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Squad
Profession: Assistant Professor
Associated With: -
Date of Appointment: 11-Nov-15

Student Count

Sr. No. Course Programme Level Shift First Year Student Count(15-16)
सहायता आपका कॉलेज
  • नियोक्ता को प्रोत्साहित करें
    अपने परिसर में आने के लिए हजारों नियोक्ताओं को सूचित निर्णय लेने की अनुमति दें
    नियोक्ता को प्रोत्साहित करें
  • सहायता प्रवेश
    चलिए प्रवेश चाहने वालों को अपने कॉलेज और उसके छात्रों को पसंद करें और शामिल होने दें।
    सहायता प्रवेश
केवल संबंधित कॉलेज के छात्रों द्वारा जानकारी अपडेट