GNIT - Guru Nanak Institute of Technology Hyderabad is affiliated with Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University. AT GNIT, we are creating a generation of youth, full of confidence, vigour energy immense love for the nation, with a will to contribute for the society, to fill the gap between the poor and rich, rural and urban.

Key Highlights

  • One of the Top best Engineering College
  • Well qualified teachers
  • Highly experienced & skilled faculty members

Contact Details

Admission Cell
Contact PersonAdmission Cell
Contact number4066323294
Email adadmissions gniindia.org
Official Website https://www.gnithyd.ac.in/

Placement Cell

Contact PersonPlacement Cell
Contact number8414202120
Email gnes_hyd yahoo.com


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  • Guru Nanak Institute of Technology Hyderabad Photos


Cilari Ambica

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    Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
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    Need job at No company Jun, 2019 To Present

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    BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, EEE-Electrical and Electronics Engineering

  • skills
    Aptitude, Positive Thinking, Ethic and Integrity
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India


Plot No.B2
2nd Floor Above Bata Showroom Vikrampuri Colony
Kharkhana Road- INDIA

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Established in 1999,GURU NANAK INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY is affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad.The address of the institute is Khanapur (Village), Manchal (Mandal), Ibrahimpatnam Rangareddy Telangana.You can explore more details on www.gniindia.org

Course Details
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology Under Graduate
Discipline Name: Mechanical Engineering Approving Statutory Body: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
Affiliated University: All India Council for Technical Education
Student Enrolled (Male): 490 Student Passed Out (Male): 91
Student Enrolled (Female): 62 Student Passed Out (Female): 21
Student Enrolled (Total): 552 Student Passed Out (Total): 112

B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology Under Graduate
Discipline Name: Information Technology Approving Statutory Body: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
Affiliated University: All India Council for Technical Education
Student Enrolled (Male): 95 Student Passed Out (Male): 18
Student Enrolled (Female): 71 Student Passed Out (Female): 16
Student Enrolled (Total): 166 Student Passed Out (Total): 34

B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology Under Graduate
Discipline Name: Electronics Engineering Approving Statutory Body: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
Affiliated University: All India Council for Technical Education
Student Enrolled (Male): 304 Student Passed Out (Male): 69
Student Enrolled (Female): 133 Student Passed Out (Female): 33
Student Enrolled (Total): 437 Student Passed Out (Total): 102

B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology Under Graduate
Discipline Name: Electrical Engineering Approving Statutory Body: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
Affiliated University: All India Council for Technical Education
Student Enrolled (Male): 152 Student Passed Out (Male): 40
Student Enrolled (Female): 59 Student Passed Out (Female): 20
Student Enrolled (Total): 211 Student Passed Out (Total): 60

B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology Under Graduate
Discipline Name: Computer Engineering Approving Statutory Body: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
Affiliated University: All India Council for Technical Education
Student Enrolled (Male): 396 Student Passed Out (Male): 52
Student Enrolled (Female): 231 Student Passed Out (Female): 39
Student Enrolled (Total): 627 Student Passed Out (Total): 91

B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology Under Graduate
Discipline Name: Civil Engineering Approving Statutory Body: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
Affiliated University: All India Council for Technical Education
Student Enrolled (Male): 311 Student Passed Out (Male): 93
Student Enrolled (Female): 98 Student Passed Out (Female): 33
Student Enrolled (Total): 409 Student Passed Out (Total): 126

M.B.A.- Master of Business Administration Post Graduate
Discipline Name: Business Administration Approving Statutory Body: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
Affiliated University: All India Council for Technical Education
Student Enrolled (Male): 25 Student Passed Out (Male): 10
Student Enrolled (Female): 10 Student Passed Out (Female): 9
Student Enrolled (Total): 35 Student Passed Out (Total): 19

Infrastructure Details

Playgrounds: Yes(3) Auditoriums: Yes(1)
Theatres: Yes(1) Libraries: Yes(1)
Laboratories: Yes(1) Conference Halls: Yes(1)
Health Centers: Yes(1) Gymnasiam Fitness Centers: Yes(1)
Indoor Stadiums: Yes(1) Common Rooms: Yes(1)
Computer Centers: Yes(1) Cafeteria: Yes(1)
Guest Houses: Yes(1) Number of Separate Room For Girls: 2
Solar Power Generation: Yes(1) Connectivity NKN: Yes(1)
Connectivity NMEICT: Yes(1)
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