Student's Activeness on Y4W
Student's activeness is calculated basis their login frequency. Below you can find the login staus i.e. login frequency for specific graduation years and specializations too of GFGC-Government First Grade College Pavagada.
Login Status Student
Only Once 2

Profile activeness is directly linked with Youth4work ranking algorithm.
Hence, the students who are more active on Youth4work are more likely to secure a higher overall yRank in comparison to inactive or less active users, in case of yTest score clashes. Also at times, active profiles get featured on first pages of college rank boards.
Know more about yRank Algorithm to get better ranks.
Note:- The above analysis is based on Inputs given by students & alumni of GFGC-Government First Grade College Pavagada registered on Youth4work.

The students & faculty of GFGC-Government First Grade College Pavagada can be directly contacted by sending emails through Youth4work. Register for Free and connect with them! Existing users can Sign-in and ask questions or give feedbacks on college forums.