Gargi Agriculture Research and Training Institute, part of Gargi Education Institutes, is located in Nashik, Maharashtra. This institute is committed to providing undergraduate and poctgraduate and training in agriculture. Established in 2006, affiliated with the Savitribai Phule Pune University, it offers programs that focus on imparting practical skills, research methodologies, and modern agricultural practices. The institute provides a conducive learning environment, facilities Computer Lab, Library, Sports, Parking / more, and experienced faculty in the agricultural domain. Gargi Agriculture Research and Training Institute play a crucial role in developing skilled professionals in agriculture, contributing to advancements in agricultural practices, and addressing challenges in the agriculture sector.

Key Highlights

  • Offiline College
  • College provide facilities Computer Lab, Library, Sports, Parking / more.
  • College provide Placement Cell for eligible students.

Contact Details

Admission Cell
Contact PersonAdmission Cell
Contact number7588557851
Email garticollege gmail.com
Official Website https://www.gargiedu.com/

Placement Cell

Contact PersonPlacement Cell
Contact number7758865152
Email sonambachhao gmail.com


  • Gargi Education Institutes Gargi Agriculture Research and Training Institute Photos
  • Gargi Education Institutes Gargi Agriculture Research and Training Institute Photos


Plot no. 29
Near Trimurti Chawk
Bal Vidya Mandir Lane
Naik Mala
Patil Nagar
college address map


Gargi Education Institutes Gargi Agriculture Research and Training Institute's profile had been viewed from 3 locations across the globe, Most recently from Columbus.

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Establishment In 2006, Gargi Education Institutes Gargi Agriculture Research & Training Institute , Cidco, Nashik Is Affliated To Savitribai Phule Pune University The Address Of The Institute Is Plot No.29,Naik Mala Patil Nagar,, Near Trimurti Chowk, Cidco,Nashik, Nashik Nashik Maharashtra You Can Explore More Details On Www.Gargiedu.Com "
Institute Id: AISHE Code -C-41888
College Type: Affiliated College
University Name: Savitribai Phule Pune University
University Type: State Public University
Year of Establishment: 2006
Statutory_Body: University Grants Commission
Management Name: Private Un-Aided
Specialized in: No

Correspondence Details:

Address: Plot No.29,Naik Mala Patil Nagar,, Near Trimurti Chowk, CIDCO,Nashik, Nashik
Location Rural/Urban: Urban
State: Maharashtra
District: Nashik
Contact Details:
Website: www.gargiedu.com

" "

B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science Under Graduate
Discipline Name: Science Approving Statutory Body: Savitribai Phule Pune University
Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 67 Student Passed Out (Male): 19
Student Enrolled (Female): 4 Student Passed Out (Female): 2
Student Enrolled (Total): 71 Student Passed Out (Total): 21

B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science Under Graduate
Discipline Name: Computer Science Approving Statutory Body: Savitribai Phule Pune University
Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 0 Student Passed Out (Male): 0
Student Enrolled (Female): 0 Student Passed Out (Female): 0
Student Enrolled (Total): 0 Student Passed Out (Total): 0

B.Com.-Bachelor of Commerce Under Graduate
Discipline Name: Commerce Approving Statutory Body: Savitribai Phule Pune University
Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 108 Student Passed Out (Male): 3
Student Enrolled (Female): 35 Student Passed Out (Female): 5
Student Enrolled (Total): 143 Student Passed Out (Total): 8

M.Sc.-Master of Science Post Graduate
Discipline Name: Other Science Approving Statutory Body: Savitribai Phule Pune University
Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 35 Student Passed Out (Male): 6
Student Enrolled (Female): 5 Student Passed Out (Female): 2
Student Enrolled (Total): 40 Student Passed Out (Total): 8

M.Sc.-Master of Science Post Graduate
Discipline Name: Computer Science Approving Statutory Body: Savitribai Phule Pune University
Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 0 Student Passed Out (Male): 0
Student Enrolled (Female): 0 Student Passed Out (Female): 0
Student Enrolled (Total): 0 Student Passed Out (Total): 0

M.Com.-Master of Commerce Post Graduate
Discipline Name: Commerce Approving Statutory Body: Savitribai Phule Pune University
Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 20 Student Passed Out (Male): 26
Student Enrolled (Female): 28 Student Passed Out (Female): 19
Student Enrolled (Total): 48 Student Passed Out (Total): 45
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