Skills Comparison with ROW
For some of the top talents/skills in GEC-Raipur-Government Engineering College, here is the comparision between how GEC-Raipur-Government Engineering College students are performing against the rest of world's best talents (ROW).
Below you see a detailed comparison on the average scores obtained by GEC-Raipur-Government Engineering College's Students and Rest of World Students(ROW students).
Talent ROWC Avg. Score My College’s Avg.
3D Animation 46.59 0.00
Accounting 40.27 0.00
2D and 3D Artist 40.12 0.00
ADO Dot Net 57.79 0.00
Account Management 53.93 0.00
This data shows the skills which are possessed by most of the students of GEC-Raipur-Government Engineering College.
Note:- The above analysis is based on Inputs given by students & alumni of GEC-Raipur-Government Engineering College registered on Youth4work.

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