Gender Diversity
There are total 694 students of GEC-Ganapathy Engineering College, registered on Youth4work platform. Out of 694 students, there are 295 males, 178 females and 221 students who haven’t shown willingness to specify their gender in their respective profiles.
The below representation shows the comparison between male to female in GEC-Ganapathy Engineering College. In the analysis, the unspecified genders are not taken into consideration.
Male to female percentage is found to be 62% : 38% in GEC-Ganapathy Engineering College.
Male 62%
Female 38%
Below is shown the proportion of male to female in various academic batches in GEC-Ganapathy Engineering College:
Cultural Diversity
The below data shows the diversity in GEC-Ganapathy Engineering College with respect to students coming from different cultures and backgrounds which makes the college environment dynamic and unique in its own way. Out of 694 students of GEC-Ganapathy Engineering College, registered on Youth4work platform, here is the detailed analysis on cultural diversification.
Cultural Diversity No. of students
Kumar 7
Raju 2
Reddy 2
Srikanth 2
Rao 2
Rani 1
Asuri 1
Chand 1
Chakilala 1
Bandari 1
Note:- The above analysis is based on Inputs given by students & alumni of GEC-Ganapathy Engineering College registered on Youth4work.

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