Skills Comparison with ROW
For some of the top talents/skills in GCG-Government College for Girls Gurugram, here is the comparision between how GCG-Government College for Girls Gurugram students are performing against the rest of world's best talents (ROW).
Below you see a detailed comparison on the average scores obtained by GCG-Government College for Girls Gurugram's Students and Rest of World Students(ROW students).
Talent ROWC Avg. Score My College’s Avg.
Javascript 76.99 0.00
X Ray Technologist 95.00 0.00
Industrial Safety 13.16 0.00
Telemarketing 28.68 0.00
Spanish Language 97.03 0.00
This data shows the skills which are possessed by most of the students of GCG-Government College for Girls Gurugram.
Note:- The above analysis is based on Inputs given by students & alumni of GCG-Government College for Girls Gurugram registered on Youth4work.

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