Gyan Jyoti College is a self financed College in North Bengal. The untiring efforts of the Board of Trustees coupled with the institution’s highly trained and dedicated teachers, brought unexpected results with students pouring in with the hope of enrolling themselves in the institution. The previous decade was a witness to how the college has grown, developed and unfurled itself. It is not that we have not faced competitions yet we have successfully encountered the tough challenges with time. Today the college has a respected and well-established alma-mater for over 2500 graduates of 15 disciplines in Science, Commerce, Management, Computer Applications and Humanities. It has been the pledge of the institution to provide an all round development to its students, many of whom are well placed in life in various enterprises nationally as well as internationally, and have added to our pride.

Key Highlights

  • Job oriented internship programs are provided.
  • Good Exposure to students on all fronts
  • The college give human values with the best quality of higher education

Contact Details

Admission Cell
Contact PersonGyanjyoti College
Contact number9832044448
Email admission gyanjyoticollege.in
Official Website http://gyanjyoticollege.in/

Placement Cell

Contact PersonGyanjyoti College
Contact number9434745545
Email principalgjc05 gmail.com


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Gyan Jyoti College
West Bengal.
college address map


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Establishment In 2005, Gyanjyoti College, Darjeeling Is Affliated To North Bengal University The Address Of The Institute Is Dagapur, Nh 55, Hill Cart Road, Siliguri Darjiling West Bengal You Can Explore More Details On Www.Gyanjyoticollege.In "
Institute Id: AISHE Code -C-45341
College Type: Affiliated College
University Name: North Bengal University, Darjeeling
University Type: State Public University
Year of Establishment: 2005
Statutory_Body: University Grants Commission
Management Name: Private Un-Aided
Specialized in: No

Correspondence Details:

Address: Dagapur, NH 55, Hill Cart Road, Siliguri
Location Rural/Urban: Rural
State: West Bengal
District: Darjiling
Contact Details:
Website: www.gyanjyoticollege.in

" "

B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science Under Graduate
Discipline Name: Science Approving Statutory Body: North Bengal University, Darjeeling
Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 27 Student Passed Out (Male): 2
Student Enrolled (Female): 51 Student Passed Out (Female): 6
Student Enrolled (Total): 78 Student Passed Out (Total): 8

B.Com.-Bachelor of Commerce Under Graduate
Discipline Name: Commerce Approving Statutory Body: North Bengal University, Darjeeling
Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 79 Student Passed Out (Male): 10
Student Enrolled (Female): 49 Student Passed Out (Female): 24
Student Enrolled (Total): 128 Student Passed Out (Total): 34

B.B.A.-Bachelor of Business Administration Under Graduate
Discipline Name: Business Administration Approving Statutory Body: North Bengal University, Darjeeling
Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 58 Student Passed Out (Male): 8
Student Enrolled (Female): 26 Student Passed Out (Female): 8
Student Enrolled (Total): 84 Student Passed Out (Total): 16

B.A.-Bachelor of Arts Under Graduate
Discipline Name: Arts Approving Statutory Body: North Bengal University, Darjeeling
Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 176 Student Passed Out (Male): 20
Student Enrolled (Female): 177 Student Passed Out (Female): 40
Student Enrolled (Total): 353 Student Passed Out (Total): 60
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