GDC- GATE Degree College is located in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh which was established in the year 2001 and affiliated to Sri Venkateswara University to provide training and quality education in the fields of commerce and science so that they can build their innovative ideas and creativity by effective learning methods and imparting value-based knowledge which results in improving standards of the society as well as of the nation.

Key Highlights

  • Intellectual and ethical environment.
  • The institution is well equipped with the latest facilities.
  • The institution has the academic ambience for good teaching and practical trainings

Contact Details

Admission Cell
Contact PersonGATE Degree College
Contact number877-2286423
Email principal svuce.edu.in
Official Website www.svuce.edu.in

Placement Cell

Contact Person
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Established in 2001,GATE DEGREE COLLEGE, TIRUPATI URBAN is affiliated to Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathy.The address of the institute is old M.H. Road, Bhavani Nagar Circle, Tirupati Chittoor Andhra Pradesh.You can explore more details on www.gatetirupati.com

Course Details

B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science Under Graduate
Discipline Name: Science Approving Statutory Body: Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathy
Affiliated University: Others
Student Enrolled (Male): 207 Student Passed Out (Male): 41
Student Enrolled (Female): 248 Student Passed Out (Female): 51
Student Enrolled (Total): 455 Student Passed Out (Total): 92

B.Com.-Bachelor of Commerce Under Graduate
Discipline Name: Commerce Approving Statutory Body: Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathy
Affiliated University: Others
Student Enrolled (Male): 252 Student Passed Out (Male): 47
Student Enrolled (Female): 182 Student Passed Out (Female): 36
Student Enrolled (Total): 434 Student Passed Out (Total): 83

B.C.A.-Bachelor of Computer Applications Under Graduate
Discipline Name: Computer Application Approving Statutory Body: Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathy
Affiliated University: Others
Student Enrolled (Male): 77 Student Passed Out (Male): 4
Student Enrolled (Female): 50 Student Passed Out (Female): 10
Student Enrolled (Total): 127 Student Passed Out (Total): 14

B.B.M.-Bachelor of Business Management Under Graduate
Discipline Name: Business Management Approving Statutory Body: Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathy
Affiliated University: Others
Student Enrolled (Male): 78 Student Passed Out (Male): 9
Student Enrolled (Female): 33 Student Passed Out (Female): 9
Student Enrolled (Total): 111 Student Passed Out (Total): 18

M.Sc.-Master of Science Post Graduate
Discipline Name: Computer Science Approving Statutory Body: Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathy
Affiliated University: Others
Student Enrolled (Male): 37 Student Passed Out (Male): 7
Student Enrolled (Female): 51 Student Passed Out (Female): 13
Student Enrolled (Total): 88 Student Passed Out (Total): 20

M.Sc.-Master of Science Post Graduate
Discipline Name: Chemistry Approving Statutory Body: Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathy
Affiliated University: Others
Student Enrolled (Male): 48 Student Passed Out (Male): 14
Student Enrolled (Female): 21 Student Passed Out (Female): 14
Student Enrolled (Total): 69 Student Passed Out (Total): 28

M.Com.-Master of Commerce Post Graduate
Discipline Name: Commerce Approving Statutory Body: Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathy
Affiliated University: Others
Student Enrolled (Male): 54 Student Passed Out (Male): 18
Student Enrolled (Female): 31 Student Passed Out (Female): 12
Student Enrolled (Total): 85 Student Passed Out (Total): 30

Infrastructure Details

Playgrounds: Yes(1) Auditoriums: No(0)
Theatres: No(0) Libraries: Yes(1)
Laboratories: Yes(1) Conference Halls: Yes(1)
Health Centers: No(0) Gymnasiam Fitness Centers: No(0)
Indoor Stadiums: - Common Rooms: Yes(1)
Computer Centers: Yes(1) Cafeteria: No(0)
Guest Houses: No(0) Number of Separate Room For Girls: 1
Solar Power Generation: No(0) Connectivity NKN: No(0)
Connectivity NMEICT: No(0)
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