Gyan Bharti Teachers Training College (GBTTC) is an educational institution affiliated with Magadh University, located in the state of Bihar, India. With the aim of promoting excellence in teacher education, GBTTC offers various courses and programs related to teacher training and education. Magadh University, on the other hand, is a renowned public university in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, known for its commitment to providing quality higher education. Magadh University is responsible for affiliating and overseeing colleges like GBTTC, ensuring that they meet academic standards and contribute to the development of skilled and competent educators who play a vital role in shaping the future of students in the region.
Points saillants
- Offline Education.
- Scholarship to meritorious and economically poor students through Trust and Government.
- Aptitude classes and Group discussions are being conducted
Cours offert
Cours et spécialisation | Frais |
B.Ed-Bachelor of Education | - |
Détails du contact
personne à contacter | Dr. V K Rai |
Numéro de contact | 9031120240 | | |
Site officiel | |
personne à contacter | Santosh Sharma |
Numéro de contact | 9934752159 | |
How are the boys in GBTTC-Gyan Bharti Teachers Training College ?
Who is the smartest guy in GBTTC-Gyan Bharti Teachers Training College ?
How do I get an admission in GBTTC-Gyan Bharti Teachers Training College ?
How are the placements in GBTTC-Gyan Bharti Teachers Training College ?
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