Autonomous University
Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh, India
AC - The Apoorva Degree College was established in the year 2001 with the aim of providing world class management education to the students. We at Apoorva believes that greatest service to the mankind is through education. The college has an excellent track record of placing students in several MNCs like Infosys, TCS, CTS and so on.
Points saillants
- Modernized computer lab
- Well equipped laboratories and modern gymnasium
- Top priority for Discipline and Quality Education.
Cours offert
Cours et spécialisation | Frais |
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce | - |
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science | - |
BA-Bachelor of Arts | - |
BBM-Bachelor of Business Management | - |
D.Ed-Diploma in Education | - |
MBA-Master of Business Administration | - |
Détails du contact
personne à contacter | Apoorva Degree College |
Numéro de contact | 0878-2234955 |
apoorvacollege@gmail.com | |
Site officiel |
www.apoorvacollege.com |
personne à contacter | Apoorva Degree College |
Numéro de contact | 0878-2234955 |
apoorvacollege@gmail.com |
When are the exams and holidays in AC-Apoorva Degree College, generally ?
How are the placements in AC-Apoorva Degree College ?
Is there ragging in AC-Apoorva Degree College ? How bad is it ?
Who is the best and the worst teacher in AC-Apoorva Degree College ? why ?
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