FBEC-Ehiapur B Ed College is a place where people go to learn how to become teachers. We help students become good teachers who can teach children well. Our college is in Ehiapur, and we have friendly teachers who teach many subjects. We also have a nice library with lots of books to read. We want our students to succeed and make a difference in the lives of children. So, if you want to become a teacher and help kids learn, you can come to FBEC-Ehiapur B Ed College, and we will help you achieve your dreams.

Key Highlights

  • Library
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  • Auditorium

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Contact Details

Admission Cell
Contact PersonAdmission cell
Contact number09775777797
Email ehiapurcollege.edubed yahoo.com
Official Website https://ehiapurbedcollege.org.in/

Placement Cell

Contact PersonPlacement Cell
Contact number09775777797
Email ehiapurcollege.edubed yahoo.com


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Vill+P.O- Ehiapur
P.S. – Ketugram
Dist – Burdwan (W.B.)
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Institute Id: AISHE Code -C-44704
Name of Institute: EHIAPUR B. ED. COLLEGE
College Type: Affiliated College
University Name: Burdwan University, Burdwan
University Type: State Public University
Year of Establishment: 2008
Statutory_Body: National Council of Teacher Education
Management Name: Private Un-Aided
Specialized in: Education/Teacher Education

Correspondence Details:


" "

B.Ed.-Bachelor of Education Under Graduate

Discipline Name: Education Approving Statutory Body: Burdwan University, Burdwan
Affiliated University: National Council of Teacher Education
Student Enrolled (Male): 94 Student Passed Out (Male): 0
Student Enrolled (Female): 48 Student Passed Out (Female): 0
Student Enrolled (Total): 142 Student Passed Out (Total): 0

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