Established in 2011, Earth Computer and Technology (ECT), Balaghat is a leading Private Un-Aided college based in Balaghat. The college is popularly known as,ECT among the students.The institute offers a wide array of academic courses and programmes that are approved by UGC. The college, affiliated to Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication, Bhopal , is widely recognized for its academic standards. Earth Computer and Technology (ECT), Balaghat takes a holistic view of education and focuses on both, academic as well as personality development of the students. The qualified and experienced faculty at college along with the carefully designed and updated curriculum ensure that the students receive the best education and skills which can help them emerge as qualified professionals.In order to provide students with quality academic environment, the college has developed all the necessary infrastructural facilities. The key among them are Hostel, Library, Lab

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Admission Cell
Contact PersonEarth Computer and Technology
Contact number9407051559
Email sonekar1902 gmail.com
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Earth Computer and Technology (ECT)
Balaghat Khairlanji Madhya Pradesh
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