College of Commerce, Patna (Bihar), India is a constituent unit and post graduate centre of Magadh University, Bodh Gaya (Bihar) recognized under 2(f) and 12(B) by University Grants Commission, New Delhi. Established in 1949 by a great visionary.

Key Highlights

  • Modernized computer lab
  • Separate Hostel for Boys and Girls.
  • Top priority for Discipline and Quality Education.

Contact Details

Admission Cell
Contact number9431049871
Email cocpatna1949 gmail.com
Official Website

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Contact PersonCollege of Commerce Patna
Contact number+91-612-2350136
Email info cocpatna.org


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Lectures & Notes


Divya Prakash

creative director

  • experience
  • location
    Faridabad, Haryana, India
  • desiganation

    creative director at 360 realtors Oct, 2018 To Present

  • study

    BA-Bachelor of Arts, English

  • skills
    Graphic Design, Photography, Aptitude, Graphic Artist, Film Direction, Film Editor, Animation, UX User Experience, Adobe Suite, Video Editing, 2D and 3D Artist
BA-Bachelor of Arts
Faridabad, Haryana, India


Kankarbagh Main Road
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Establishment In 1949, College Of Commerce Is Affliated To Magadh University The Address Of The Institute Is Kankarbagh,Opposite Rajendra Nagar Railway Station, Patna-800020, Patna Patna Bihar You Can Explore More Details On Www.Cocpatna.Edu.In "
Institute Id: AISHE Code -C-12943
Name of Institute: COLLEGE OF COMMERCE
College Type: Constituent / University College
University Name: Magadh University, Bodh Gaya
University Type: State Public University
Year of Establishment: 1949
Statutory_Body: University Grants Commission
Management Name: University
Specialized in: No
  • Correspondence Details:

    Location Rural/Urban: Urban
    State: Bihar
    District: Patna
    Contact Details:
    Website: www.cocpatna.edu.in
  • " "

    • L.L.B.-Bachelor of Law or Laws Under Graduate
      Discipline Name: Law Approving Statutory Body: Magadh University, Bodh Gaya
      Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
      Student Enrolled (Male): 154 Student Passed Out (Male): 62
      Student Enrolled (Female): 60 Student Passed Out (Female): 17
      Student Enrolled (Total): 214 Student Passed Out (Total): 79
    • B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science Under Graduate
      Discipline Name: Science Approving Statutory Body: Magadh University, Bodh Gaya
      Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
      Student Enrolled (Male): 347 Student Passed Out (Male): 117
      Student Enrolled (Female): 42 Student Passed Out (Female): 8
      Student Enrolled (Total): 389 Student Passed Out (Total): 125
    • B.Sc.(Hons)-Bachelor of Science (Honors) Under Graduate
      Discipline Name: Other Science Approving Statutory Body: Magadh University, Bodh Gaya
      Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
      Student Enrolled (Male): 174 Student Passed Out (Male): 56
      Student Enrolled (Female): 18 Student Passed Out (Female): 10
      Student Enrolled (Total): 192 Student Passed Out (Total): 66
    • B.Sc.(Hons)-Bachelor of Science (Honors) Under Graduate
      Discipline Name: Mathematics Approving Statutory Body: Magadh University, Bodh Gaya
      Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
      Student Enrolled (Male): 372 Student Passed Out (Male): 111
      Student Enrolled (Female): 50 Student Passed Out (Female): 33
      Student Enrolled (Total): 422 Student Passed Out (Total): 144
    • B.Sc.(Hons)-Bachelor of Science (Honors) Under Graduate
      Discipline Name: Life Science Approving Statutory Body: Magadh University, Bodh Gaya
      Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
      Student Enrolled (Male): 201 Student Passed Out (Male): 24
      Student Enrolled (Female): 110 Student Passed Out (Female): 40
      Student Enrolled (Total): 311 Student Passed Out (Total): 64
    • B.Sc.(Hons)-Bachelor of Science (Honors) Under Graduate
      Discipline Name: Chemistry Approving Statutory Body: Magadh University, Bodh Gaya
      Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
      Student Enrolled (Male): 280 Student Passed Out (Male): 31
      Student Enrolled (Female): 35 Student Passed Out (Female): 23
      Student Enrolled (Total): 315 Student Passed Out (Total): 54
    • B.Sc.(Hons)-Bachelor of Science (Honors) Under Graduate
      Discipline Name: Bio-Technology Approving Statutory Body: Magadh University, Bodh Gaya
      Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
      Student Enrolled (Male): 51 Student Passed Out (Male): 19
      Student Enrolled (Female): 54 Student Passed Out (Female): 21
      Student Enrolled (Total): 105 Student Passed Out (Total): 40
    • B.Sc.(Hons)-Bachelor of Science (Honors) Under Graduate
      Discipline Name: Bio-Science Approving Statutory Body: Magadh University, Bodh Gaya
      Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
      Student Enrolled (Male): 47 Student Passed Out (Male): 2
      Student Enrolled (Female): 28 Student Passed Out (Female): 11
      Student Enrolled (Total): 75 Student Passed Out (Total): 13
    • B.Lib.Sc.-Bachelor of Library Science Under Graduate
      Discipline Name: Library & Information Science Approving Statutory Body: Magadh University, Bodh Gaya
      Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
      Student Enrolled (Male): 34 Student Passed Out (Male): 19
      Student Enrolled (Female): 24 Student Passed Out (Female): 36
      Student Enrolled (Total): 58 Student Passed Out (Total): 55
    • B.J.-Bachelor of Journalism Under Graduate
      Discipline Name: Journalism & Mass Communication Approving Statutory Body: Magadh University, Bodh Gaya
      Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
      Student Enrolled (Male): 5 Student Passed Out (Male): 0
      Student Enrolled (Female): 3 Student Passed Out (Female): 0
      Student Enrolled (Total): 8 Student Passed Out (Total): 0
    • B.Com.-Bachelor of Commerce Under Graduate
      Discipline Name: Commerce Approving Statutory Body: Magadh University, Bodh Gaya
      Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
      Student Enrolled (Male): 1185 Student Passed Out (Male): 377
      Student Enrolled (Female): 597 Student Passed Out (Female): 217
      Student Enrolled (Total): 1782 Student Passed Out (Total): 594
    • B.C.A.-Bachelor of Computer Applications Under Graduate
      Discipline Name: Computer Application Approving Statutory Body: Magadh University, Bodh Gaya
      Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
      Student Enrolled (Male): 303 Student Passed Out (Male): 89
      Student Enrolled (Female): 49 Student Passed Out (Female): 22
      Student Enrolled (Total): 352 Student Passed Out (Total): 111
    • B.A.(Hons)-Bachelor of Arts (Honors) Under Graduate
      Discipline Name: Urdu Approving Statutory Body: Magadh University, Bodh Gaya
      Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
      Student Enrolled (Male): 3 Student Passed Out (Male): 0
      Student Enrolled (Female): 8 Student Passed Out (Female): 1
      Student Enrolled (Total): 11 Student Passed Out (Total): 1
    • B.A.(Hons)-Bachelor of Arts (Honors) Under Graduate
      Discipline Name: Sociology Approving Statutory Body: Magadh University, Bodh Gaya
      Affiliated University: University Grants Commission
      Student Enrolled (Male): "
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