The College of Ayurved in Pune, India, is a prominent institution dedicated to the study and practice of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine. Offering comprehensive undergraduate and postgraduate programs, it imparts deep knowledge of Ayurvedic principles, practices, and therapies. The college emphasizes a holistic approach to healthcare, combining traditional wisdom with modern research. With experienced faculty and well-equipped facilities, it provides a conducive learning environment. The College of Ayurved Pune aims to produce skilled Ayurvedic practitioners who can contribute to wellness and healing using natural and holistic methods, preserving and propagating the rich heritage of Ayurveda in contemporary healthcare.

Key Highlights

  • Various academic & club activities are organised by the college
  • It has also been re-accredited by NAAC, Bangalore and received ‘A+’ Grade.
  • online book access system for library

Contact Details

Admission Cell
Contact PersonAdmission Cell
Contact number2024373954
Email coayurved bharatividyapeeth.edu
Official Website http://coayurved.bharatividyapeeth.edu/

Placement Cell

Contact PersonPlacement Cell
Contact number2024373954
Email coayurved bharatividyapeeth.edu


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  • College Of Ayurved Pune Photos
  • College Of Ayurved Pune Photos


Dhanakwadi Educational Campus
Pune - Satara Road
college address map


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