Average Annual Salary
The average annual salary earned by students of BMLMU-BML Munjal University is estimated to be 16875 p.a. Also, the maximum salary is found to be 270000 and minimum annual salary to be N/A.

The salaries depend on different courses and subjects and careers chosen by the students. Also, skill and talents possessed by individuals play as an important deciding factor for salary.

This analysis is drawn from the total students's data registered on Youth4work i.e 337 students of BMLMU-BML Munjal University.

Avg. Annual Salary
16 Thousand
Avg. Annual Salary
0 ThousandMin.
16 ThousandAvg.
2 LacsMax.
Note:- The above analysis is based on Inputs given by students & alumni of BMLMU-BML Munjal University registered on Youth4work.

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