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Bsc bio, Non Linear Editing
MBE-Master of Business Economics, Machining Technician Level 3
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Company Law
Bsc ME- Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, ME-Mechanical Engineering
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Other
Other, Other
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Student
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Commerce
Accounts, Accounts
Bsc CS-Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Computer and Communication
MCA-Master in Computer Application, Computer Application
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Accounts
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, CCC-Course on Computer Concepts
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, ECE ENTC-Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering
M.Phil-Master of Philosophy, Commerce
ME MTech-Master of Engineering or Technology, Digital Communication and Networking
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, IT-Information Technology
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Accounts and Finance
MBA-Master of Business Administration, Information System
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Commerce
BCA-Bachelor of Computer Application, Software Developer
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science, CE-Computer Engineering
Other, Commerce
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science, Computer Application
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science, Other
Production, Production
ADCA-Advanced Diploma In Computer Application, ME-Mechanical Engineering
Bsc Chemistry-Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Chemistry
PGDHRM-Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management, IRPM-Industrial Relation and Personal Management
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, CS-Computer Science
DMM-Dishwasher - Manual and Machine (THSC), Other
AJP-Accelerated Jewellery Professional, Other