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B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Accounts
Bba, Finance
Other, Student
BCA-Bachelor of Computer Application, BCA.
I.Sc-Intermediate in Science, Commerce
Matriculation, Typist
Other, Mathematics
I.Sc-Intermediate in Science, Other
BA-Bachelor of Arts, Psychology
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science, Other
Matriculation, mole in face
BA-Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, literature, journalism
Bsc Physics-Bachelor of Science in Physics, Physics
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Accounts and Taxation
Bsc CS-Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Mathematics
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science, Science
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science, Science
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science, Other
CPT-Combing Preparatory Tenter (TSC), Other
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Other
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Finance and Taxation
Other, Sales and Marketing
M.Sc-Master of Science, Physics
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Computer Application
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Tally 9
Bsc Mathematics- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Mathematics
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Economics
BA-Bachelor of Arts, Journalism and Mass Communication
I.A - Intermediate in Arts, Accounting and Management
Other, Mechanic (Engine)
M.Sc-Master of Science, Biotechnology
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Commerce
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Business Administration
Other, Commerce