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B.Tech-Bachelor of Technology, CSE-Computer Science and Engineering
B.Tech-Bachelor of Technology, DS-Data Science
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, CSE-Computer Science and Engineering
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, AIML-Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, CSE-Computer Science and Engineering
CDNV-CRM Domestic Non - Voice (IT ITeS SSC), hl
B.Tech-Bachelor of Technology, CSE AI AND ML
B.Tech-Bachelor of Technology, CSE-Computer Science and Engineering
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Mathematics
B.Tech-Bachelor of Technology, CSE-Computer Science and Engineering
B.Tech-Bachelor of Technology, CSE-Computer Science and Engineering
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Auto Component Assembly Fitter
B.Des-Bachelor of Design, Product Design
Software Developer Intern
Software Developer Intern at Parallel Reality Ltd
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, ECE ENTC-Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, Chemistry
I.Sc-Intermediate in Science, Chemistry
ME MTech-Master of Engineering or Technology, DS-Data Science
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, CE-Computer Engineering
B.Tech-Bachelor of Technology, CE-Computer Engineering
LLB-Bachelor of Laws, Law
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, ECE ENTC-Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering
Software Developer Intern
Software Developer Intern at Parallel Reality Ltd
I.Sc-Intermediate in Science, ECE ENTC-Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, EE-Electrical Engineering
BCS-Bachelor of Computer Science, Web Designing
DCS-Diploma in Computer Science, CSE-Computer Science and Engineering
MBA-Master of Business Administration, Finance
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, ECE-Electronics and Computer Engineering
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, EE - Electronics Engineering
ME MTech-Master of Engineering or Technology, ECE ENTC-Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering
ME MTech-Master of Engineering or Technology, Computer Application
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, ECE ENTC-Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering
ME MTech-Master of Engineering or Technology, CS-Computer Science
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, CS-Computer Science
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, DS-Data Science
EMBA-Executive Master of Business Administration, Entrepreneurship
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, ECE ENTC-Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering
ME MTech-Master of Engineering or Technology, Software Engineering
B.Ed-Bachelor of Education, CE-Computer Engineering
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, CS-Computer Science
MCA-Master in Computer Application, Computer Application
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, IT-Information Technology
MBA-Master of Business Administration, Finance
MCA-Master in Computer Application, CS-Computer Science
ME MTech-Master of Engineering or Technology, CS-Computer Science
DEC- Diploma in Electronics and Communication, ECE ENTC-Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, Other
B.Ed-Bachelor of Education, Languages
MCA-Master in Computer Application, Computer Application
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, ISE-Information Science and Engineering
Bsc ME- Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, ME-Mechanical Engineering
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Finance
DCS-Diploma in Computer Science, Law
ADCA-Advanced Diploma In Computer Application, Computer Application
MBA-Master of Business Administration, Marketing and International Business
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, IT-Information Technology
M.Com-Master of Commerce, Management and Cost
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, ISE-Information Science and Engineering
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science, IT-Information Technology
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, ME-Mechanical Engineering
BBM-Bachelor of Business Management, Marketing
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Finance
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Accountancy
B.Ed-Bachelor of Education, Other
PGDBM-Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management, General Management
MCA-Master in Computer Application, CS-Computer Science
Bsc CS-Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, CS-Computer Science
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Finance
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Commerce
MBA-Master of Business Administration, Finance and HR
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, ME-Mechanical Engineering
B.Pharma-Bachelor of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics
LLB-Bachelor of Laws, Law
Bsc CS-Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, CCC-Course on Computer Concepts
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science, Microbiology
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Commerce
DE-Diploma in Engineering, Accounting and Banking
AE-Automotive Engineering, AE-Automobile Engineering
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, ME-Mechanical Engineering
B.Pharma-Bachelor of Pharmacy, Marketing
Other, ME-Mechanical Engineering
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science, Commerce
DE-Diploma in Engineering, ME-Mechanical Engineering
AE-Automotive Engineering, AE-Automobile Engineering
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science, Production
Other, Other