How do I get an admission in KCCE-K C College of Engineering Thane ?

What is the admission Criteria , the exams that i have to give & the Cut-offs ? are there any other special requirements for admission.If you could also tell me about the fee structure in this college. It will be big help.


2 Answers
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2 Answers
  • KCCE is affiliated to Mumbai university. Admission is done through online common admission process based on Maharashtra state common entrance test score.

    • Doesn't matter how poor is your CET score you'll always get admission in this college either by cap round or by management quota. Now talking about fees I heard that current fees structure is I think 1.3-1.4 lakh per year so that is around 6 lakh's for 4 years(add some extra bullshit fees for stationary and MD's car maintenance)..and all this for no ROI...If you have this much money and time to west then go for it.

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