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BA.LLB-Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws, Corporate Law
BA.LLB-Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws, Law
BA.LLB-Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws, Constitutional Law and International Law
BA.LLB-Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws, Other
BA.LLB-Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws, Criminal Law
BA.LLB-Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws, Corporate Law
BA.LLB-Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws, Other
BA.LLB-Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws, History Economics Political Science
BA.LLB-Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws,
BA.LLB-Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws, International Law
LLB-Bachelor of Laws, Company Law
BA.LLB-Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws,
BA.LLB-Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws, Company Law
BA.LLB-Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws, Constitutional Law and International Law
BA.LLB-Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws, Company Law
BSL.LLB-Bachelor of Socio Legal Sciences Bachelor of Laws, Law and Business Administration
LLM-Master of Laws, Criminal Law
CS-Company Secretary, BM-Business Management
B.S.L.LLB-Bachelor of Socio Legal Sciences and Bachelor of Law, Intellectual Property Rights
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, ECE ENTC-Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering
Other, Medical
Taxation Laws, Taxation Laws
BSL.LLB-Bachelor of Socio Legal Sciences Bachelor of Laws, Other
LLB-Bachelor of Laws, Company Law
BSL.LLB-Bachelor of Socio Legal Sciences Bachelor of Laws, Social Sciences with Law
LLB-Bachelor of Laws, Corporate Law
LLM-Master of Laws, Criminal Law
LLM-Master of Laws, Cyber Law and Information Security
BSL.LLB-Bachelor of Socio Legal Sciences Bachelor of Laws,
LLB-Bachelor of Laws, Company Law
BSL.LLB-Bachelor of Socio Legal Sciences Bachelor of Laws, Company Law
B.COM LLB-Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Laws, Company Law
LLB-Bachelor of Laws, Company Law
BSL.LLB-Bachelor of Socio Legal Sciences Bachelor of Laws, Social Sciences with Law
BSL.LLB-Bachelor of Socio Legal Sciences Bachelor of Laws, Company Law
BSL.LLB-Bachelor of Socio Legal Sciences Bachelor of Laws, Contracts and Constitution
BA.LLB-Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws, Company Law
BSL.LLB-Bachelor of Socio Legal Sciences Bachelor of Laws, Education Law
LLM-Master of Laws, Law
LLB-Bachelor of Laws, Finance
LLM-Master of Laws, Business Law
BSL.LLB-Bachelor of Socio Legal Sciences Bachelor of Laws, Company Law
LLB-Bachelor of Laws, Law and Business Administration
LLB-Bachelor of Laws, Civil Law
BA.LLB-Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws, CE-Civil Engineering
BSL.LLB-Bachelor of Socio Legal Sciences Bachelor of Laws, Civil Law
AD3DAV-Advanced Diploma in 3D Animation and VFX, ASDC-Automotive Skill Development Council
B.COM LLB-Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Laws, CS-Company Secretary
LLB-Bachelor of Laws, Business Administration
LLM-Master of Laws, Criminology
BSL.LLB-Bachelor of Socio Legal Sciences Bachelor of Laws, Taxation Laws
B.S.L.LLB-Bachelor of Socio Legal Sciences and Bachelor of Law, Law and Business Administration
BSL.LLB-Bachelor of Socio Legal Sciences Bachelor of Laws, Business Law
BA.LLB-Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws, Corporate Law
LLB-Bachelor of Laws, Law and Business Administration
BSL.LLB-Bachelor of Socio Legal Sciences Bachelor of Laws, Intelletual Property Laws
DE-Diploma in Engineering, Human Rights
PHDGM-Post Graduate Diploma in Management, HR-Human Resources
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Law and Business Administration
LLB-Bachelor of Laws, Civil Law
LLB-Bachelor of Laws, Business and Human Management