How do I get an admission in IIT-Delhi-Indian Institute of Technology ?

What is the admission Criteria , the exams that i have to give & the Cut-offs ? are there any other special requirements for admission.If you could also tell me about the fee structure in this college. It will be big help.


11 Answers
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11 Answers
  • First and foremost, a qualification of Gate examination is required. this exam is help course wise so for you it will be in computer science. Moreover, the exam is held in the 2nd week of February. A minimum of 25 marks out of 100 is required to pass and then there is course wise cut off. You need to be among the top percentiles to get through it. You can not only apply to IIT Delhi but also to all IITs. The result of Gate comes out around 2nd week of March and the interview process starts in end April. Each IIT conduct their own process and you need to go to all for them for your interviews.

    • First and foremost, a qualification of Gate examination is required. this exam is help course wise so for you it will be in computer science. Moreover, the exam is held in the 2nd week of February. A minimum of 25 marks out of 100 is required to pass and then there is course wise cut off. You need to be among the top percentiles to get through it. You can not only apply to IIT Delhi but also to all IITs. The result of Gate comes out around 2nd week of March and the interview process starts in end April. Each IIT conduct their own process and you need to go to all for them for your interviews.

      • First and foremost, a qualification of Gate examination is required. this exam is help course wise so for you it will be in computer science. Moreover, the exam is held in the 2nd week of February. A minimum of 25 marks out of 100 is required to pass and then there is course wise cut off. You need to be among the top percentiles to get through it. You can not only apply to IIT Delhi but also to all IITs. The result of Gate comes out around 2nd week of March and the interview process starts in end April. Each IIT conduct their own process and you need to go to all for them for your interviews.

        • The examination after admission various a little from IIT to IIT. It may take place thrice per semester or twice per semester. There are two semesters in each year and the holidays depend on state-wise like in Delhi there is a Diwali Holiday while in Kharagpur there is a Durgapuja Holidays. Other than that, there are summer and winter breaks in May, June, July and December approximately. But an internship is required in summers.

          • no

            • address-Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110 016, INDIA,reach by bus from isbt to munirika or by metro to huda city centre and stop at hauz khass

              • yes one of best institute for engineering in the world

                • very good hostel and food facility feels like a home

                  • for more on that

                    • iit-jee and jam for 12th and msc its about last jan to apply

                      • admmision based on jee,jam,gate enterance exams and fees as around 38k.

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