Indian Institute of Technology Indore (IIT Indore or IITI), located in Madhya Pradesh, is an institute of national importance established by the Government of India in 2009. It is one of the eight new Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) established by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India under The Institutes of Technology (Amendment) Act, 2011 which declares these eight IITs as well as the conversion of Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University to IIT.
The institution started functioning from 2009-10 in a temporary campus at Institute of Engineering and Technology of Indore University under mentorship of IIT Bombay. Fluxus is the annual inter-collegiate cultural festival of IIT Indore, held in march/april. It consists of several competitions, informal events, workshops and showcases professional performances. Ferocia is the annual sports festival of IIT Indore and recently held in October 2011 for the first time.
Indian Institute of Technology Indore offers a 4-year Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) programmes in Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical engineering, and Mechanical engineering. Admission to these programmes is through the Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Examination (IIT-JEE), and students are admitted after completing 10+2 schooling. The postgraduate programs at IIT Indore include Ph.D. programmes in engineering, humanities and basic sciences.
The Indian Institute of technology Indore campus is spread over 510 acres of land. IIT Indore has two hostels which has more than 40 flats and 20 cottages near temporary campus and around. All the IITs compete in a variety of sports held under the purview of the Annual Inter IIT Sports Meet. The competition is organized every year in the month of December in one of the seven IITs by a policy of rotation. IIT Indore have its own students' council elected through an election among the students. The students are represented in the IIT Senate and other forums through the Vice President of the Student's Council, elected through the elections.