Sagi Ramakrishnam Raju Engineering College

Sagi Ramakrishnam Raju Engineering College

Utkarsh द्वारा

Sagi Ramakrishnam Raju Engineering College is one of the prestigious college and it is a co-educational institute which provides the best quality of education to the students. The Sagi Ramakrishnam Raju Engineering College is approved by the All India Council for Technical  Education and accredited by NBA (National Board of Accreditation) New Delhi.

The college has various facilities such as sports, internet, canteen  transportation, library , cultural activities  and hostel. The college has large number of book, journals, national and international magazine for the reference of the students, which help the students in the students in their respective students.

The college has various courses for the students such as Bachelors of Engineering

-         Civil Engineering

-         Electronics and Communication Engineering

-         Electrical and Electronics

-         Mechanical Engineering

-          Information Technology

Along with the studies college organize many workshops, events, seminar for the students and they invite the prominent and eminent personality who help the students in there field and clear the doubts. The faculty of the college is experienced and dedicated they are perfect in their subject which is an essential part for any colleges. The college provides training and placement to the students which help them and make them feel how industry works.

The campus is spread in 30 acres of land with lush green garden, in the campus there are all the facilities which save the time of the students and get all the necessary things.

कैंपस समाचार और घटनाक्रम
  • समाचार खोजें
    जानें कि क्या हो रहा है: इसके छात्रों द्वारा समाचारों के अंदर।
    समाचार खोजें
  • घटनाओं को जानिए
    कॉलेज के छात्रों द्वारा आगामी घटनाओं और अन्य घटनाओं को जानें
    घटनाओं को जानिए
  • कैम्पस गपशिप
    छात्रों द्वारा नवीनतम चर्चा और नरम कहानियां।
    कैम्पस गपशिप
केवल संबंधित कॉलेज के छात्रों द्वारा जानकारी अपडेट