Other, CS-Computer Science
Other, Other
Other, Commerce
BMS-Bachelor of Management Studies, Accounting and Management
BMS-Bachelor of Management Studies, Business Analytics
BMS-Bachelor of Management Studies, HR
BMS-Bachelor of Management Studies, Management
I.Sc-Intermediate in Science, Commerce
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Economics
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Computer Application
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Honours
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Computer Application
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, accounting and finance
Bsc Engineering - Bachelor of Science in Engineering, IT-Information Technology
Bsc Mathematics- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, ECE-Electronics and Computer Engineering
bms, Marketing
BJMC-Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication, Mass Communication and Journalism
BA-Bachelor of Arts, Mass Communication and Journalism
BA-Bachelor of Arts, Psychology
B.COM, Integrated Professional Program
Sfcw, Arts and Sciences
Bsc MSCs, CS-Computer Science
b.sc, CS-Computer Science
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science, Biotechnology
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science, Biotechnology
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science, Mathematics, physics, computer science