Quaid E Millath Government College for Women

Quaid E Millath Government College for Women

Ponmalar द्वारा

The Quaid-E-Millath Government College for Women  was found in the eighteenth century by Ghulam Ghouse Khan Bahadur , the last Nawab of the Carnatic.Later in 1901,this was changed to Madarasa Institution by the British Government and renamed to Government Mohamedan College.In 1938 the college became to non muslim students as well.The college's vision is to help Women's education and to enlight and empower them socially.The mission statement is to provide education to Women by developing self learning.Quaid-E-Millath Government College for Women also helps women students to build students talents by offering various symposiums,co-curricular and extra curricular activities periodically.

Choice Based Credit System

The college curriculum is based on Choice Based Credit System , a system which helps to balance the weightage to what is taught and what is learnt.Each academic year is divided into two semesters with each semester having a minimum of 90 working days with 5 working hours per day.Choice Based credit system gives euqal importance to lab works,theoretical classes, seminars and credits are assigned based on students performance.

Soft Skills

The college provides various training programs to develop soft skills to help women to be greatleaders and effective communicators.

Courses Offered

The following programs are offered by college.

Courses Offered

UG – Arts

BA - Historical Studies

BA - Economics

BA - English

BA - Tamil

UG – Science Courses

B.Sc - Mathematics

B.Sc - Physics

B.Sc - Chemistry

B.Sc - Plant Biology & Plant Biotechnology

B.Sc - Advanced Zoology & Biotechnology

B.Sc - Nutrition, Food Science Management & Dietetics

B.Sc - Computer Science

UG – Commerce Courses


PG – Arts Courses

MA - Historical Studies

MA - English

PG – Science Courses

M.Sc - Mathematics

M.Sc - Plant Biology & Plant Biotechnology

M.Sc - Zoology

MCA - Master of Computer Applications

Research Courses

M.Phil – Historical Studies

M.Phil - Plant Biology & Plant Biotechnology

M.Phil – Zoology

Diploma Courses

Diploma in Information Technology (only for computer science students)

Certificate Courses

Certificate course in Air-ticketing and Fare Construction

Certificate course in Travel & Tourism

Certificate course in Functional English Information Technology

Certificate course in Office Automation

Certificate in Garment Quality Inspection and Expert Merchandise

Computer Literacy Program (only for non - computer science students)

Eligibility : as per AICTE norms.


The college offers a great hostel facility,well equipped labs and a state of the art infrastructure to students.

News & Events

Last date of the Revaluation is on 23-05-2012 


April 2012 Exam Results 

Inauguration of DigiMaths - Mathematics Association & Inter Collegiate Competitions on 30-9-2011

Inauguration of Vriksha - Plant Biology & Plant Biotechnology Association & Inter Collegiate Competitions on 28-9-2011

Inauguration of DigiClub - Computer Science Association on 22-9-2011

College Union Inaugration College Union Inauguration by Dr. R. Umarani M.Sc. M.Phil. Ph.D., Director of Collegiate Education at College Premises on 14-09-2011 at 9:30am

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