Polytechnic Institute of New York University

Polytechnic Institute of New York University

Swetha Srinivasan द्वारा

Polytechnic Institute of New York University currently has on its roll a total of 4853 students in various courses and 373 teachers in its academic staff. The Polytechnic Institute follows European polytechnic university model. NYU-Polytechnic is one of the 8 members of NYU Entrepreneurs Network (NYUEN). Polytechnic Institute of New York University offers various courses in following departments:

• Department of Applied Physics

• Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

• Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Applied computer science division of NYU)

• Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

• Department of Civil and Urban Engineering

• Department of Finance and Risk Engineering

• Department of Mathematics (sub-division of Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences)

• Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

• Department of Technology Management (affiliated with Leonard N. Stern School of Business)

• Department of Technology, Culture and Society

The Polytechnic Institute of New York University is also offering courses from its newly developed faculties in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (affiliated with The Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science (CAOS), and Bioengineering (affiliated with NYU Courant Institute, NYU College of Arts and Science).

The Main campus of the polytechnic is in Downtown, Brooklyn, though the institute also offers courses from its various centers as Long Island Campus, Westchester Campus, Manhattan Site, Israel Campus. The Institute offers courses in a wide variety as Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, Master of Engineering, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. The Polytechnic Institute of New York University was previously established as Polytechnic University but later in 2008 it became affiliated to the New York University.

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