और दिखाओ
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, CA student
BA-Bachelor of Arts, Typist
B.Voc-Bachelor of Vocation, Software Development
Bsc CE- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, BS-Biological Science
PGDAMC-Post Graduation Diploma in Advertising and Marketing Communication, 6year experience in assistant accountant
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Marketing
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Accountancy
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Banking
BA-Bachelor of Arts, Logistic
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, CCC-Course on Computer Concepts
BBA.LLB-Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Laws, EE-Electrical Engineering
Other, CS-Computer Science
Matriculation, Other
Other, Assistant Shuttering Carpenter LEVEL 2
I.Sc-Intermediate in Science, Other
BCA-Bachelor of Computer Application, Data Entry
I.Sc-Intermediate in Science, Physician
ADCHN-Advanced Diploma Computer Hardware and Networking, Interaction Design
I.Sc-Intermediate in Science, Civil Law
SSC Skill Certification Course, History
BCA-Bachelor of Computer Application, Advertising and Corporate Communication
I.Sc-Intermediate in Science, Other
BPA-Bachelor of Performing Arts, ME-Mining Engineering
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, Other
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, Other
BCA-Bachelor of Computer Application,
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Airline Management
MBA-Master of Business Administration, Commerce
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Banking
MTA-Masters of Tourism Administration, Advertising and Media
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, ME-Mechanical Engineering
DTD-Diploma in Textile Designing, Marathi Language
BA-Bachelor of Arts, Arts
Bsc CE- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Mathematics
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, MS Office
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Commerce
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, CE-Computer Engineering
BBS-Bachelor of Business Studies, Accounts and Finance
Other, 3D Architectural Visualisation
BCA-Bachelor of Computer Application, Other
I.Sc-Intermediate in Science, Biology
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce, Accounting and Banking
M.Com-Master of Commerce, Mathematics
MTSW-Maintenance Technician- Service Workshop (ASDC), English
Bsc CE- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Adobe Photoshop
BCA-Bachelor of Computer Application, Lead Generation, Graphics Design, Data Entry,Ms-Office, Digital Marketing
Colored Stone Essentials - GEM 120, Other
I.A - Intermediate in Arts, History
MMC-Masters of Mass Communication, HSSC-Healthcare Sector Skill Council
Ciclo de Profesorado de Grado Universitario de Diseño, AE-Aerospace Engineering
BCA-Bachelor of Computer Application, Insurance