How is DCVRU-Dr C V Raman University ?

  • Neha
  • 29 अगस्त
  • 1 Answer

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1 Answer
  • Hi Neha, I know it is a difficult task to choose a university. Students do get confused. I am an ex-student of Dr. C.V. Raman University in Bilaspur. I did my BA General from this university. It is a 3-year course. The faculty is armed with abundant knowledge and experience. They are dedicated and supportive. Every concept is taught well and drilled in perfectly. The university has been approved and recognised by the main educational bodies. The university has received many approval letters from various educational fronts like AICTE, National Council for Teacher Education, Bar Council of India, AICTE Approval Letter of Masters of Applied Management (MAM) etc, and NAAC Approval letters as well. It is an ISO 9001:2008 certified university. The campus life is awesome. The facilities, infrastructure, placement cell, anti-ragging cell, the library, transportation system etc, all create a wonderful environment. Here is the website link for your quick reference: Hope the above helps!!!

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