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प्रैक्टिस टेस्ट
yTests-कौशल टेस्ट
तैयारी टेस्ट
साइकोमेट्रिक टेस्ट
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नौकरी खोजें
पोस्ट को फिर से शुरू
yTests-कौशल टेस्ट
तैयारी टेस्ट
का पालन नियोक्ता
नौकरी इनसाइट्स
प्रमाणन पाठ्यक्रम
नियोक्ता के लिए
पोस्ट नौकरियां मुक्त
संपर्क पूर्व मूल्यांकन प्रोफाइल
कैम्पस किराए पर लेना
प्रबंधित भर्ती
कस्टम आकलन
सदस्यता योजनाओं
साइन इन करें
रजिस्टर करें
नि: शुल्क !!
प्रैक्टिस टेस्ट
yTests-कौशल टेस्ट
तैयारी टेस्ट
साइकोमेट्रिक टेस्ट
लेखन परीक्षण
नौकरी चाहने के लिए
नौकरी खोजें
पोस्ट को फिर से शुरू
yTests-कौशल टेस्ट
तैयारी टेस्ट
का पालन नियोक्ता
नौकरी इनसाइट्स
प्रमाणन पाठ्यक्रम
नियोक्ता के लिए
पोस्ट नौकरियां मुक्त
संपर्क पूर्व मूल्यांकन प्रोफाइल
कैम्पस किराए पर लेना
प्रबंधित भर्ती
कस्टम आकलन
सदस्यता योजनाओं
साइन इन करें
रजिस्टर करें
नि: शुल्क !!
Vadodara के शीर्ष कॉलेज
Colleges in Vadodara
From youth4work find right jobs,right companies,right colleges in right time.
SIE-Sigma Institute of Engineering
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
ME MTech-Master of Engineering or Technology
Sigma Institute of Engineering is a self-financing private college in Vadodara. The Institute was established in the ...
1343 छात्र
1343 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
18 समीक्षा
सभी 18 समीक्षाएं देखें
SIP-Sigma Institute of Pharmacy
Gujarat Technical University
Vadodara, India
B.Pharma-Bachelor of Pharmacy
SIP- Sigma Institute of Pharmacy is a pharmacy college affiliated to Gujarat Technical University. It offers courses in ...
22 छात्र
22 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
16 समीक्षा
सभी 16 समीक्षाएं देखें
GC-Government B Ed College Vadodara
Shri Govind Guru University
Vadodara, India
B.Ed-Bachelor of Education
1 छात्र
1 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
11 समीक्षा
सभी 11 समीक्षाएं देखें
AIMES-Academy for International Management and Engineering Students
Anna University
Vadodara, India
MBA-Master of Business Administration
AIMES-Academy for International Management and Engineering Students is an international program offered by Anna ...
94 छात्र
94 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
4 समीक्षा
सभी 4 समीक्षाएं देखें
BIP-Babaria Institute of Pharmacy
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
B.Pharma-Bachelor of Pharmacy
Babaria Institute of Pharmacy, located in Vadodara, Gujarat, is dedicated to delivering high-quality education in ...
238 छात्र
238 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
9 समीक्षा
सभी 9 समीक्षाएं देखें
Aegis Skills Edge Pvt Ltd
NSDC Training Partner
Vadodara, India
SSC Skill Certification Course
AEGIS Skills Ltd specialise in training and consultancy to reduce the risks of workplace related violence. A strong ...
196 छात्र
196 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
17 समीक्षा
सभी 17 समीक्षाएं देखें
IMI-Indu Management Institute
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
MBA-Master of Business Administration
Indu Management Institute is located in Gujarat with an objective of molding youth into productive and efficient ...
16 छात्र
16 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
16 समीक्षा
सभी 16 समीक्षाएं देखें
SP-Sigma Polytechnic
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
DE-Diploma in Engineering
SP-Sigma Polytechnic is an affiliated college of Gujarat Technological University. It offers a variety of courses in ...
10 छात्र
10 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
19 समीक्षा
सभी 19 समीक्षाएं देखें
NIT-Neotech Institute of Technology
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
DE-Diploma in Engineering
NIT-Neotech Institute of Technology is a premier engineering institute located in Gujarat, India. It is affiliated to ...
146 छात्र
146 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
11 समीक्षा
सभी 11 समीक्षाएं देखें
Omnisoft Technologies Pvt Ltd
NSDC Training Partner
Vadodara, India
DCA-Diploma in Computer Application
Omnisoft was born with a dream of making quality education affordable and accessible to all. Computer Hardware, ...
6 छात्र
6 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
14 समीक्षा
सभी 14 समीक्षाएं देखें
KJPCP-KJ Pandya College Of Physiotherapy
Sumandeep Vidyapeeth
Vadodara, India
2 छात्र
2 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
10 समीक्षा
सभी 10 समीक्षाएं देखें
SEC-Sigma Engineering College
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
DE-Diploma in Engineering
SEC-Sigma Engineering College is an engineering college located in Gujarat, India and affiliated with the Gujarat ...
21 छात्र
21 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
27 समीक्षा
सभी 27 समीक्षाएं देखें
VIER-Vadodara Institute of Engineering
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
The Vadodara Institute of Engineering (VIER) is a distinguished educational institution located in Vadodara, Gujarat, ...
366 छात्र
366 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
12 समीक्षा
सभी 12 समीक्षाएं देखें
MKAASCC-M K Amin Arts Science and Commerce College
Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Vadodara, India
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science
Maharaja K. Amin Arts Science and Commerce College (MKAASCC) is a college affiliated to the prestigious Maharaja ...
24 छात्र
24 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
7 समीक्षा
सभी 7 समीक्षाएं देखें
CNPFADNSC-C N P F Arts and D N Science College
Shri Govind Guru University
Vadodara, India
BA-Bachelor of Arts
CNPF Arts and DN Science College in Dabhoi is a college located in the city of Dabhoi, Gujarat. The college offers ...
2 छात्र
2 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
7 समीक्षा
सभी 7 समीक्षाएं देखें
GHMC-Gujarat Homoeopathic Medical College
Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University
Vadodara, India
BHMS-Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery
Gujarat Homoeopathic Medical College, established in 1970, is a premier institution dedicated to the education and ...
3 छात्र
3 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
9 समीक्षा
सभी 9 समीक्षाएं देखें
BCCA-Balaji College of Computer Application
Gujarat University
Vadodara, India
BCA-Bachelor of Computer Application
Balaji Colleges was established in June 2001 for providing education and guidance to aspiring students in the field of ...
40 छात्र
40 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
9 समीक्षा
सभी 9 समीक्षाएं देखें
BIT-Babaria Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
Babaria Institute of Technology (BIT) is a premier engineering institute located in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Established ...
2 छात्र
2 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
7 समीक्षा
सभी 7 समीक्षाएं देखें
BHMC-Baroda Homeopathic Medical College
Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University
Vadodara, India
BHMS-Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery
Baroda Homeopathic Medical College is an educational institution located in Vadodara, Gujarat, India. It is dedicated ...
17 छात्र
17 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
19 समीक्षा
सभी 19 समीक्षाएं देखें
FJC-Faculty of Journalism and Communication
M S University of Baroda
Vadodara, India
BJMC-Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication
The Faculty of Journalism and Communication in the M S University of Baroda provide the best journalism education to ...
80 छात्र
80 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
9 समीक्षा
सभी 9 समीक्षाएं देखें
ITMUV-Institute Of Technology And Management Universe Vaghodia
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
8 छात्र
8 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
1 समीक्षा
सभी 1 समीक्षाएं देखें
MSPIMS-M S Patel Institute of Management Studies
Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Vadodara, India
MBA-Master of Business Administration
MSPIMS-M S Patel Institute of Management Studies is a premier institute affiliated to Maharaja Sayajirao University of ...
175 छात्र
175 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
7 समीक्षा
सभी 7 समीक्षाएं देखें
ITMU-ITM Vocational University
Private University
Vadodara, India
BBA-Bachelors of Business Administration
ITM Vocational University, located in Vadodara, Gujarat, is dedicated to providing top-notch vocational and technical ...
31 छात्र
31 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
16 समीक्षा
सभी 16 समीक्षाएं देखें
BIT-Babaria Institute of Technology
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
Babaria Institute of Technology was established by the Shree Krishna Educational Charitable Trust (SKECT) in the year ...
523 छात्र
523 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
11 समीक्षा
सभी 11 समीक्षाएं देखें
PPDC-Pioneer Pharmacy Degree College
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
B.Pharma-Bachelor of Pharmacy
PPDC-Pioneer Pharmacy Degree College is a college affiliated with Gujarat Technological University. It offers ...
24 छात्र
24 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
12 समीक्षा
सभी 12 समीक्षाएं देखें
PIAR-Parul Institute of Architecture And Research
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
B.Arch-Bachelor of Architecture
The Parul Institute of Architecture and Research (PIAR) is a premier institute for architecture education in Gujarat, ...
5 छात्र
5 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
7 समीक्षा
सभी 7 समीक्षाएं देखें
PIM-Parul Institute of Management
Parul University
Vadodara, India
MBA-Master of Business Administration
The Parul Institute of Management (PIM) is a well-established institution situated within Parul University, located in ...
15 छात्र
15 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
11 समीक्षा
सभी 11 समीक्षाएं देखें
GSFCU-GSFC University
GSFC University
Vadodara, India
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
GSFC University, located in Vadodara, Gujarat, is a premier institution dedicated to delivering high-quality education ...
45 छात्र
45 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
19 समीक्षा
सभी 19 समीक्षाएं देखें
CKSVIM-C K Shah Vijapurwala Institute of Management
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
MBA-Master of Business Administration
CK Shah Vijapurwala Institute of Management, Vadodara works under the management of Shri Mahavira Jaina Vidyalaya ...
95 छात्र
95 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
11 समीक्षा
सभी 11 समीक्षाएं देखें
Angel Education Institute
NSDC Training Partner
Vadodara, India
MMC-Masters of Mass Communication
Angel Education Institute Is affiliated by Vinyyaka Mission University and also by EILM university. It offers a wide ...
21 छात्र
21 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
14 समीक्षा
सभी 14 समीक्षाएं देखें
KJIET-K J Institute of Engineering and Technology
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
DE-Diploma in Engineering
KJIET-K J Institute of Engineering and Technology is a premier engineering college located in Gujarat, India. It is ...
138 छात्र
138 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
5 समीक्षा
सभी 5 समीक्षाएं देखें
SV-Sumandeep Vidyapeeth
Sumandeep Vidyapeeth
Vadodara, India
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science
Sumandeep Vidyapeeth, located in Vadodara, Gujarat, is a prestigious institution dedicated to providing high-quality ...
22 छात्र
22 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
17 समीक्षा
सभी 17 समीक्षाएं देखें
PPI-Parul Polytechnic Institute
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
DE-Diploma in Engineering
Parul Polytechnic Institute (PPI) is a part of Gujarat Technological University and offers diploma courses in various ...
44 छात्र
44 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
16 समीक्षा
सभी 16 समीक्षाएं देखें
SBP-S B Polytechnic
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
BAMS-Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery
SBP-S B Polytechnic is a college affiliated to Gujarat Technological University. It offers diploma courses in various ...
4 छात्र
4 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
19 समीक्षा
सभी 19 समीक्षाएं देखें
VDA-Vadodara Design Academy
Gujarat University
Vadodara, India
B.Arch-Bachelor of Architecture
VDA-Vadodara Design Academy which is affiliated with Gujarat University, is located in Vadodara, Gujarat. The Academy ...
3 छात्र
3 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
16 समीक्षा
सभी 16 समीक्षाएं देखें
SPICNCP-Shree Parantap Institute of CNC Programming
NSDC Training Partner
Vadodara, India
SSC Skill Certification Course
Parantap Institute of CNC Programming an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Advance Industrial Technical Institute as one of the ...
33 छात्र
33 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
5 समीक्षा
सभी 5 समीक्षाएं देखें
TSU-TeamLease Skills University
TeamLease Skills University
Vadodara, India
BA-Bachelor of Arts
TeamLease Skills University (TSU) is a specialized educational institution dedicated to skill development and ...
4 छात्र
4 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
32 समीक्षा
सभी 32 समीक्षाएं देखें
NU-Navrachana University
Private University
Vadodara, India
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
Navrachana University is a dynamic, institution committed to fostering academic excellence and innovative research ...
258 छात्र
258 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
16 समीक्षा
सभी 16 समीक्षाएं देखें
DJKPIM-Dr J K Patel Institute of Management
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
MBA-Master of Business Administration
Dr J K Patel Institute of Management is a co-educational engineering college in Vadodara, Gujarat
37 छात्र
37 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
8 समीक्षा
सभी 8 समीक्षाएं देखें
PIMR-Parul Institute of Management and Research
Parul University
Vadodara, India
MBA-Master of Business Administration
Parul Institute of Management and Research (PIMR) is part of the prestigious Parul University. It offers a wide range ...
131 छात्र
131 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
17 समीक्षा
सभी 17 समीक्षाएं देखें
NRTI-National Rail and Transportation Institute
Deemed University
Vadodara, India
BBA-Bachelors of Business Administration
The National Rail and Transportation Institute in Vadodara is a premier institute dedicated to providing quality ...
19 छात्र
19 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
7 समीक्षा
सभी 7 समीक्षाएं देखें
BP-Butler Polytechnic
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
DE-Diploma in Engineering
Butler Polytechnic, located in Vadodara, Gujarat, is committed to providing high-quality technical education and ...
4 छात्र
4 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
20 समीक्षा
सभी 20 समीक्षाएं देखें
TMSUB-The Maharaja Sayajirao University Of Baroda
Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Vadodara, India
DE-Diploma in Engineering
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, located in Vadodara, Gujarat, India, was established in the year 1949. ...
3282 छात्र
3282 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
38 समीक्षा
सभी 38 समीक्षाएं देखें
ITMSAAD-ITM School of Architecture Art and Design
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
B.Arch-Bachelor of Architecture
The ITM School of Architecture Art and Design (ITMSAAD) is a part of Gujarat Technological University. It offers ...
4 छात्र
4 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
7 समीक्षा
सभी 7 समीक्षाएं देखें
BIMS-Baroda Institute of Management Studies
Sikkim Manipal University
Vadodara, India
MBA-Master of Business Administration
Baroda Institute of Management Studies is a management college in Vadodra, Gujarat. The management institute is ...
51 छात्र
51 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
12 समीक्षा
सभी 12 समीक्षाएं देखें
PIP-Parul Institute of Pharmacy
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
B.Pharma-Bachelor of Pharmacy
Parul Institute of Pharmacy (PIP) is a pharmacy college affiliated to Gujarat Technological University. It offers ...
148 छात्र
148 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
16 समीक्षा
सभी 16 समीक्षाएं देखें
EMES-Electronics And Mechanical Engineering School
Department of Technical Education
Vadodara, India
DE-Diploma in Engineering
EMES-Electronics And Mechanical Engineering School is affiliated with Department of Technical Education and located in ...
4 छात्र
4 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
7 समीक्षा
सभी 7 समीक्षाएं देखें
PU-Parul University
Private University
Vadodara, India
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science
Parul University, located in Vadodara, Gujarat, is a multidisciplinary institution committed to providing quality ...
1196 छात्र
1196 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
19 समीक्षा
सभी 19 समीक्षाएं देखें
DTPGCC-Dr Thakorbhai Patel Girls Commerce College
SNDT Womens University
Vadodara, India
B.Com-Bachelor of Commerce
2 छात्र
2 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
6 समीक्षा
सभी 6 समीक्षाएं देखें
ITMUTCP-Institute Of Technology and Management University Technical Campus Paladi
Gujarat Technological University
Vadodara, India
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
The Institute of Technology and Management University Technical Campus Paladi is an educational institution affiliated ...
5 छात्र
5 छात्र और पूर्व छात्र
0 समीक्षा
सभी 0 समीक्षाएं देखें
पाठ्यक्रम के द्वारा कॉलेज
BPA-Bachelor of Performing Arts में Vadodara के लिए कॉलेज
ANM-Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery में Vadodara के लिए कॉलेज
PGDFM-Post Graduate Diploma in Finance Management में Vadodara के लिए कॉलेज
MHA-Master of Hospital Administration में Vadodara के लिए कॉलेज
BPT-Bachelor of Physiotherapy में Vadodara के लिए कॉलेज
विशेषज्ञों द्वारा कॉलेज
Neuroscience में Vadodara के लिए कॉलेज
Life Science में Vadodara के लिए कॉलेज
Power System Engineering में Vadodara के लिए कॉलेज
Architecture में Vadodara के लिए कॉलेज
TE-Textile Engineering में Vadodara के लिए कॉलेज
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कॉलेज के अंदर के समाचार और घटनाक्रम
कैंपस समाचार और घटनाक्रम
कॉलेज के अंदर के समाचार और घटनाक्रम
व्याख्यान और नोट्स
युवाओं के लिए छात्रों द्वारा अनुशंसित और संग्रहीत अध्ययन सामग्री