Abhinav Kala Mahavidyalaya

Abhinav Kala Mahavidyalaya

Ruhi Shaikh द्वारा

Abhinav Kala Mahavidyalaya offers courses on inter-mediate, under graduate and post-graduate levels, along with diploma and certification courses. The institute provides HSC schooling in streams of Arts, Science, and Commerce. The HSC certificate is affiliated to the Maharashtra Board of Secondary Education. Other degree courses offers by the Abhinav Kala Mahavidyalaya includes Art Teacher Diploma, G D Art Commercial, Applied Arts, J D Art Commercial, Master in Photography, Certificate in Animation, Art Master, A T D, Sculpture, Diploma in Interior Decoration, B.sc. in Interior Designing, Diploma in Fine Art, Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch), Bachelor of Arts in Marathi, Master of Arts in Marathi, and Bachelor in Fine Arts (BFA). 

The Abhinav Kala Mahavidyalaya Diploma courses are leading to Diploma in Fine Art in Painting, Sculpture, Graphic Art and Design, along with Post-graduate course leading to Master of Fine Art degree in Painting (Painting/Mural), Sculptor, Printmaking, Design (Textile/Ceramic) and History of Art.

Abhinav Kala Mahavidyalaya follows a student centric teaching approach to ensure a learning environment that produces academically sound and morally upright students who can take on the challenges of the present day life and would be productive individuals in the emerging, knowledge society. The institute encourages students to participate in sports and cultural events and has a common room where students can play indoor games like Table Tennis, Carom, Chess, etc.

The College campus hosts many cultural and extracurricular events throughout the year which are organized by student committees along with art exhibitions for students as a platform to show their skills.

कैंपस समाचार और घटनाक्रम
  • समाचार खोजें
    जानें कि क्या हो रहा है: इसके छात्रों द्वारा समाचारों के अंदर।
    समाचार खोजें
  • घटनाओं को जानिए
    कॉलेज के छात्रों द्वारा आगामी घटनाओं और अन्य घटनाओं को जानें
    घटनाओं को जानिए
  • कैम्पस गपशिप
    छात्रों द्वारा नवीनतम चर्चा और नरम कहानियां।
    कैम्पस गपशिप
केवल संबंधित कॉलेज के छात्रों द्वारा जानकारी अपडेट