बारे में

St. Anthony's College (SAC) is a distinguished educational institution affiliated with North Eastern Hill University (NEHU). Located in Shillong, Meghalaya, SAC offers a wide array of academic programs across various disciplines. The college is committed to providing quality education, fostering holistic development, and promoting cultural enrichment. Affiliation with North Eastern Hill University allows SAC to access the university's academic resources and expertise. The college plays a significant role in shaping well-rounded graduates equipped with knowledge and skills for diverse fields. SAC's mission aligns with NEHU's dedication to advancing education, research, and regional development, enriching both academic and cultural landscapes.

खास बातें

  • Palcement
  • Facilties
  • Dedicated Faculty

संपर्क विवरण

प्रवेश कक्ष
संपर्क व्यक्तिSt Anthonys College
संपर्क संख्या91 364 2222558
ईमेल principal anthonys.ac.in
सरकारी वेबसाइट www.anthonys.ac.in

प्लेसमेंट सेल

संपर्क व्यक्तिSt Anthonys College
संपर्क संख्या +91 364 222355
ईमेल principal anthonys.ac.in


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  • St Anthonys College Photos
  • St Anthonys College Photos



St. Anthony's College Bomfyle Road East Khasi Hills
college address map


St Anthonys College की प्रोफ़ाइल दुनिया भर में 6 स्थानों से देखी गई थी, हाल ही में Kolkata से।

  • पिछले 30 दिनों में 0 बार देखा गया है


St. Anthonyt'S College, Shillong Isunaided - Private Institute Located At Shillong Inmeghalaya . The Address Of The Institute Is Bomfyle Road, Shillong 793001 Meghalaya ,East Khasi Hills , Pincode793001 . It Operates Under The Parent Organization St. Anthony'S College, Shillong . The Institute Started Its First Course In 2007. St. Anthonyt'S College, Shillong Is Open For Both Men And Women. St. Anthonyt'S College, Shillong Is An Institute For Minority. The Head Of The Insititute Is Principal Br. Albert Longley , Having A Teaching Experience Of 17 Years And Research Experience Of 5 Years. Contact Details: Website: Www.Anthonys.Ac.In Email: Albertlongly(at)Gmail.Com Landline No: 364 - 2222558

Course Details:

Affiliating Body: North Eastern Hill University, Shillong Year Started: 2005
Shift: 1st Shift Accreditation Status: NOT APPLICABLE
Course Type: FULL TIME Course Mode: Regular
NRI Approved : NA PIO Approved: NA
Any Foreign Collaboration : NA Name of Foreign University: -
Annual Fees (15-16): ?25680 Course Duration: 3 years
Approved Intake (15-16): 30 Approved Intake (16-17): 30

Lab Details:

Sr No. Lab Name Programme Course Level of Course Major Equipments
1 SAC MCA LABS MCA MASTERS IN COMPUTER APPLICATIONS POST GRADUATE Computers, Servers, Projectors, Printers, Laptops, UPS, Furnitures, Softwares etc

Faculty Details:

Sr. No Name Gender Email Designation Level Specialization Date of Joining Appointment Type
1 Mr. BR. ALBERT LONGLEY Male albertlongly(at)gmail.com PRINCIPAL PG FICTION 01-Jan-13 Regular/Approved
2 Miss POLYNIA Varni KHARBULI Female polykharbuli(at)gmail.com ASST PROFESSOR PG NETWORKING 09-Jan-11 Regular
3 Mr. ANJAN DAS Male anjan_sh(at)rediffmail.com DIRECTOR PG DATA MINING 03-Aug-98 Regular/Approved
4 Mr. FR. JOBY JOSEPH Male jobymj(at)hotmail.com HEAD OF DEPT PG DATA STRUCTURE 01-Feb-08 Regular/Approved
5 Mr. FR. SAGI STEPHAN Male sagi.stephen(at)gmail.com ASST PROFESSOR PG NETWORKING 04-Jan-05 Regular/Approved
6 Mr. KESTERLEE Lamphrang SYIEMIONG Male kester_syiemion(at)yahoo.co.in ASST PROFESSOR PG PROGRAMMING 11-Aug-03 Regular/Approved
7 Mrs. MEDARI Janai THAM Female medari_tham(at)rediffmail.com ASST PROFESSOR PG OPERATING SYSTEMS 15-May-02 Regular/Approved
8 Ms. AIUSHA Vellintihun HUJON Female avhujon(at)rediffmail.com ASST PROFESSOR PG OPERATING SYSTEMS 23-Apr-01 Regular/Approved
9 Ms. IBANROILIN NONGRUM Female ibansh(at)gmail.com ASST PROFESSOR PG PROGRAMMING 19-May-08 Regular/Approved
10 Ms. PROBIDITA ROYCHOUCHURY Female probidita(at)rediffmail.com ASST PROFESSOR PG ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 12-Apr-01 Regular/Approved

Library Facilities:

Reading Hall Capacity: 120
Library Network: Inflibnet
No of Multimedia PCs: Y
Reprographic Availability: Y
Working Hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm

Library Books:

Sr No. Book Details
Programme: MCA
No of Titles: 39602
No of Volumes: 69515
No of National Journals: 38
No of Inter-National Journals: 13

Anti-Ragging Details:

Name of Committee Member: Mr. Obrien Shanpru
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Committee
Profession: Associate Professor
Associated With: St. Anthony's College
Date of Appointment: 10-Dec-12

Name of Committee Member: Dr. Anjan Das
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Squad
Profession: Director, Mca
Associated With: St. Anthony's College
Date of Appointment: 10-Dec-12

Name of Committee Member: Smt. Aiusha V. Hujon
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Squad
Profession: Asstt. Professor
Associated With: St. Anthony's College
Date of Appointment: 10-Dec-12

Name of Committee Member: Dr. Indira L. Singha
Committee Type: Anti-Ragging Squad
Profession: Asstt. Professor
Associated With: St. Anthony's College
Date of Appointment: 10-Dec-12

Student Count:
Sr. No. Course Programme Level Shift First Year Student Count(15-16)
सहायता आपका कॉलेज
  • नियोक्ता को प्रोत्साहित करें
    अपने परिसर में आने के लिए हजारों नियोक्ताओं को सूचित निर्णय लेने की अनुमति दें
    नियोक्ता को प्रोत्साहित करें
  • सहायता प्रवेश
    चलिए प्रवेश चाहने वालों को अपने कॉलेज और उसके छात्रों को पसंद करें और शामिल होने दें।
    सहायता प्रवेश
केवल संबंधित कॉलेज के छात्रों द्वारा जानकारी अपडेट