बारे में

The KC College of Management Studies is a top-rated business school located in the heart of Mumbai, India. The college offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs in business administration, finance, marketing, and other related fields. Graduates of KC College have gone on to successful careers in both the private and public sectors. The college enjoys an excellent reputation among employers and recruiters throughout India.

खास बातें

  • Excellence through responsible and socially conscious education.
  • College provides the ideal mix of curriculum delivered by faculty members with relevant industry.
  • KCCMS gives every single opportunity to their students to initiate industry specific seminars.

संपर्क विवरण

प्रवेश कक्ष
संपर्क व्यक्तिAdmission Cell
संपर्क संख्या7208548180
ईमेल kccms.admin gmail.com
सरकारी वेबसाइट http://www.kccms.org

प्लेसमेंट सेल

संपर्क व्यक्तिPlacement Cell
संपर्क संख्या2222826122
ईमेल kccms.admin gmail.com


  • इस कॉलेज के छात्र या संकाय जवाब देंगे


  • K C College of Management Studies Photos
  • K C College of Management Studies Photos


Piyush Valechha

Business analyst

  • experience
  • location
    Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • desiganation

    Business analyst at American Express Sep, 2018 To Present

  • study

    B.Sc-Bachelor of Science, CE-Computer Engineering

  • skills
    Web Developer, Core Java, Advance Java, HTML, Ajax, MS Office, Internet Expert, Analytical Ability, Quick Learner
B.Sc-Bachelor of Science
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Shubkirat Sidhu


  • experience
  • location
    Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • desiganation

    PERSONAL BANKER at hdfc bank Aug, 2016 To Present

  • study

    BFM-Bachleors in Financial Marketing, Commerce

  • skills
    Singing, Driving, Dancing, Basketball Player, Cricket
BFM-Bachleors in Financial Marketing
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


3rd Floor
Mahakavi Bhushan Marg
Behind Regal Cinema
college address map


K C College of Management Studies की प्रोफ़ाइल दुनिया भर में 2 स्थानों से देखी गई थी, हाल ही में San Jose से।

  • पिछले 30 दिनों में 0 बार देखा गया है
सहायता आपका कॉलेज
  • नियोक्ता को प्रोत्साहित करें
    अपने परिसर में आने के लिए हजारों नियोक्ताओं को सूचित निर्णय लेने की अनुमति दें
    नियोक्ता को प्रोत्साहित करें
  • सहायता प्रवेश
    चलिए प्रवेश चाहने वालों को अपने कॉलेज और उसके छात्रों को पसंद करें और शामिल होने दें।
    सहायता प्रवेश
केवल संबंधित कॉलेज के छात्रों द्वारा जानकारी अपडेट