How do I get an admission in DDYPSOE-Dr D Y Patil School of Engineering ?

What is the admission Criteria , the exams that i have to give & the Cut-offs ? are there any other special requirements for admission.If you could also tell me about the fee structure in this college. It will be big help ?

8 Answers
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8 Answers
  • There is for Engineering admission from cap through ,management quta.or on JEE marks.

    • 1)For admission to this college is through JEE marks(no matter how low it is).Yu can directly visit campus admission cell and ask for admission. 2)DY patil Knowledge city has 2 engineering institutions clubbed in one.DYPSOE and DYPSOET 3)DYPSOE tha is DY patil School of Engineering has fee structure 95k for admission to basic engineering Branches (Electronics,Computer,Mech,Civil) 4)DYPSOET that is DY patil school of engineering and technology has fee structure 80k (not sure but under 80k for sure). I already answered your Placement Question.

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