Top colleges for CCC
CCC or Course on Computer Concepts is a practical oriented course with 80 hours duration. The time period of 80 hours is divided into 3 parts consisting of 25 hours of theory session, 50 hours of practical knowledge and 5 hours of tutorial class. CCC is basically designed to impart the basic knowledge of IT and computer for common man. A Government of India initiative to motivate and develop the basis knowledge of IT sector in the youth to cope up with the growing technical industry. Many Universities and government institutes have come up to support this healthy start by offering the course in their campus for the eligible candidates. No particular educational qualification is required to pursue the course. Youth4work has created a network between students, alumni, faculty of institutes and the aspirants to inter-change information about the course and institutes which are offering the course of CCC. Youth4work has built a strong platform to bring about every institute under one roof which is offering CCC in the country.