Sai Tirumala NVR Engineering College, also known as STNVREC, is a place of learning. It was established in the year 2007.They are a college that helps students grow and learn about engineering and technology. This goal is to provide quality education and prepare our students for the future. They have dedicated teachers and modern facilities to support their learning. Theyfocus on practical knowledge and hands-on experience, so our students can excel in their careers. They value diversity and welcome students from different backgrounds. At STNVREC, they aim to create a positive and inspiring environment for all our students to achieve their dreams.

Key Highlights

  • The lush green pollution free beautiful campuses.
  • Highly experienced & skilled faculty members.
  • Offiline

Contact Details

Admission Cell
Contact PersonAdmission cell
Contact number9490759658
Email sunithakilaru rediffmail.com
Official Website http://www.saitirumalanvr.ac.in/

Placement Cell

Contact PersonPlacement Cell
Contact number9490759655
Email principalstirumala gmail.com


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  • Sai Tirumala NVR Engineering College Photos
  • Sai Tirumala NVR Engineering College Photos


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Sai Tirumala NVR Engineering College's profile had been viewed from 2 locations across the globe, Most recently from Dubai.

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